
"Celebrity History Encyclopedia" Founding Emperor on the Back of the Cow - Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty [Biography] [Historical Merits] [Famous Quotes] [Idioms and Allusions] [Character Legends] [Life Events] [Secret Anecdotes] [The Way of Health Care] [Celebrity Comments] [Historical Sites] [Historical Revelations]

author:Wolf Sword
"Celebrity History Encyclopedia" Founding Emperor on the Back of the Cow - Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty [Biography] [Historical Merits] [Famous Quotes] [Idioms and Allusions] [Character Legends] [Life Events] [Secret Anecdotes] [The Way of Health Care] [Celebrity Comments] [Historical Sites] [Historical Revelations]

<h1>【Celebrity Resume】</h1>

Liu Xiu (6–57 BC), courtesy name Wenshu, was a native of Caiyang, Nanyang (present-day southwest of Zaoyang County, Hubei), the founder of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and an outstanding politician, military figure, and commander.

<h1>[Historical merits].</h1>

After Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty, he politically reformed the official system, strengthened the supervision of officials, and strengthened his control over the army. Economically, it is necessary to practice the cultivation of land, lend public land to peasants for farming, advocate reclamation, develop tun fields, resettle displaced people, and provide relief to the poor. Ideologically, he advocated scripture and commended famous people. Because of all these measures, the society at that time was stable, production developed, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was able to prosper, known in history as "Guangwu Zhongxing".

<h1>【Famous words】</h1>

The world is undecided, and the two tigers have a private fight. - Zizhi Tongjian Hanji

In 26 AD, Liu Xiu's trusted generals attacked Zhaoling and Xinxi from the south and occupied both regions. Jia Fu's men killed people in Yingchuan, and Yingchuan Taishou Kou Ke captured him and imprisoned him. At that time, a new order was still being created, and the soldiers who violated the law were generally tolerant of each other, and Kou Ke put Jia Fu's subordinate to death in the downtown area. Jia Fu was ashamed of this, and when he returned to the army, he passed through Yingchuan and said to the people on the left and right: "I and Kou Ke are also generals, and I was framed by him, this time when I see Kou Ke, I must kill him with my own hands!" Kou Ke knew Jia Fu's plan and did not want to meet him. Gu Chong, the son of Kou Ke's sister, said, "I am a warrior who can wear a sword and wait next to me. In the event of a sudden event, it is enough to resist. Kou Ke said, "You can't do this, the reason why Lin Xiangru was humbled by incorruptibility as if he was not afraid of the King of Qin was for the sake of the country." So he told the counties to prepare a rich meal of wine and store spare syrup, and Jia Fu's army entered the territory of Yingchuan, and each person was provided with two meals. Kou Ke went out of the city to greet Jia Fu on the road, and claimed to be ill and returned to the city. Jia Fu led his army to chase after Kou Ke, and the officers and men were drunk, so they had to cross the border. Kou Ke sent Gu Chong to Luoyang to report the situation to the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu, who then recruited Kou Ke. When Kou Ke arrived in Luoyang, Liu Xiu received him; Jia Fuxian was present at the time and wanted to get up and avoid. Liu Xiu said: "The world has not yet been stable, how can the two tigers fight each other privately!" Today I mediate for both of you. So the two sat side by side, very happy, and then left the palace in the same car and became friends.

"The world is undecided, and the two tigers have a private fight" is the famous sentence in this story.

The nature of heaven and earth is precious. - Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Chronicle of the Guangwu Emperor

【Appreciation】 Man is the primate of all things and deserves the most humane treatment, which can be initially realized in today's society. But in the Western Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, it was possible to kill untouchables in the grass camp. However, when emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty arrived, the edict stipulated that the killing of slaves and wives should be punished. Liu Xiu's statement here that "the nature of heaven and earth is precious" reflects his application of the positive elements in ancient Chinese humanist thought to his rule, reflecting his humanistic thought. This measure at the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty greatly liberated the productive forces and promoted the development of social economy, which is invaluable.

It is advisable to be in the abyss, like walking on thin ice, trembling, and cautious day by day. - Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Chronicle of the Guangwu Emperor.

This sentence is an edict issued in the second year of Liu Xiu's claim to the throne, with the purpose of admonishing the meritorious servants who have made great contributions to his ascension to the throne to always maintain a cautious attitude. At that time, Sima Wuhan led the army to fight a big victory, and Liu Xiu was very happy, and in order to speed up the pace of unifying the whole country, he took this measure that was the most inspiring at that time. However, when Liu Xiu issued the certificate of conferment to the meritorious men, he did not forget to attach a warning order to them, reminding the meritorious men that they should be full of warmth and lust, seize the world easily, defend the world in difficulty, do not indulge in indulgence in a comfortable environment, and do not forget to prevent being punished by the law. In this way, Liu Xiu not only greatly stimulated the ambition of his subordinates to make meritorious achievements, but also cleverly set up a solid barrier for the regenerated Liu Han imperial family, which was very different from the results brought by Liu Bang's great feudal heroes for the princes in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty. "The way of heaven is jealous, and the personnel are afraid of fullness; the moon is profitable, and the blossom is grateful." Although these are out of the cycle of heavenly reason, they are actually the way to deal with the profit and loss of things. When the career reaches the halfway point, everything is in a state of vigorous progress, which is enough to taste the joy of success; when the career reaches its peak, it is necessary to treat people and things with the attitude of "approaching the abyss, like walking on thin ice", only in this way can we maintain the profit and guarantee the Thai and enjoy happiness forever.

Those who give up the near and seek the far will work and have no success; those who give up the near and seek the near will have an end. - The Book of the Later Han Dynasty

[Appreciation] This is Liu Xiu's criticism of some of the ministers who are fighting the main battle. In the twenty-eighth year of Jianwu, the Northern Xiongnu had a serious drought and locust plague, the grass and trees were exhausted, and the plague epidemic was added, and a large number of people died, and some people advocated taking advantage of the frequent famine and epidemic in the Northern Xiongnu to send troops to completely eliminate them. However, Liu Xiu believed that at the beginning of the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was necessary to rest and recuperate, and accept the attachment of the Northern Xiongnu, which would make the Southern Xiongnu centrifuge and conform to the current national conditions, and send troops to fight against the enemy, which was inexhaustible and unrealistic, and it was a futile practice of sacrificing one's roots and seeking the end, so it was useless to send troops. "Give up the near and seek the far, work hard and have no results" tells people that before doing anything, they must be careful and do not do something flashy or unrealistic, otherwise they will definitely pay a certain price.

Swift Wind Knows Grass. - The Book of the Later Han Dynasty

【Appreciation】 "Jincao" is the words of Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, praising Wang Ba's loyalty. When Wang Ba defected to Liu Xiu, dozens of his subordinates were willing to follow, and when Liu Xiu crossed the Yellow River to develop his forces, only Wang Ba was left alone, and Liu Xiu sighed deeply and said: "The wind knows the grass" to praise Wang Ba. It can be seen from this that only in times of crisis can we show whether people's will is strong, and whether people can stand the test at critical moments.

<h1>[Idiom allusions].</h1>

Anzhi is not a servant

Source: "Dongguan HanJi"

Interpretation: How do I know that the man who is the Son of Heaven is not me?

The Taiping Imperial Records volume 391 quotes the Records of the Eastern View of Han as saying: Guangwu Weishi and Deng Chenguan, Yun "Liu Xiudang as the Son of Heaven". Or the saying "GuoshiGong Liu Xiu deserves it". Guang Wu Yue: "An Zhi is not a servant"? Jianwu for three years, said that the old life was Xin Le. Chen Calmly said to the emperor: "The servant actually did it." The emperor laughed!

