
If Zhang Fei had not died during the Northern Expedition and Zhuge Liang had asked him to guard the street pavilion, would Zhang Gao have been able to win?

If Zhang Fei had not died during the Northern Expedition and Zhuge Liang had asked him to guard the street pavilion, would Zhang Gao have been able to win?

Introduction: The Shu Han that Zhuge Liang took over was already in tatters, and after he took office, he quickly mediated with Eastern Wu, and the two families of Shu Wu allied again, and Shu Han also eliminated the pressure from Eastern Wu, and from then on he could cultivate and recuperate with peace of mind. During this period, Zhuge Liang vigorously developed the domestic economy, and at the same time implemented many policies to benefit the people, and under his operation, the people of Shu Han lived and worked in peace and contentment, and soon came out of the shadow of defeat. Zhuge Liang saw that the people's hearts had been decided, so he first suppressed the rebellion in Nanzhong, and soon after his triumphant return, he began the Northern Expedition, but because of Ma Mo's mistakes, he lost all the games, and since then he has lost the possibility of overturning.

If Zhang Fei had not died during the Northern Expedition and Zhuge Liang had asked him to guard the street pavilion, would Zhang Gao have been able to win?

The reason for Ma Mo's mistake was that he overestimated his own ability and underestimated the strength of the Wei army, and the street pavilion had a small hill, from which a condescending attack could take the lead, but this place was far from the water source and there was a risk of being cut off. Ma Mo believed that his 20,000 elite soldiers were enough to suppress the Wei army, so he did not listen to Wang Ping's persuasion and must take the Shu army up the mountain to camp. And Wei Guo Zhang Jaw was one of the "Five Sons of Liang Generals", who once used 5,000 cavalry to break Ma Chao's Western Liang Iron Horse, and after seeing Ma Mo make such a mistake as blind, he also unceremoniously taught Ma Mo to be a man. As a result, Zhang Jaw cut off Ma Chen's water source, and a few days later the Shu army lost its combat effectiveness due to lack of water, and this unit was completely annihilated by Zhang Gao.

If Zhang Fei had not died during the Northern Expedition and Zhuge Liang had asked him to guard the street pavilion, would Zhang Gao have been able to win?

Looking at this history now, netizens put forward such a hypothesis: If Zhang Fei was still alive at that time, could he guard the street kiosk? Xiao Bian believes that Zhang Fei will not only be able to hold on, but also completely annihilate Zhang Gao's army. Why?

In the history of Zheng, Zhang Fei and Zhang Gao had a total of two fights, the first of which was the Battle of Hanzhong. At that time, Xiahou Yuan was the commander of Cao Wei, Zhang Guo was the deputy commander, and Xiahou Yuan was sitting in Hanzhong as a defense, so he divided most of his troops to Zhang Gao. At this time, the main players on Liu Bei's side were Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong, who had already been sent to contain Xiahou Yuan's troops, and Liu Bei gave Zhang Fei the task of breaking Zhang Gao.

If Zhang Fei had not died during the Northern Expedition and Zhuge Liang had asked him to guard the street pavilion, would Zhang Gao have been able to win?

Zhang Fei was not ambiguous after receiving the order, he first dispatched a small group of troops to harass Zhang Gao day and night, and then pretended to attack with a large army. Every time Zhang Gao saw Zhang Fei's move like a bird of fright, after all, Zhang Fei was too impressed by him at The Dangyang Bridge, zhang Gao would organize the whole camp to resist the enemy every time, but he found Zhang Fei's way. Later, Zhang Gao's troops had become accustomed to it, they thought that Zhang Fei was bluffing again this time and did not resist, but this time Zhang Fei really attacked, the Wei army was unprepared and was actually killed by Zhang Fei, Zhang Gao still relied on his own soldiers to retrieve a life, and this battle also contributed to the victory of Liu Bei's Battle of Hanzhong.

If Zhang Fei had not died during the Northern Expedition and Zhuge Liang had asked him to guard the street pavilion, would Zhang Gao have been able to win?

Their second encounter was at the Battle of Langzhong, in which Liu Bei, after claiming the title of King of Hanzhong, handed over Hanzhong to Wei Yan to defend, and the more critical Langzhong to Zhang Fei. At that time, Zhang Gao was stationed in Longxi, which bordered Langzhong, and he always wanted revenge, so he led an army of 20,000 to attack Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei pretended not to be able to defeat Zhang Gao in advance, and led the Shu army to stand and retreat, and when the retreat reached the predetermined ambush circle, he suddenly counterattacked, and Zhang Gao's 30,000 troops were almost completely annihilated by Zhang Fei.

If Zhang Fei had not died during the Northern Expedition and Zhuge Liang had asked him to guard the street pavilion, would Zhang Gao have been able to win?


Conclusion: Judging from the two head-to-head duels between Zhang Fei and Zhang Gao, Zhang Gao was inferior to Zhang Fei in both wisdom and force. Moreover, when Zhang Fei was stationed at the Jieting Fortress, the order he received was to defend, and his troops were more than Zhang Gao's, and Zhang Gao could be said to have no chance. When the Shu Han had digested the Longxi area, they could plot against Xi liang, and with the blessing of Xi Liang's warhorses, they could drive straight into Chang'an, and the Shu Han would have the possibility of overturning.

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