
Revealed: The antique circle exposed its own people to shock the collecting world!

In the process of visiting the Changsha antique collection market, the reporter met Lao Huang (pseudonym).

He claimed to be a "insider" who set up stalls and sold antiques, and talked about the doorway of cultural relics counterfeiting.

But he was reluctant to reveal his real name.

"Antiques are very low-key, afraid of getting into trouble." He told reporters,

The domestic cultural relics market has formed a "counterfeiting industry chain" integrating production and marketing.

Imitation factories and workshops of cultural relics in various places are responsible for production, and then through various channels, fake cultural relics are wholesaled to cultural relics dealers, and finally flow into the society through antique markets or cultural relics stores.

Revealed: The antique circle exposed its own people to shock the collecting world!

1, fraud: infinitely realistic, ordinary people are difficult to distinguish

Lao Huang told reporters in detail about the counterfeiting methods of the four types of collections that are currently sold on the market.

"These means of making counterfeits are now very mature, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between true and false."

Wood fraud: mostly old furniture modifications

For old furniture, Lao Huang said, "In general, changsha's old furniture is mostly old materials and new workers, and some are demolished in large quantities. ”

Lao Huang said that the most difficult identification is to "change the small with the big."

For example, the Eight-Sendai That was placed in the hall in the old days was twice the size of the Hexiantai.

But the price is less than half of the former, and some counterfeiters cut the table top of the Eight Immortals in half.

Put all four table legs under the other half and change them to a Hexiantai.

For example, the price of Hexiantai is about 10,000 yuan, and it can be worth about 25,000 yuan after modification.

There is also a method of counterfeiting is the "new and old collocation".

For example, a chair, the counterfeiter can take the chair apart, find new materials, and assemble two chairs with old materials.

Revealed: The antique circle exposed its own people to shock the collecting world!

Porcelain counterfeiting: old fragments are the most difficult to identify

Porcelain is also an antique with more counterfeiting.

"At present, there are more fake porcelain on the market in Changsha, such as Han pots, Tang Sancai and Ming and Qing porcelain." Lao Huang said,

Porcelain counterfeiting is easy, the first step is to make porcelain according to the ancient model, and the second step is to "make old".

Compared with the new and the old, "replenishment" is the most difficult to identify.

Counterfeiters go to ancient kilns or grave sites to collect a large number of "garbage" fragments and then piece them together into a complete forgery.

Even if the identification expert adopts an advanced multi-point sampling method, the results obtained are still "genuine".

Revealed: The antique circle exposed its own people to shock the collecting world!

Bronze fraud: making patina can sell for 100,000 yuan

According to Lao Huang, bronzeware, especially copper mirrors, may be the focus of antique counterfeiting in the future.

At present, there are also many fake bronzes in the Changsha market, many of which come from hubei.

"Bronze ware counterfeiting has a long history, such as the Xuande furnace, and there are very few authentic products that have survived, many of which are imitations of the Ming and Qing dynasties."

Initially, counterfeiters mixed chemical paint and gypsum powder into a color similar to that of copper mirrors.

Make various animals on the prime mirror, or glue the bad copper mirror,

Wrapped in a transparent film and polished with black shoe polish, it looks like a black lacquer back unearthed in the south.

Later, the counterfeiters filed the bad part of the copper mirror and changed it to a small copper mirror.

There are even some fraud masters who take off the rust on the old copper mirror and paste it on the newly made copper mirror, which can be completely faked.

Revealed: The antique circle exposed its own people to shock the collecting world!

Calligraphy and painting fake: one or two nights to make "famous" fine works

"These calligraphy and painting counterfeiters can be done by one person in the study at home." Lao Huang said,

"Now there are some counterfeiters in Changsha, who can often make a painting in one or two nights and sell it for thousands of yuan."

Painting and calligraphy are nothing more than four methods: imitation, imitation, and fabrication.

There are also methods such as transferring funds, adding funds, changing funds, moving inscriptions, turning mountains, piecing together hearts, and splitting long volumes.

For example, change the painting without a model to a painting with a model, and change the small famous artist to a large famous artist.

"Speaking of which, compared with other counterfeiters, calligraphy and painting counterfeiters still have some level, and their artistic talents are not low."

Lao Huang laughed and said, in general, all famous calligraphers and painters have their own style,

As long as there is a style, then there are traces to follow, you can learn the essence, to achieve the shape of god-

Revealed: The antique circle exposed its own people to shock the collecting world!

2, packaging: "stories", famous artists, publicity are also many

After the counterfeit is done, it must be packaged before the circulation and listing, in order to increase the value of the counterfeit.

In this link, "stories", appraisal of famous artists, newspapers and magazines are indispensable.

"Story" is called a gimmick in the circle, that is, to invent a bizarre story to a fake, increase the capacity of historical information it carries as a "cultural relic", and thus increase the value.

Lao Huang told reporters that even if it is genuine, sometimes in order to increase the value, it is necessary to learn to "tell stories".

With the story, there must also be the inscription and appraisal of the famous master.

If you spend money to ask the real master to do it, it will be more effective in the purpose of faking the truth.

At the same time, you can also engage in an activity such as a "seminar", so that the fake is affixed with the "IDENTITY card" of the real thing, and you can't say that it is the real thing.

At the same time, the propaganda work also began.

You can use magazines, newspapers and other publicity platforms to do it, and even produce newspapers and magazines of a certain media.

5 years ago, a friend brought an old art magazine from more than ten years ago to Show Lao Huang, and the cover of the magazine had two paintings, which he planned to auction off.

Lao Huang was not sure, because the painting was very poor, but because there was such a magazine, he did not say anything. “

I asked the editorial board of the magazine later, and the editorial board said they had never published the magazine. ”

Lao Huang said, "This fake magazine is so realistic that all the details are very similar, and it takes a lot of effort for the magazine to do this, but compared with the profit, it is still fraudulent." ”

Revealed: The antique circle exposed its own people to shock the collecting world!

3, sell fake: the most favorite "half a bucket of water" the most commonly used "singing double reed"

After so many means of counterfeiting, the general sales link as long as the price and sell on the line, naturally some people jump into the set trap.

Lao Huang told reporters that in the collection industry, collectors of "half a bucket of water" are best deceived.

Because he knows a little doorway and likes to see it for himself, but with his collection knowledge reserve, he can't jump out of the trap set by the counterfeiters.

For collectors who want to pick up leaks in the collection, the most commonly used trick is "singing double reeds".

Lao Huang told a true story to reporters.

He had a friend, Old Lee, who became obsessed with collecting after retirement.

When turning around the Tianxin Pavilion flea market, I met a person who claimed to be a collector, surnamed Cao, and heard that Old Li also loved to collect, so he took out a photo of a purple sand pot to show him.

"Do you have such a purple clay pot, if so, I will buy you at a high price."

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