Appreciation: When Emperor Guangwu was still an ordinary citizen, he and his brother-in-law Deng Chen went to other people's homes as guests, when everyone saw the book of sayings: "Liu Xiu should be the son of heaven." Some people next to me said: The Liu Xiu mentioned in the Book of Sayings is definitely Liu Xiu, the Duke of Guoshi (Liu Xin, the Duke of Guoshi of the New Dynasty at that time, just happened to be renamed Liu Xiu). However, Liu Xiu (later Emperor Guangwu), who was present at the time, said, "How do you know that Liu Xiu, who wants to be a son of the day, is not referring to me?" The result caused the crowd to laugh! In the third year after Liu Xiu ascended the throne, he talked about the past with Deng Chen, and Deng Chen calmly said to Emperor Guangwu: "The servant actually did it", and Emperor Guangwu laughed after hearing it!

In Liu Xiu's laughter, he all reflected his pride at the realization of the wild words of "An Zhi Non-Servant" at that time.

Leave it alone

Source: "Later Han Shu Kui Huan Biography": "Emperor Ji ji was a soldier, and Gongsun Shu was far away from the frontier, but the generals said: 'And these two sons should be placed outside the ear of the degree.'" Gui Youguang's "Letter of Respect to the Prince" "Gains and losses have long been ignored" stems from this.

Interpretation: Outside the degree, it refers to the outside of the mind; it means not to be considered.

Appreciation: The first person to say this word was Liu Xiu, the Emperor of Han Guangwu. Why did Liu Xiu say this? This also starts with the situation at that time.

In June 25, Liu Xiu defeated Wang Mang's new dynasty, suppressed and incorporated the peasant rebels around Hebei and Shandong, and took the throne at Gaoyi, Hebei, and changed the name to Yuan Jianwu, which was Emperor Guangwu of Han. In October of the same year, he entered Luoyang and made Luoyang the capital, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was officially established.

However, at this time, Liu Xiu's Eastern Han dynasty was not "thriving", and the world was not truly unified, and many local forces occupied certain states and counties to fight against the Eastern Han Dynasty, and some, although they expressed their submission to the Eastern Han Dynasty, actually still retained their territory and were not willing. Like Liu Xiu, the separatist regime that called Wang and Emperor grasped a large number of them, and those peasant rebels who did not call Wang Emperor were like carp across the river, and Liu Xiu's Eastern Han regime was surrounded on all sides, but his strength was stronger.

The emperor can only have one, and Liu Xiu naturally will not let others sit on an equal footing with him. From the first year of Jianwu to the sixth year, he spent six years eliminating his opponents one by one, pacifying Liu Yong of Huaiyang, Zhang Bu of Qidi, Li Xian of Lujiang, Qin Feng of Nan County, and other separatist forces, and suppressing the peasant rebels such as the Chimei Army and the "Five Colonels" Department. At this point, the situation in Jianghuai and Shandong was basically unified, and only the two major warlords who still posed a threat to the Eastern Han regime were Kui Huan in Gansu and Gongsun Shu in Sichuan.

At that time, Kui Huan had ostensibly declared himself a vassal to Liu Xiu and sent his son to Luoyang as an official to show his submission. Gongsun Shu claimed to be the King of Shu, with hundreds of thousands of troops, occupying the mountains of Sichuan, with fertile land and strong troops. As for Liu Xiu, after 6 years of uninterrupted hard fighting, his troops need to take a good rest, and the people in the areas under his jurisdiction are unstable and also need to rest and recuperate. If you insist on fighting, the two places will have difficulty in transportation, and the fight will consume more resources, and the new regime may not be stable; if there is a rest, the other side will take the opportunity to ease up and increase the difficulty of destroying the enemy in the future.

Liu Xiu discussed this issue with his advisers and generals, and everyone's opinions were not unanimous. Weighing the two phases, Liu Xiu finally made a decision: "And when these two sons are placed in the outer ear." "Meaning, just leave these two people aside and leave them alone!"

Later, after resting, Liu Xiu finally sent troops, first eliminating Kui Huan, and then attacking Gongsun Shu's independent kingdom and achieving the great cause of reunification.

Push the heart to the stomach

Source: The original words in the Book of later Han and the Guangwu Emperor Benji are: "King Xiao pushed the red heart into the belly of the people, and Andrew did not repay death!" ”

Interpretation: Give your sincere heart to others. Parables treat people with sincerity.

Appreciation: In the last years of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped the government, causing great chaos in the world, and peasants everywhere revolted one after another. At the beginning of 23 AD, Liu Xuan was made the Son of Heaven, and Liu Xiu was appointed as a general. Wang Mang repeatedly sent troops to attack Liu Xuan. In these battles, Liu Xiu made many military achievements and was named "King of Xiao" by Liu Xuan. At the same time, Liu Xiu and another reckless hero, Wang Lang, also fought for many years in the cities of the Tuotuo River and Fuyang River in present-day south-central Hebei Province. There have been many victories. In the autumn of 24 AD, Liu Xiu led an army to attack the rebel army of Yu Wu (in present-day southeast of Shulu County, Hebei), and was greatly destroyed, and the marshal of the army was made a marquis. But the descender was not very reassured, worried about whether Liu Xiu was sincere. After Liu Xiu learned of this situation, in order to reassure him, he adopted the strategy of appeasement, and ordered each of the surrenderers to be under his command of his original soldiers and horses, and Liu Xiu himself rode lightly around the various departments without the slightest intention of guarding. In this way, the descendants all believed it to be true, and only listened to them often whispering together in pairs: "King Xiao pushed the red heart of the already, put it in the belly of others, what else are we worried about?" Don't you fight for him, contribute. ”

According to this history, later generations summarized the sentence "pushing the red heart into the belly of the person" as the idiom of "pushing the heart to the belly", which is a metaphor for the meaning of treating people with sincerity.

Where there's a will there's a way

Source: The Book of the Later Han Dynasty

Interpretation: The final victory shows that those who have lofty ideals have achieved things!

Appreciation: During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu sent the general Geng Ben to quell Zhang Bu's rebellion. Geng Hao accidentally hit an arrow in the battle, he suppressed the pain, gritted his teeth and insisted on fighting with wounds, and the soldiers were deeply inspired by his spirit and finally defeated Zhang Bu. Liu Xiu praised him: "The final victory shows that those who have lofty ideals can achieve things!" See Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Ming Lingyangchu's "The Surprise of the Second Moment Shooting" Volume II: "Zhou Lao's husband and wife saw a table of characters in their daughter-in-law, and their hearts were happy. Fang Xinguo was reluctant to marry his wife at first, after all, he found a good marriage, and the so-called aspirants could succeed. Qing Xuzhong's "The Strange Origin of Zhou Oak Garden": "Qian's talent is arrogant and vainly hopes to travel, and his ambition is firm, and his infatuation will eventually come to fruition, which can be described as a person with lofty ideals." Liu Xinwu's "Three-dimensional Cross Bridge": "Tell you, 'Those who have the will to succeed in everything' and 'Perseverance to the end is victory', these two maxims are the most psychic! ”

The family has a broom, and enjoys thousands of dollars

Source: Han Liuzhen's "Records of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Chronicle of the Guangwu Emperor"

Interpretation: After comparing one's own things, even if they are not good, they feel precious. Sometimes used for self-effacing.

