
Pingtan Surge丨 Pacific Rim Spread! Let the world know about Pingtan

Pingtan Surge丨 Pacific Rim Spread! Let the world know about Pingtan

△ Video: The story of Pingtan and the Austronesian language family

On the 8th, the symposium on "Digital And Accurate Dissemination of Chinese Culture (2022)" and "Pacific Rim Dissemination of Austronesian Linguistic Cultural Heritage" was held at the Pingtan International Austronesian Archaeology Research Base, and the conference was conducted in the form of "online + offline". Hu Hao, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Fu Qisheng, deputy director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, director of the Fujian Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, and researcher, attended the meeting.

At the seminar site, the participating experts and scholars discussed the two themes of "Global Precision Dissemination of Chinese Culture" and "Spread of Austronesian Cultural Heritage around the Pacific" to jointly promote the research and protection of Austronesian linguistic cultural heritage. Among them, Tong Qingyan, professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, shared a speech entitled "Seeing Cultural Relics, Discovering Civilization - Chinese Culture Content Database (Fujian) and Report". She said that through the establishment of a cultural relics database, the masses can further clarify the context and trajectory of Chinese civilization, which is conducive to cultural relics entering the public's vision.

Pingtan Surge丨 Pacific Rim Spread! Let the world know about Pingtan

Presentations by experts at the seminar

It is understood that this seminar invites multidisciplinary experts and scholars to jointly carry out research and cooperation, and is committed to jointly disseminating the cultural essence in the field of archaeological research. Everyone said that the origin and development of the Austronesian language family is an important research topic in the international academic community, and it is necessary to find more powerful evidence to prove that the Fujian coast is the birthplace of the Austronesian language family, which has a far-reaching impact on the establishment of mutually beneficial and win-win friendly relations between China and the Pacific Rim countries.

"Through such research activities, the influence of the interpretation of Austronesian language culture is enhanced, which is of great significance for the people on both sides of the Straits to have a high degree of spiritual fit and strengthen their identification with Chinese culture." At the same time, building an academic platform for Austronesian language research to serve the spread of China's marine civilization and the national 'Belt and Road' initiative is an important starting point for us to establish friendly economic, trade and cultural exchanges with Pacific rim countries." Fan Xuechun, president and researcher of the Pingtan International Austronesian Language Research Institute, said.


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Produced 丨Pingtan Rong Media Center

Text 丨Sun Mengling

Picture 丨Jiang Xinheng

Responsible editor 丨 Lin Pankang Zhang Lisong

Editorial Board 丨 Yu Zhen

Editor-in-chief 丨Gao Fang

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