
Zhuge Liangcao borrowed arrows from the boat, why did Cao Cao not release the rocket? Lu Su: He was too shrewd and hid a plan

Whenever the story of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is mentioned, during the period of various plots make people relish, "Three Ying Battle Lü Bu", "Single Knife To the Meeting", "Tongue Battle Group Confucianism", have become very famous scenes, and as one of the protagonists, Zhuge Liang, whose wisdom is even more vividly described, not only strategizing, winning thousands of miles away, but also proficient in astronomical geography, becoming the key role in the victory of the Battle of Chibi.

Zhuge Liangcao borrowed arrows from the boat, why did Cao Cao not release the rocket? Lu Su: He was too shrewd and hid a plan

And today, we may as well analyze one of the well-known pictures: "grass boat borrowing arrows", Zhuge Liang, without spending money and grain, only used dozens of boats in the middle of the night, taking advantage of Cao Cao's suspicious personality, he easily defrauded 100,000 arrows from Cao Cao's water village for backup 1.

This makes people feel admired at the same time, but also deeply wondered, at that time Cao Cao chose to shoot arrows, is it the best choice?

Zhuge Liangcao borrowed arrows from the boat, why did Cao Cao not release the rocket? Lu Su: He was too shrewd and hid a plan

From Cao Cao's point of view, before that, Cao Cao had just lost a small battle on the river, and at the same time, he was designed by Zhou Yu to cut off the water army general Cai Mao Zhang Yun, which could only be used to replace it with forbidden people, and in the case of immature water army training, it was perfectly normal to avoid the enemy's attack and refuse to fight, and it was necessary to beware of sneak attacks on the other side.

Without knowing the enemy's strength, archery became a good method, but some people might mention why Cao Cao didn't use rockets. In fact, Lu Su, who was in the same boat, will tell you that fortunately, Zhuge Liang was too shrewd and actually hid a plan.

Zhuge Liangcao borrowed arrows from the boat, why did Cao Cao not release the rocket? Lu Su: He was too shrewd and hid a plan

First of all, to talk about the problem of whether the rocket is a problem, the earliest document in China to record the fire bow and arrow appeared during the confrontation between the Three Kingdoms in 228, when the Wei army Hao Zhao installed torches on the arrows fired and burned the cloud ladder of Zhuge Liang of the Shu kingdom to besiege the city, thus defending Chen Cang, thus achieving the purpose of arson.

On Kong Ming's ships, all they were flammable straw men, and a group of warships lined up and fired with rockets.

Zhuge Liangcao borrowed arrows from the boat, why did Cao Cao not release the rocket? Lu Su: He was too shrewd and hid a plan

If Cao Cao really did this, I am afraid that he would only win Kong Ming's heart, this is because, in the burning of Chibi, the Eastern Wu water army can be said to occupy the extreme in terms of heaven, place, and people, in order to obtain the final victory, and Huang Gai's bitter meat plan is a major contribution, but this also shows that the fire ship can only produce the greatest power if it is close to the enemy camp.

And Zhuge Liang's dozens of ships, in the case of being so close to Cao Jun's camp, once they were fired, the command ships directly rushed into Cao Cao's camp, so it was Cao Jun who was caught off guard.

Zhuge Liangcao borrowed arrows from the boat, why did Cao Cao not release the rocket? Lu Su: He was too shrewd and hid a plan

From the follow-up conversation between Cao Cao and Cheng Yu, it is not difficult to see that in fact, he was wary of fire attacks, but he only relaxed his vigilance in the absence of a southeast wind, and it is obvious that Cao Cao also thought of this step in front of him.

Of course, "straw boat borrowing arrows" is also a protagonist in the right history, in fact, Sun Quan, who came to see the Cao army camp on a big boat at that time, according to the "Wei Luo", said: "The minister's bow and crossbow are fired randomly, the arrows are on his ship, the ship is heavy and will be overturned, and the right reason will return to the ship, and the arrows will be received on one side, and the arrows will be flattened, but they will be returned." As for Zhuge Liang, he was not persecuted by Zhou Yu, and the two may not even have met each other, after all, Zhuge Liang returned to Xiakou overnight after convincing Eastern Wu to resist Cao, and Zhou Yu was still practicing water troops at Poyang Lake.

The author Luo Guanzhong processed it slightly, so there is a story of Zhuge Liang borrowing arrows, but this should still be an unrealistic thing in reality.

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