Appreciation: During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Sima Wuhan and the general Cen Peng of Zhengnan attacked Gongsun Shu, who was proclaimed emperor in Chengdu, on the orders of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu. The Han army captured Chengdu after a deadly battle with Gongsun Shu, and Wu Han ordered the slaughter of the city. Liu Xiu told him that even broken brooms in ordinary people's homes are worth thousands of dollars, and if they seize their property, they will lose the hearts of the people. The Three Kingdoms Wei Cao Pi's Treatise on Classics: "The saying goes: 'The family has a broom, and enjoys a thousand gold', and si does not see the trouble of self-seeing." ”

<h1>【Character Legends】</h1>

Zao Wang and Liu Xiu

In order to avoid the interception of Wang Mang's pursuing soldiers, the young Liu Xiu, after several months of running, went through countless hardships, and was already as thin as a bone, and it was difficult to move. When he fled to the north of Qidi, he was dizzy and fell under a large jujube tree surrounded by chaotic trees. In his coma, he suddenly felt like he had entered a fairyland, only to see dozens of young girls dressed in red and green holding red umbrellas and smiling, gathering around him. At this time, the anti-soldiers and horses galloped by the tree. After a while, a kind old man walked slowly toward him, holding a wooden plate in both hands, and the plate contained red and lustrous gold dates. He smiled and said to Liu Xiu, "Just now my children saved you, you are lying next to me, do you know what place this is, what kind of person am I?" I tell you: This is the northern part of Qidi, less than 10Km from Magu Mountain. The old man also said: "My golden jujube is authentic, and what is placed in the wooden plate is my golden jujube, and after you eat it, you can not only quench your thirst and hunger, strengthen your muscles and bones, and get rid of all diseases, but also make you a fierce and auspicious person!" However, you must firmly remember that today is the autumn equinox, and only by the autumn equinox will my golden jujube ripen, which is the same as alchemy, and it will not work until the hour! The old man told the girls to retreat, and said, "Soon you will be able to sit firmly in the Han Dynasty, may you become a Dao Ming Jun after you ascend the throne and sit in the temple, and ask Long Live to maintain more protection for the descendants of the Golden Silk Jujube Sect!" "After saying that, I disappeared."

Liu Xiu woke up like a dream and saw himself lying under a large jujube tree, surrounded by small jujube trees that covered him from the wind. Beside him he saw a pile of red dates, and he picked them up and ate them, Ho! Sweet and delicious, fragrant! After a while, his spirit doubled, it was like the divine power of heavenly help, and not far away, he clearly saw the beautiful Magu Mountain.

In 25 AD, Emperor Liu Xiu of Han Guangwu really ascended the throne and sat in the palace. He did not forget the request of the jujube king, and really named the golden jujube as "immortal food, king of fruit". Every year during the autumn equinox or the Spring Festival, the golden silk jujubes around Magu Mountain are transported in batches to the capital or farther away. In the DPRK and China, hundreds of officials of the civil and military forces were entertained, and the golden silk jujube was placed on top of the hundred fruits; in exchanges with neighboring countries, the golden jujube was listed as the first of the gifts.

Since then, the whole country has taken the golden jujube as the best gift to give or entertain relatives and friends, and every New Year's Festival, the golden jujube is made into sticky cakes or rice dumplings to worship the ancestors and worship the gods.

The origin of leeks

It is said that later, in a major battle between Wang and Liu, Liu Xiu's troops were defeated, the army collapsed, and most of the officers and soldiers were killed and wounded, and they fled in all directions. Liu Xiu, who was fleeing, did not choose a path, but only cared about the horse running wildly, running for a day and a night, and came to a village, that is, Bozhou Nidian Village. Hungry and thirsty, he could not walk, so he climbed to a hut and knocked on the door to explain his intentions. The old man of the Xia clan, the owner of the Mao Nunnery, heard the sound and greeted each other, saw Liu Xiuyin's silver armor, and looked dignified, thinking that this person was extraordinary, so he helped Liu Xiu into the nunnery, but because the family was poor and there was little food and no vegetables, the old man Xia went to the nunnery to cut wild vegetables and cook liu Xiu to fill his hunger. Hungry Liu Xiu ate three bowls of wild vegetables in a row, Fang eased up, so he asked the old man what kind of dish such a delicious dish was, Xia Lao Han answered truthfully, Liu Xiu said that since it is a nameless wild vegetable, today it saved my life, let's call it "save the dish". Then Liu Xiu asked the old man's address and name, and after thanking him, he resigned. Later, Liu Xiu called the emperor, the world was too peaceful, one day he suddenly remembered the mud shop "save vegetables", so he ordered people to go to harvest, and ordered the imperial kitchen to fry and fry, thinking that the taste was more delicious, he sealed the old man of the Xia clan as "a hundred households", fiefs of thousands of acres, specially planted "save vegetables", sent to the imperial palace for consumption. Later, after repeated research by the imperial doctor, it was found that the mud shop "rescue dish" was rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients, and had a variety of effects such as clearing heat, detoxification, nourishing yin, aphrodisiac and enhancing appetite. After Liu Xiu learned that "save vegetables" has these nutrients and effects, he loves to eat leeks even more, because he feels that the "rescue" of "saving vegetables" is inappropriate as the name of the dish, and because "saving vegetables" is an herbaceous plant, he specially created a word "韮" for the "rescue" of "saving vegetables", so "saving vegetables" was renamed "韮 dish" ("韮" was simplified to "leeks" by posterity), and since then "mud shop leeks" have become the name of the imperial dish passed down to the world.

<h1>[Life Events].</h1>


Liu Xiu was originally a descendant of Emperor Jing of Han, but later the family fell in the middle of the road, Wang Mang usurped power, and their family's fiefdom was also cut, thus becoming an ordinary citizen. At the age of nine, Liu Xiu's parents died one after another, and Liu Xiu's brothers were raised by their uncle Liu Liang. Among the three brothers, Liu Xiu was the youngest, but he had a generous temperament, and after studying in Chang'an Taixue, he was more polite and polite. At home, he personally engaged in agricultural production, or sold grain, and did not seem to have any amazing interests and hobbies, and according to himself, his wish was "to be a eunuch as a king, and to marry a wife to be yin lihua", and that was it.

Many people think that this docile and kind person did not inherit the bloodline of the Liu family royal family, because he could not find much domineering in his body, let alone his ambition and ambition for the future. In fact, Liu Xiu's superiority is here. He did not do things quietly, did not attract attention, but protected himself, creating more opportunities to develop himself and restore the Liu family. In the complicated environment at that time, he knew that if he exposed himself too much, he could only become the target of others first, which was not a wise move.

Soon after Wang Mang usurped power, social turmoil and people's minds were full of people, so there were many large-scale peasant uprisings. In the intricate and chaotic world, some ambitious people began to appear on the scene, ready to establish a new order, so in this short period of time, many "emperors" and "kings" suddenly appeared. One of the most popular rumors at that time was that "Liu Xiu should be the son of heaven", which spread wildly, and surprisingly, many people believed in it. Even the famous scholar and Wang Mang's state teacher Liu Xin changed his name to "Liu Xiu" to "Ying Chen".

Once, Liu Xiu, Liu Ji's brothers, and brother-in-law Deng Chen went to a party at Cai Shaogong in Wancheng. Cai Shaogong was proficient in tujue, and in small talk he told everyone about this proverb. Someone asked, "It should be Liu Xiu, the current Guoshi Gong, right?" ”

Liu Xiu asked half-jokingly, "Oh, how do you know it's not me?" ”

People listened to Liu Xiu's "jokes" and laughed loudly, thinking that this honest person who usually said little and did not know the height of the sky was too thick. At that time, no one paid attention to his words, only thinking that it was just a joke or a boast, but Deng Chen was obsessed with it. Through his understanding of his brother-in-law, he believes that Liu Xiu is generous and tolerant, his ambitions are indeed extraordinary, and he will certainly be able to achieve a magnificent cause in the future.

After some time, at another gathering, Deng Chen took the opportunity to encourage Liu Xiu to say: "Wang Mang is rebellious and violent, and he will kill people in the middle of summer, which means that the time has come for heaven to destroy him." Aren't the sayings we hear in Wancheng supposed to be addressed to you? You should have planned for your career. Deng Chen thought that Liu Xiu would be inspired by himself, but Unexpectedly, Liu Xiu just smiled at him and did not say a word. In fact, Liu Xiu himself knew very well in his heart that it was not that he did not want to restore the Liu family's Jiangshan, but that the time was not up and he could not say it explicitly.

