
Puyi went to get a haircut after he was released from prison, asked the barber a word, and the people present laughed

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Puyi went to get a haircut after he was released from prison, asked the barber a word, and the people present laughed

It was not until after the victory of the Xinhai Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen that Puyi announced his abdication, the Qing Dynasty fell, and the Republic of China was officially established. At that time, the Nanjing government believed that braids were a symbol of the Qing government and did not conform to the trend of the times, so they issued a document stipulating that people must cut their braids. (Note 1) At that time, intellectuals felt that cutting their hair was a great disrespect to their ancestors, and they were very resistant to cutting braids, especially the flag bearers in the Qing court.

Puyi went to get a haircut after he was released from prison, asked the barber a word, and the people present laughed

The Nationalist government has sent letters to the Imperial Interior Office many times, hoping that the people in the palace will also cut off their braids. Some miyagi people are forced to cut their braids when they go to the market to buy goods. However, the people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were still reluctant to cut off their braids, and even stipulated that people without braids could not enter the palace, so that those who were waiting in the palace were even more reluctant to cut off their braids. Although the Nationalist government repeatedly urged, the people in the Qing Palace still wore long braids. (Note 2)

Puyi went to get a haircut after he was released from prison, asked the barber a word, and the people present laughed

After a period of time, Puyi saw that his relatives living outside the palace had cut their braids and changed their clothes, and he was also very envious, and wanted to cut off the braids, but he was unexpectedly blocked by the same. Until he learned a lot of Western ideas through his contact with the "foreign teacher", he made up his mind to cut off the braids. Later, one day when Puyi shaved his head, he ordered the eunuch to cut off his braids, which frightened the eunuch. The eunuch still refused to cut him, frightening the eunuch to the point of trembling, and Puyi grabbed the scissors and cut off his own braids. At this time, Puyi can be regarded as a "modern person" who conforms to the trend.

Puyi went to get a haircut after he was released from prison, asked the barber a word, and the people present laughed

After the "Beijing Coup", Puyi fled the Forbidden City and defected to Japan in 1934, establishing a puppet state of Manchukuo in the northeast. At that time, Puyi, as an "emperor" and his own barber room and barber, also enjoyed the short-term glory and wealth he received after betraying the country. In 1945, Japan surrendered, and Puyi was captured by the Soviet Union on his way to Japan. Puyi was handed over to the Chinese government by the Soviet government five years after his imprisonment, along with other war criminals.

In 1959, Puyi received a notice - "Notice of Amnesty from the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China - 1959 Annual Pardon Zi No. 001". Puyi was pardoned by the government and has since been free.

Puyi went to get a haircut after he was released from prison, asked the barber a word, and the people present laughed

After his release from prison, Puyi felt very fresh about everything in the outside world, and many interesting stories happened. Once Puyi went to cut his hair, and after going to the barbershop, he just sat down and found that there was something on the chair next to him that he couldn't name, so he asked the barber for advice on what this whining thing was. The barber told him that it was a hair dryer, and Puyi was more confused when he heard it, so he then asked, "Blow the wind first or cut your hair first?" (Note 3), people around him were amused by him when they saw him ask such a serious question. It turned out that this was Puyi's first haircut after he was released from prison, or the first time he saw this kind of "fresh thing".

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