
He was The first Harvard student in China, and he and his wife adopted a daughter, but the adopted daughter was pregnant with his child

Feelings of this kind of thing, sometimes very pure, sometimes because of some external reasons to change the nature, the matter we want to talk about today is about the love story of two people, the man is the first student in Chinese history to be admitted to Harvard, the woman is the late Qing Dynasty minister Li Hongzhang's niece granddaughter Li Guoqin.

He was The first Harvard student in China, and he and his wife adopted a daughter, but the adopted daughter was pregnant with his child

Li Guoqin lived a carefree life from childhood, and then his ancestors' inheritance, his father Li Jingfeng professionally became a businessman, so life has always been relatively rich, and at that time it was also a very prominent aristocratic family. As Li Guoqin grew up, when he reached the age of talking about marriage, Li Jingfeng thought of finding a satisfactory talent to be his son-in-law. So Zhang Fuyun, who returned from Harvard, was on his list of considerations.

He was The first Harvard student in China, and he and his wife adopted a daughter, but the adopted daughter was pregnant with his child

To say that Zhang Fuyun is really not simple, he was one of the first batch of students studying in the United States in the Qing Dynasty, and he was also admitted to the famous Harvard University in the United States in 1911, becoming the first student in Chinese history to be admitted to Harvard, so he is naturally very outstanding in terms of knowledge. Later, with the mediation of all parties, Zhang Fuyun and Li Guoqin soon got married.

Zhang Fuyun's family conditions are naturally incomparable to Li Guoqin's, but Li Guoqin is not disgusted, on the contrary, he also tries his best to be a virtuous wife, and the feelings between the two are gradually getting deeper and deeper. Not only that, in order to help Zhang Fuyun, Li Guoqin also used family channels to help Zhang Fuyun engage in business.

He was The first Harvard student in China, and he and his wife adopted a daughter, but the adopted daughter was pregnant with his child

According to this, Zhang Fuyun should be very fortunate to have such a wife, but as the marriage time became longer and longer, an embarrassing thing happened, that is, Li Guoqin did not conceive offspring for a long time, originally this was not a big deal, but in the era at that time, although Zhang Fuyun had advanced ideas and did not care about this matter, Zhang Fuyun's mother did not agree, and all day long she sneered at Li Guoqin, and also urged Zhang Fuyun to take a concubine and inherit the inheritance of the Zhang family.

He was The first Harvard student in China, and he and his wife adopted a daughter, but the adopted daughter was pregnant with his child

The husband and wife had no choice but to adopt a girl, which was to find a granddaughter for the old lady, but what Li Guoqin did not expect was. Within a few years, I don't know whether it was Zhang Fuyun's own behavior, or Zhang's mother instigated, the adopted daughter actually conceived Zhang Fuyun's child, which made Li Guoqin's three views completely collapse, and she resolutely chose to divorce, never got married again, and then chose to become a nun, so that a relationship ended in such a deformed form, and had to be lamented.

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