Li Tong, a native of Wancheng, came from a wealthy family, and his father, Li Shou, studied with the state teacher Liu Xin and was also proficient in the study of Tu Chen. Li Tong often heard his father mention the saying that "Liu's revival, Li's supplement", he felt that he should be on himself. Therefore, he gave up his official position as a county clerk and returned to his hometown, ready to look for an opportunity to soar. His cousin Li Yi proposed: "Now that the four sides are disturbed, the new Wang Mang regime is about to perish, and the Han Dynasty will certainly be able to recover." Among the Liu clans in Nanyang, only the Liu Bosheng brothers were generous and deeply favored by everyone, and I think we can plan big things with them. Li Tong felt that what he said was very reasonable, so he sent Li Yi to Wancheng to invite Liu Xiu.

On this day, Liu Xiu was invited to Li Tong's home, and the two of them talked about wine and talked happily, and they both felt that they hated each other and hated each other. Li Tong took the opportunity to tell Liu Xiu the proverb that "Liu Shi revived, Li Shi was supplemented" and advised him to achieve his career together and restore the Han Room. Unexpectedly, Liu Xiu listened to it still unhurriedly, with a look of indifference, he said that he did not dare to compare with the "Liu clan" in the appendix text, and also reminded Li Tong not to forget that his father Li Shou was still serving as Wang Mang's Zongqing master in Chang'an, and if Wang Mang knew about this, his father would certainly be doomed. However, Li Tong told him that he had sent someone to Chang'an to report the letter and let his father hide, and there was no problem in this regard.

After knowing these circumstances, Liu Xiu thought about it for a long time before agreeing to plot together and agreeing to take advantage of the good opportunity to rebel against recklessness. In this way, the Liu Xiu brothers raised the banner of righteousness and officially raised troops to restore the Han Room.

Disdainful of trickery

Most of the founding emperors of ancient China used deceit, which is the way of power change. Liu Xiu is obviously different from them. He rarely used deceit, and even if others gave him such a plan, he did not despise it.

Liu Xiu had done a lot of work on Kui Huan, who was dividing the northwest, and wanted to win his subordination. Kui Huan was also proficient in Confucianism, he was a corporal, and a large number of outstanding talents such as Ban Biao and Ma Yuan gathered around him, so his strength increased greatly, and he was in The Town of Kansai.

Deng Yu was ordered to advance westward, and was severely attacked at Tunyang, which caused Liu Xiu a headache. So he sent an envoy to persuade him to submit. Persuaded by some strategists, Kui Huan wrote a letter of submission. Therefore, Liu Xiu liked him more, sincerely wanted to win him over, so he treated him with special etiquette, wrote a reply to him as an equal, praised his merits, "King Wen has three points, especially serving Yin", comparing him to King Wen of Zhou, and comparing himself to a "horse lead knife" to show self-humility. One person can do this, which is not possible for ordinary people.

But Kui Huan did not buy Liu Xiu's account because of this, he still had luck and wanted to do a battle for deer. Therefore, while interacting with Liu Xiu, he also sent Ma Yuan to Gongsun Shu's office to investigate. After the inspection, Ma Yuan found that Gongsun Shu had no real name and was difficult to become a great instrument, so he returned: "The frog ears at the bottom of the Ziyang well are arrogant. "Persuade him to concentrate on making friends with Liu Xiu." So Kui Huan sent him to Liu Xiu to check on the virtual reality.

When Liu Xiu heard that Ma Yuan was coming, he immediately met him personally at His Highness Xuande, when he was dressed casually, personally got up to greet him, and smiled and said to Ma Yuan: "You are hovering between two people, and it is really shameful that I see you today!" ”

Ma Yuan also said humbly: "In today's society, not only the emperor chooses the minister, but the minister can also choose which emperor to assist." I am from the same county as Gongsun Shu, and I have been very good since I was a child. I have been to Shudi before, and I went to him before I came to you. Today I came from afar, how do you know that I am not here to assassinate you? Why am I unguarded and always have everything from Jane? ”

Liu Xiu heard this but laughed and said, "You are not an assassin, you are just a lobbyist." ”

Although it was the first time they met, Liu Xiu's grandeur and generosity still deeply touched Ma Yuan, and he said heartily: "The world is in turmoil, and the number of people who have embezzled the name of the Liu family to revolt is innumerable, and today I see Your Majesty's tolerance and generosity, exactly the same as Gao Zu in those days, I know that you are really a descendant of Gao Zu." ”

Liu Xiu was also very fond of Ma Yuan, so he asked him to follow him on his southern tour, and appointed him as a to be commanded, and also sent She zhijie to send him back.

After Ma Yuan returned, he reported to Kui Huan on his trip to Luoyang, and Kui Huan asked very carefully, and Ma Yuan said many details of Liu Xiu: "I just arrived at the imperial court, he personally received me, and every time he summoned me, he accompanied me from morning to night, he was wise, and he had courage and strategy, not ordinary people can eliminate it, in addition, he was very sincere, there was no harm to others, he was very open-minded and generous, and there were many similarities with Gao Zu at that time." He has read the history books, and his ability to argue about political affairs is unmatched by many people. ”

Kui Huan asked, "So who do you think he has a better chance of winning than Emperor Gao?" ”

Ma Yuan replied: "Emperor Gao is not as good as him, he can follow or not; and Liu Xiu not only values talents, the most rare thing is that he does not drink." ”

Kui Huan was very unhappy after hearing this, and said, "Then, as you said, if I start a war with him, I will undoubtedly lose?" ”

In fact, Ma Yuan's meaning is obvious, Liu Xiu is a very outstanding monarch and should be sincerely attached. Although Kui Huan was not convinced, he had no choice but to let his son Kui Ke go to Liu Xiu and let Ma Yuan accompany him.

Liu Xiu should be said to have done his best to Kui Huan, but with the development of the situation, Kui Huan was not dead hearted, and he also thought about the emperor's addiction and rebelled, so in the end even Ban Biao and Ma Yuan left him, and his defeat was actually expected.

Win more with less - the Battle of Kunyang

In 23 years, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xuan, commanded the jingzhou armies to besiege the city of Wancheng occupied by Wang Mangzhi's general Cen Peng, while the Han generals Wang Feng and Liu Xiu captured Kunyang, a military stronghold southeast of Luoyang. The new usurper Mang was horrified, and in March sent Sikong Wang Yi and Situ Wang to recruit soldiers from various states to recruit Liu Xuan, who had just ascended the throne.

Wang Yi and Wang Xun recruited 420,000 soldiers from all over Luoyang, and also recruited sixty-three people known as the "Ming Art of War" to accompany the army as military staff officers, with the giant giant as a lieutenant, and some tigers and leopards to help the army, claiming to be millions, mighty, and sending troops to Kunyang.

Kunyang is a strategic place in Henan, with Nantong Wan and North Luoyang passing through, which is a place where soldiers must fight. At this time, Liu Xuan led the Jingzhou armies to have not yet captured Wancheng, Wang Yi and Wang Xun could not rescue Wancheng, and jing first besieged Kunyang, on the one hand, because Kunyang was the gateway to the north of Wanzhi, on the other hand, Wang Yi and Wang Xun were proud of their many people, strong soldiers, and took a Kunyang, effortlessly. After capturing Kunyang, it is not too late to march to save Wanwan.

After the new army arrived in Kunyang, seeing that the Han soldiers were very strong in defense, the new general Yan You offered advice to Wang Yi and Wang Xun, and felt that it was better to save Wanwan first, and if it was broken, Kunyang would be an isolated city and would not be attacked and destroyed. Wang Yi said: "Today, millions of people will not be able to go down when they encounter the city, so they will not demonstrate." When the city is slaughtered first, the blood is flowing in, and the song is sung and then danced, will it not be fast! So with 420,000 troops, Kunyang was surrounded by dozens of weights, "hundreds of camps, and the sound of drums and drums was heard for tens of miles."

