
Millions of Japanese people claim to be descendants of China and come to China to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, hoping that the motherland will accept them

China has long been ahead of the world in history, the so-called "Heavenly Dynasty" is not just talk, the influence of Chinese civilization radiates to the whole of East Asia, the world has heard of China's beautiful reputation, Europe was once popular "Chinese style", silk and ceramics from China are regarded as a symbol of honor, is only the emperor and nobles can enjoy the precious things.

Millions of Japanese people claim to be descendants of China and come to China to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, hoping that the motherland will accept them
Millions of Japanese people claim to be descendants of China and come to China to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, hoping that the motherland will accept them

Even ordinary items as long as the concept of "China" is added, it is also immediately worth a hundred times, that is still in distant Europe, and in the Asian countries adjacent to China, this respect for China, it is more obvious, such as South Korea, Japan and other countries, not only often send diplomatic envoys to China to study, but also vigorously promote the ideological and cultural system learned from China at home.

Millions of Japanese people claim to be descendants of China and come to China to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, hoping that the motherland will accept them

Especially Japan, it is precisely because they have studied our country many times in history, so they have many leaps and bounds in history, they are even more self-proclaimed as "Little China", the Japanese also have great respect for Chinese culture, and even after they carried out the Meiji Restoration, their old aristocratic class is still called "Chinese", mainly because China is also synonymous with nobility in Japan.

Millions of Japanese people claim to be descendants of China and come to China to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, hoping that the motherland will accept them

In history, the Japanese have come to China many times, and there are also some people in China who have gone to Japan, such as the more famous ones such as Jian Zhen Dongdu, the Tang Dynasty Master Jian Zhen set out to Japan many times in order to promote Buddhism, and finally brought advanced ideological and cultural knowledge, and now there are many Buddhist temples dedicated to Master Jian Zhen in Japan, but because of the identity of The Jian Zhen Master's family, he did not leave an heir in Japan.

In addition, there are many Chinese who go to Japan, they first went to Japan either to do business, or to avoid the pursuit of the imperial court, mainly because of the change of dynasty, so the subjects of the former dynasty began to go to the "barbaric land" to avoid disasters, or because they encountered bad weather such as sea storms, so they gradually stayed in Japan, and married and had children in the local area, gradually multiplied and grew, forming a group of Chinese in Japan.

Millions of Japanese people claim to be descendants of China and come to China to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, hoping that the motherland will accept them

The time of the japanese-Chinese ancestors' travel to Japan is not certain, some people moved to escape the war at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and some migrated during the Ming and Qing dynasties, which is also very difficult to truly and thoroughly examine the identity of their ancestors due to the long history.

However, in 1979, a Japanese named Menda Xiu came to China, he traveled all the way to Fujian, found the family where his ancestors were, and took out family trees and heirlooms and other relics, and told the deeds of his ancestors before they moved, so as to gain the recognition of his family, successfully "recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors", and joined the Chinese nationality.

Millions of Japanese people claim to be descendants of China and come to China to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, hoping that the motherland will accept them

At that time, the matter of Menda Xiu's recognition of ancestral ancestors was only a small-scale incident, and did not cause much impact, but in recent years, claiming to be of Chinese descent and asking to go to China to "recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors", the number of Japanese people who hoped that the motherland could accept them was more and more, and the number even reached an astonishing million, which also aroused the vigilance of the relevant departments, and after a detailed investigation, it was found that the reason for this abnormal event was born.

It turns out that Japan, as an island country, has always lacked resources, and volcanic earthquakes are frequent, and the Japanese people have some uneasiness in their hearts, especially in recent times, Japan's own economic development has slowed down, and the depths of the Sea of Japan have found sunk ancient ruins, these Japanese are afraid that they will one day be sunk to the bottom of the sea, so they come to China to climb relatives, the purpose is to hope to be able to get China's protection.

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