When the new army sent troops to Kunyang, Liu Xiu, a partial general under Wang Feng's account, found out the news, and Wang Feng rushed to lead his troops of less than 10,000 people to plan to prepare for the defense of the city, and then sent Liu Xiu, the Wuwei general Li Yi, and thirteen other people to fly out of the city and ask for reinforcements.

When Liu Xiu waited to leave the city, nearly 100,000 people under Wang Yi and Wang Xun had already arrived at the city, and Liu Xiu almost could not leave the city. Soon after Liu Xiu and the others left, Wang Yi and Wang Xun immediately surrounded Kunyang and began to attack the city, with some soldiers digging tunnels and some soldiers crashing into the city with rushing cars. The crossbowmen in the city fired thousands of arrows randomly, and the arrows fell like rain, and the Han soldiers guarding the city carried the door panels on their backs to prevent them from being injured by random arrows.

Later, Wang Feng saw that the enemy was very strong and difficult to resist, so he asked for surrender. Wang Xun and Wang Yi believed that the city was about to be destroyed, and refused Wang Feng's request to surrender, and Wang Feng had to lead the crowd to desperately refuse to defend.

At this time, the new general Cen Peng held out for several months, and when reinforcements did not arrive and food was cut off, the city was surrendered. Liu Xiu also summoned reinforcements from other places, and in early June, a soldier arrived in Kunyang, echoing the defenders of Wang Feng in the city.

After all, There were 420,000 Troops of Wang Yi and Wang Xunzhi, and the Han soldiers outside the city were only more than 20,000 people, and it was simply impossible to defeat hundreds of thousands of troops with a mere 20,000 people!

Liu Xiu, however, aimed at Wang Yi and Wang Xun's weaknesses. Wang Yi and Wang Xun not only did not understand the military, but were also arrogant and arrogant, and they were self-conscious. As the saying goes: "Proud soldiers will be defeated, and mourning soldiers will win." "Wang Yi and Wang Xun not only refused Yan You's advice to save Wancheng first, but also did not allow Yan You to deliberately let Wang Feng flee to disturb the suggestion of encircling the Wanhan army, and put hundreds of thousands of troops under the small city of Kunyang, which also showed that he was brave and unscrupulous.

The army commanded by mediocre and inferior generals must be a ragtag bunch. There is a characteristic of the rabble-rousers, that is, they see the advantages and rush up, and the unfavorable ones are scattered. Wang Yi and Wang Xun did not know the military, the imperial army could not, and their 420,000 troops were all summoned from various states and counties, often acting independently, so although their numbers were large, their combat effectiveness was not strong.

In order to disturb the hearts of the enemy's troops, Liu Xiuxian wrote a letter to Wang Feng in the city, which was called "Wanxia Soldiers Arriving", and sent messengers into the city. The messenger was indeed captured by the new army besieging Kunyang for dozens of weights, and the letters were also searched. The officers and men of the new army read the letter and mistakenly believed that Wancheng had fallen into the hands of the Han army and that the Han army had come to the rescue, and they were all panicked.

Liu Xiu immediately led more than a thousand soldiers to line up four or five miles away from the new army, and Li Yi and others led the remaining tens of thousands of people to follow Liu Xiu. The king saw that Han's reinforcements were only a thousand, and even light, so he sent thousands of new soldiers to fight. Liu Xiu took the lead and rushed into the enemy position as a pioneer, and when more than a thousand warriors saw Liu Xiu charging forward, their courage was suddenly doubled, and they also shouted to rush the enemy line and start a big battle with the new soldiers. The recruits saw that the Han soldiers were very strong and were defeated in an instant.

The Han general in the back was surprised to see that the young and gentle Liu Xiu was so brave and fearless, and said: "General Liu has seen small enemies in his life, and now he sees great enemies and bravery, which is even strange!" ”

Although the Han army was outnumbered, it won the initial battle, and the generals were suddenly bold and strong, and they all won ten in one place. Liu Xiu then selected three thousand brave martyrs from the army to form a death squad and crossed the water from the west of the city like a thunderbolt on a sunny day (this "water" was probably a river west of Kunyang City, shi wu mingzhai) and pounced on the enemy camp.

The reason why Liu Xiu chose to attack Wang Yi and Wang Xun's army from the west of the city was because Wang Yi and Wang Xun's headquarters were located here. "Capture the thief before capture the king", Liu Xiu believes that by surprise, he will attack the enemy's headquarters and kill the enemy's commander, so that the enemy will be leaderless and become a scattered sand, even if there are more people, there will be nothing to do. Even if the enemy's commander cannot be captured and killed, it can still make the enemy commander rush into battle and be unable to calmly command the actions of the whole army on the entire battlefield, thus reaping the effect of "making the enemy incompatible with each other, the multitude of the widows not being intimidated, the nobles not being able to save each other, the upper and lower levels not receiving each other, the pawns not being gathered, and the troops not being united."

Wang Yi and Wang Xun saw the Han soldiers coming to attack, although they were fierce, but the number was small, so they were competitive, and only led more than 10,000 guards responsible for defending their headquarters to meet the enemy, and also specially ordered the various armies not to come to support, with the intention of showing off their courage and showing off their martial skills. Wang Yi and Wang Xunzhi's arrogance and stupidity can be seen from this.

Liu Xiu's death squad crossed the water and fought, there were strong enemies in front of them, and there was no way back after them, all of them vowed to fight to the death, and in an instant, Wang Yi and Wang Xun's army was crushed, and Wang Xun was also killed by the Han army.

Wang Feng, in the city of Kunyang, saw that the reinforcements began to attack the enemy camp, the enemy headquarters was in chaos, and the new troops around them were confused and uneasy, so they took the opportunity to lead the 8,000 or 9,000 Han soldiers defending the city to kill and attack with more than 10,000 reinforcements outside the city. The new army was leaderless, and sure enough, they had no intention of fighting, and they fled each other. At this moment, 420,000 troops were in chaos at once, and without waiting for the Han army to come to fight and kill, that is, trampling on each other, killing and wounding countless people, they fled to the turbid river north of the city, lying down more than a hundred miles of corpses along the way.

At this time, there was a fierce storm, suddenly the sky was dark, the rain was pouring, the Wen river was flooding, and the new army that was fleeing north of the river was drowned countless times, and the corpses were accumulated in the river, and the water did not flow. Wang Yi and other defeated generals stepped on the corpses of the recruits before they crossed the river and escaped.

The Han soldiers cleaned up the battlefield and captured the weapons of the new army, which were invincible and had not been used up for several months. The Battle of Kunyang was a glorious example in the history of Chinese warfare in which the few won more and the weak defeated the strong. Liu Xiu's mere three thousand people had plunged Wang Mang's 420,000-strong army into a chaotic situation, which was a great miracle! After the war, Wang Yi fled back to Luoyang with only a few thousand men, and Wang Mang's new dynasty fell apart after the war and collapsed.

<h1>[Secret anecdotes].</h1>

Director of Nanyang Office in Beijing

Liu Xiu did not take classes in Taixue, just hit the bell under the name of Taixue, and in the third year of Taixue, Liu Xiu simply moved away from Taixue and rented into Shangguanli in Chang'an City. Shangguanli is located in the most prime area of Chang'an City, and the neighbors on the left and right are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries, but the purpose of Liu Xiu's rent here is not to show off his wealth and show off, but to receive the Nanyang Township Party.

Every year in the spring and autumn, the local dignitaries of sufficient rank in Nanyang will come to Chang'an in person to participate in the pilgrimage (the spring pilgrimage is "chao", and the autumn pilgrimage is "please"). In the territory of Nanyang, these people were all lords of the wind and rain, arrogant, and they thought they were irresistible, but when they arrived at Chang'an, the capital city where high-ranking officials gathered, no one bought their accounts at all, and these small officials from other counties had to whisper and look up to people's sniffles.

When they were confused and helpless, Liu Xiu stepped forward, not only providing them with accommodation, but also enthusiastically running, taking the initiative to help them unconnect and take the road. If it were in Nanyang, these high-ranking officials and nobles would not have taken care of Liu Xiu, an unknown junior, but when they arrived in Chang'an, people left their hometowns and were lowly, and it was not appropriate to hold a shelf, and when they met Liu Xiu, who came to the door, it was Ganlin who had been in drought for a long time. Moreover, Liu Xiu was familiar with Chang'an, which was half a snake on the ground, and the high-level officials could hand over the words, Sima Yanyou and The Lieutenant Colonel Chen Chong, Liu Xiu were very familiar with each other, as for wanting to entertain and entertain, drinking and prostitutes, Liu Xiu could still arrange it properly. You say, such a good place to accompany, where to find?

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, has become a secret known to the Nanyang officialdom. The adults of Nanyang, whenever they arrived in Chang'an, went straight to Liu Xiu. In this way, Liu Xiu's residence in Shangguanli became the Nanyang Guild Hall and became the Nanyang Office in Beijing, and Liu Xiu became the director of the Nanyang Office in Beijing. Giggling Liu Xiu heard what Liu Xiu had done, he beat his chest and said happily: "I raise guests, Sanlang raises officials, better than me!" Haha, better than me! Liu Xiu, who has been studying for the third year, is no longer the new student who was killed by a donkey but can only swallow his breath, and Liu Xiu at this time is no longer easy to live with.

Liu Xiu convinces people with virtue: "benevolence" for "people's hearts"

Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was shrewd in strategy and had both wisdom and courage. In the process of fighting for the world, Liu Xiu attaches great importance to the art of the Royal Heart, and many thorny problems can be easily resolved, and finally defeats all opponents and has the world.

In the third year of Jianwu (27 AD), Liu Xiu personally led a large army to Yiyang (宜陽, in modern Yiyang County, Henan), cutting off the retreat route of the Chimei army. The Red Brow Army had no choice but to surrender.

Liu Xiu's men, fearing another rebellion by the Chimei Army, said to Liu Xiu privately: "Your Majesty is kind to others, and only needs to appease the generals of the Chimei Army." As the leader of the enemy, Liu Penzi could not guarantee that he would not have two hearts, and this person must not be removed! ”

Liu Xiu said to his subordinates: "The righteousness of benevolence is all in the heart, and there is no deception in this way. If he does not treat him thinly, if he opposes him again, it is his own destruction; if he kills in treachery, it is the loss of decay, and he is different. ”

Liu Xiu rewarded Liu Penzi generously and made him the Langzhong of king Zhao.

Under Liu Xiu's governance, the chaotic situation in the world has gradually calmed down.

Visionaries will never be cruel in their actions, because they understand that the human heart can never be conquered by force, and convincing people is the real conquest. For any manager; convincing people is the key, not convincing people, and the order achieved by a tough system will continue to create crises of downfall. In the management of enterprises, although it is necessary to maintain the majesty of the system, it is also necessary to use benevolent means to buy people's hearts, otherwise, a group will soon be scattered and eventually fall apart.

Liu Xiu burned the letter

When Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, defeated Wang Lang, who had established himself as emperor, when counting the captured documents, the officials found a large number of letters, all of which were correspondence between officials who had smuggled Wang Lang and Wang Lang. Most of the letters were touting Wang Lang and attacking Liu Xiu, and there were thousands of letters. Some people were very angry and suggested that all these people be arrested and executed. When the people who had written to Wang Lang heard the news, they were all worried and very afraid.

When Liu Xiu learned of this, he immediately summoned hundreds of officials and threw the letters into the brazier in public and burned them. Liu Xiu said to everyone: "In the past, some people wrote letters to Wang Lang and did something wrong. But the matter is over, and I am not to blame. I hope that people who have done wrong things in the past will settle down and do their duty. ”

Liu Xiu's handling method made those who had fornicated with Wang Lang breathe a sigh of relief after they knew about it, and at the same time, they were grateful to Liu Xiu from the bottom of their hearts and willingly served him.

Liu Xiu treated the surrender army with sincerity

In the Battle of Kunyang, Liu Xiu defeated Wang Mang.

Because Liu Xiu had meritorious service in fighting, Liu Xuan made him a great general who broke the prisoners.

After Wang Mang's death, Liu Xiu captured Handan again and killed Wang Lang, who claimed to be the Son of Heaven.

Liu Xiu became more and more courageous in battle, and made great achievements in succession, and Liu Xuan naturally wanted to reward him heavily, so he made him the King of Xiao. Despite this, Liu Xiu still felt that the scourges in the north were rising one after another, and he could not enjoy peace, so he once again raised an army to attack Wang Mang's army.

In Wudi, Liu Xiu fought another victorious battle. Just as Wang Mang's army surrendered, Gao Hu and Chonglian's army came to the rescue from the southeast, but was also defeated by Liu Xiu.

After the war, Liu Xiu reorganized these defeated troops into his own army, and the original generals who led the troops were also given official positions. However, the officers and men who surrendered believed that they had been enemies of Liu Xiu in the past, and now they had become Liu Xiu's defeated generals, and they were afraid that they would be retaliated against in the future, so they were very uneasy in their hearts and panicked for a long time.

After Liu Xiu knew the thoughts of these officers and men, he asked these officers and men to return to their camps and command the original troops. In order to show that he did not hide his selfish intentions, Liu Xiu often went to the camps of those officers and soldiers alone to inspect, without any precautions.

The soldiers and officers who surrendered saw that Liu Xiu was not at all guarded, and had already regarded them as their own people, so they put down their hanging hearts, and they talked about them one after another in private, saying: "King Xiao treats us with sincerity and does not care about his previous accusations, how can we not fight for him to the death?" ”

After that, the people who surrendered were all satisfied with Liu Xiu. Treating each other with sincerity will eliminate the mustard between people. Liu Xiu is an example in this regard, he knows how to win people's hearts very well, so he has achieved great things in the future.

The eunuch is treated as a jinwu, and the wife is yin lihua

When it comes to Liu Xiu, there is a famous saying that must be mentioned, that is: "Shi Eunuch is regarded as a Jinwu, and when he marries a wife, he deserves Yin Lihua." In his lifetime, Liu Xiu has said many famous sayings and good sentences that have a deep impact on future generations, such as "those who have lofty ideals can accomplish things", etc., but they are not as good as this sentence for future generations to enjoy.

Zhi Jingo, tongjiuqing, was the supreme commander of the Northern Army guarding the Capital Division, especially the Imperial City. More generally speaking, it is basically similar to the commander of the central garrison in modern times. When Liu Xiu was studying in Chang'an, he saw That Jinwu hugging before and after his trip, and his glory was incomparable, so Liu Xiu sighed: "To be an official is to be an official like Zhi Jinwu, and to marry a wife is to marry a beauty like Yin Lihua." ”

Yin Lihua (4-64 AD), the second empress of Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was the famous Qi XiangGuan Zhong in the Spring and Autumn Period. Yin Lihua is known for her beauty in history. Shi Zai, when Liu Xiu was still a fallen royal family, he admired Yin Lihua's beauty very much, and could not help but sigh: "Marrying a wife should be Yin Lihua." After Liu Xiu became emperor, Yin Lihua became his favorite concubine and was favored by Emperor Guangwu. In the seventeenth year of Jianwu, the fifth year after Liu Xiu swept away the crowd and unified the world, Yin was crowned empress. In the seventh year of Yongping, Yin Lihua died, reigned for twenty-four years, and was buried with Liu Xiu in the original mausoleum, and the Eastern Han Dynasty monarchs gave her the title of "Empress Guanglie". Shi Zai: When Empress Yin reigned, she was dignified and virtuous, did not like to smile, and had the beauty of a mother. The empress is courteous and frugal on the inside, and suppresses the clan outside, and is a generation of virtuous queens.

Liu Xiu asked not to move the old classmates

Yan Guang, Zi Ling, a man in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, had a friendship with Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in his early years. After Liu Xiu became emperor, he hid his name and refused to reveal his identity. Liu Xiu knew that this person had moral integrity and talent, and he very much wanted to ask him to come out and help him govern the world, so he searched for him in portraits all over the country. One man reported to the court: "There was a man fishing in a sheepskin jacket, much like a picture of a man. Liu Xiu sent Hua Cha to ride horses and went three times before inviting him to Luoyang, the capital of Beijing. Liu Xiu let him live in the garrison barracks, and every day he was fed by the imperial cooks in the palace.

Hou Ba, who was serving as a high-ranking official in the imperial court at that time, was originally good friends with Yan Guang, and when he heard that he was coming, he sent someone to send a letter. The messenger said to Yan Guang: "The lord originally wanted to come to visit in person, but he was forced to do so because of his busy official duties, so please ask Mr. Li to go to the adult's place this evening to reminisce about the past." ”

Yan Guang sat on the bed and held his knees to read the letter, and asked the messenger: "Your master was a little confused, but now he is a high official, is it better than in the past?" ”

The messenger said, "We are not confused at all when we are in the position of the Third Duke." ”

Yan Guang sneered, "You said that he is not confused, and listening to the few words you just passed on for him, is it not a confused word?" I was invited by the Son of Heaven again and again, and I didn't even want to see the Son of Heaven, would I still go to see his minister? ”

The messenger asked him to write a reply, and he said, "I can't write with my hands, so I say you remember!" Then he dictated: "Junfang (Hou Bazi Junfang) is at his feet: the position is up to the three dukes, and he is very good." The son of heaven is welcomed by benevolence and righteousness, and the son of heaven is pleased with flattery, and he kills himself. ”

The messenger said, "Just a few words?" Too little, a few more! ”

Yan Guang said, "When you buy vegetables, do you want to add two more?" ”

Hou Ba received the letter and handed it to Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu smiled and said, "This fanatic is still the same as before." He saw that it was impossible to wait for Yan Guang to take the initiative to worship, so he condescended to the car and personally came to the building where Yan Guang lived. Knowing that Yan Guang was still lying on high, Liu Xiu came to Yan Guang's bedroom, stroked Yan Guang's belly, and said, "Ziling, Ziling, can't you help me to govern the country?" ”

Yan Guang still slept heavily, and did not pay attention to it, and after a long time he opened his eyes, carefully looked at Liu Xiu, and said: "Tang Yao, the sage of ancient times, said that he would give up the throne to Xu Chao's father, and Xu Chao's father felt that these words had defiled his ears and rushed to the river to wash his ears. People have their own aspirations, so why impose them on others? ”

Liu Xiu said, "Ziling, can't I convince you?" After saying that, he had to sigh and board the car and return.

Later, Liu Xiu put Yan Guang into the palace and shared the old friendship, which lasted for many days. Liu Xiu humbly asked Yan Guang, "Do you see that I am not different from the past?" Yan Guang replied unceremoniously, "Your Majesty has more problems than in the past." ”

Liu Xiu did not put the emperor's shelf on this old friend and slept with him. One day, while sleeping, Yan Guang actually pressed his feet to Liu Xiu's stomach. The ministers felt frightened and uneasy, but Liu Xiu didn't think anything of it, and said with a smile: "I'm just sleeping in the same bed with my old friends!" ”

Liu Xiu wanted to appoint Yan Guang as the counselor, but Yan Guang still did not agree, or left the Beijing Division and returned to his hometown of Fuchun Mountain to make a living from farming. Later, Liu Xiu came to recruit several times, and he resigned all of them, and finally came home at the age of eighty.

Yan Guang is a man of integrity, dares to defend his independent personality, and will never show a flattering attitude or do something condescending because he is facing a powerful person. His behavior and personality have been praised by posterity.

<h1>【The way of health】</h1>

Liu Xiu with fire shrimp duck eggs

There is a peculiar shrimp in TangqiaoDian in Henan's Yancheng County, with a red head and glowing at night, known locally as "fire shrimp". The duck eats this shrimp and lays eggs with a large thin skin. After being pickled, the egg is clean and white as jade, the yolk is purple and red like fine-grained cinnabar, and the egg oil beads are picked up and dripped down, which is delicious and delicious.

It is said that Liu Xiu, the Emperor of Han Guangwu, was forced by Wang Mang to pass by this place, eat fire shrimp and duck eggs, feel fragrant and soaked in the lungs, light and refreshing, and even claimed to be good, until he became emperor and still remembered. Later, the imperial doctor included it in the health diet. Since then, Tangqiao fire shrimp duck eggs have become famous.

Qing Guangxu's "Luyi County Chronicle" says: "Tangqiaodian duck yolk is mostly fat, salted, more beautiful than the southern Gaoyou Prefecture made, the natives call it Tang egg, his village imitation can not reach it." ”

Preparation: Select high-quality duck eggs and put them in the altar. Put the appropriate amount of ginger, star anise, peppercorns, etc. into the water and boil. After cooking out the aroma, add coarse salt, sugar, white wine, etc. After the brine has cooled completely, pour into the jar where the fresh duck eggs are placed, preferably before the egg noodles. Cover and seal the altar, store it for about 20 days before opening and eating.

Directions: 1 to 2 capsules daily with meals.

Effect: Egg yolk can also be medicated to treat dysentery and stomach pain.

Liu Xiu and the Eight Treasure Pear Jar

Babao pear pot is a traditional famous dish, and it is said that its origin is related to Liu Xiu.

In the last years of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu joined the rebel army and rebelled against Wang Mang. Because he was alone, he was often chased by pursuing soldiers and hid everywhere, which was called "Liu Xiu's departure from the country" in historical records.

Once in Jinzhou, Hebei Province, Liu Xiu lost a battle, and at the end of the road, a farmer sent duck pears to him. After eating, he grew his spirit and was able to escape. After becoming emperor, at the banquet celebrating victory, Liu Xiu remembered that the farmers of Jinzhou had sent ducks and pears to escape death; and he also thought of the 28 generals Deng Yu, Yao Qi, and Ma Wu... It was only after the Southern Expedition and the Northern War that the Great Cause of the Eastern Han Dynasty was founded. Sighing, he asked the chef to make a dish with duck pear as the main ingredient. The chef is a veteran who has followed Liu Xiu for many years, and he understands Liu Xiu's words, so he uses the eight treasure stuffing to make the filling, which means 28 generals, and creates the dish of the eight treasure pear jar. Later, the imperial doctor thought that it could moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, so he included it in the palace health recipe.

Preparation: 3 duck pears, orange cake, cinnamon balls, winter melon strips, red dates, hawthorn cake, green plum, glutinous rice, melon seeds, green and red silk, sugar, osmanthus sauce, cooked lard a little each.

Peel the pear; cut 1/4 of the pear head as a lid, remove the pear handle, dig out the pear core with a knife, the pear becomes a jar shape, and blanch it slightly with boiling water. Orange cake, cinnamon balls, winter melon strips, pitted dates, hawthorn cake and green plums are evenly cut into small cubes, blanched in boiling water, and mixed with steamed glutinous rice, sugar, osmanthus paste, melon seeds and cooked lard to form a filling. Put the filling into the jar, cover the lid, cut the green plum into pear handles, put it on the plate, steam it for a while, take it out, sprinkle it with green and red silk, add water, sugar and osmanthus sauce in the wok, boil it over high heat into juice, pour it on the pear and serve.

Directions: Consume daily as appropriate.

Effect: crisp and refreshing, sweet and delicious, can prevent heat, stimulate appetite, and has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and nourishing the face, coughing and phlegm.

<h1>[Celebrity Comments].</h1>

Cao Zijian: The Guangwu God was slightly calculating, born in Tianxin, so the drapery did not have what he thought, and the six qi did not have him, so they conspired to negotiate the same thing and become a king together. The Guangwu generals were not inferior to Han and Zhou, and the ministers were not inferior to Liang and Ping, and the original Guangwu strategy was far-reaching, with the clarity of Du Gradually Qutu; Emperor Gao was able to neglect, so Chen, Zhang, Han, and Zhou had scorched ears.

Wang Chuanshan: Guangwu won the world, and the higher emperor (referring to Liu Bang, the high emperor of the Western Han Dynasty) was particularly difficult! From the three generations (referring to the Xia, Shang, and Wednesday dynasties), Wei Guang Wu Yun crowned the Hundred Kings.

Wang Fuzhi: Guangwu won the world, and the higher emperor (referring to Liu Bang, the high emperor of the Western Han Dynasty) was particularly difficult! From the three generations (referring to the Xia, Shang, and Wednesday dynasties), Wei Guang Wu Yun crowned the Hundred Kings.

Sima Guang: Since the three generations (referring to the Xia, Shang, and Wednesday dynasties) have died, the beauty of weathering has not been as great as the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Liang Qichao: The Eastern Han Dynasty was still virtuous, revered and shameful, and the style was commonly known as the most beautiful, which was the most prosperous era of Confucianism.

<h1>【Historical Sites】</h1>

The original mausoleum of the Guangwu Emperor

"Celebrity History Encyclopedia" Founding Emperor on the Back of the Cow - Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty [Biography] [Historical Merits] [Famous Quotes] [Idioms and Allusions] [Character Legends] [Life Events] [Secret Anecdotes] [The Way of Health Care] [Celebrity Comments] [Historical Sites] [Historical Revelations]

Located 20 kilometers north of Luoyang City, Mengjin Baihe Township is divided into two parts: the cemetery and the Guangwu Ancestral Hall, covering a total area of 66,000 square meters. The tomb is located in the middle of the cemetery, 20 meters high and 500 meters circumference. There are also stone tablets carved in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties in the garden, nearly 1500 Sui and Tang cypress plants, cypress body apricot fragrance, commonly known as apricot cypress, is the only special tree species in China. Originally known as Yuan Ling, also known as Han Ling, commonly known as Liu Xiu Tomb. It is about 40 miles northeast of Luoyang City, bordered by the Mountains to the south and the Yellow River to the north. The tomb is tall, with a circumference of about 1400 meters and a height of about 20 meters. The cemetery is surrounded by a short wall, and more than a thousand ancient cypress plants are planted inside, which are vigorous and upright, lush and quiet. To the west of the cemetery is the Guangwu Ancestral Hall. There were originally 28 ancient cypress trees on the second side of the avenue in front of the Guangwu Hall, which is said to be the embodiment of the 28 generals of Yuntai, the founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The huge stele in front of the mausoleum was erected in the 56th year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1791) and inscribed with ten characters of "Tomb of emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty".

<h1>[Historical Revelation].</h1>

Liu Xiu employs people: take the length of people, avoid the shortness of people

People have their own strengths and weaknesses, and when employing people, we must do our best to avoid their weaknesses. Han Feizi said: If you let the rooster catch the mouse and let the tanuki cat report, there will be chaos. Only by understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the people employed and being able to use them rationally can we facilitate the smooth operation of the country and truly become the right and left arm of the monarch.

Insisting on employing people's strengths, everyone can use them and get what they want. Han Feizi vividly gave an example in the "Dingfa" that letting people who have made meritorious achievements because of their bravery and strength to take up official positions that require wisdom and leadership skills is tantamount to letting people who are good at killing the enemy and making meritorious contributions become doctors or craftsmen. This reminds us that people who are good at one aspect are not necessarily excellent in other aspects; people who are insufficient in one aspect may not have no merit in other aspects.

Han Feizi stressed: In selecting and appointing talented people, we should not seek complete blame, but should take advantage of their strengths. Han Feizi gave an example: Lu Aigong asked Confucius: I heard that the hammer is only one foot, is it credible? Confucius said: If you are a human being, how can you have only one foot? He is no different from others, but he is proficient in music. Yao said: It is enough for such a person to have one, so he was sent to be the official in charge of music, so the gentleman said: It is enough to have one, not only one foot.

As a leader, you must be good at discovering the strengths of your subordinates and your shortcomings. Knowing their strengths, referring to their weaknesses, trying to promote their strengths, trying to make up for their weaknesses, so that the elderly are longer, the shorter ones are gradually not shorter, and only when the subordinates in management can they get what they want, and only when they do their best can the organization be orderly and show vigorous vitality.

For example, one of the characteristics of Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor, was that he was good at promoting his strengths and avoiding his weaknesses. His men are fierce and have their own characteristics, but he can always know people well, use their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and use them properly. When pacifying the Sanfu region, the Great Situ Deng Yu was not capable enough to pacify. Liu Xiu took into account Feng Yi's characteristics, believing that he was good at commanding the army and paying attention to discipline, unlike other generals who liked to slaughter the city slightly, and could convince the people, so that they could smoothly pacify the area and be suitable for this task. So Liu Xiu sent him to conquest and rewarded him with a sword to make it easier for him to act. After several setbacks, Feng Yi successively commanded the Battle of Kundi and the Battle of Yiyang, and finally pacified Guanzhong. After the end of the war, Liu Xiu immediately issued an edict to comfort Feng Yi.

There is a famous saying in human resource management that there are no "mediocre people", only "mediocre management". Everyone always has strengths, and smart managers are good at finding valuable things from each ordinary employee, guiding and developing them. There are three levels of business managers, the first level is the businessman, who only does business; the second level is the entrepreneur, who owns an industry; the third level is the organizer, who is a strategist. The main talent of the organizer is to be good at placing everyone in the appropriate position.

The task of the manager is to use each person's strengths and use each person's strengths as building materials for common performance to build the building of the organization. Imagine which unit's performance is not the result of each member's use of their own strengths? Therefore, when using people, managers should first focus on people's strengths, find out what strengths this person has, and how to use his strengths.

However, many managers first focus on the shortcomings of people, this can not let him do, that can not let him do, and even think about it, this person can not do anything, become a "waste" person. If a manager cannot explore the strengths of employees and try to make them work, then he can only be affected by his shortcomings and be shadowed by his shortcomings. To use people from the shortcomings of people is to mislead people's future, and it can even be said to be "abusive" people. As for the shortcomings, they are all there, and leaders and managers must of course also see the shortcomings of their subordinates, and also try to help overcome them, try not to let the shortcomings affect the collective and others, and avoid damaging the performance of the organization. However, it is necessary to overcome the shortcomings under the premise of giving full play to the strengths, and cannot put the cart before the horse.

There is a practical example. A middle-aged intellectual, holding a small article published in a newspaper, introduced himself to Anhui Hefei Rongshida Electric Co., Ltd. to apply for a job. But this man has historically been in jail by mistake for some reason. Can this person be hired? There are different opinions. The company's leadership team found that this person had the advantage of being sociable and had the ability to work in writing, and after joint consultation, they tried to overcome public opinion and appointed him as the director of the company's office. In the past few years, he has completed various tasks well, and has published more than 100 articles in various newspapers and periodicals, making contributions to publicizing the company's image.

Facts have proved that man's strengths have been brought into play, and he is willing to accept criticism and overcome shortcomings. In this way, when selecting and employing people, we must attach great importance to people with special skills. The more outstanding the strengths, the more you can contribute.

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