
The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

author:Red Meal Network

Source: Red Food Network

Author: Yang is not

As the fastest growing catering format in recent years, the momentum of snacks has been quite gratifying, whether in first- and second-tier cities, or third- and fourth-tier cities, they have maintained a good development trend, and the speed of rise and upgrading is also very fast.

This year's market environment is relatively sluggish, but it has also risen some outstanding special categories, such as the recently exploded Taiwanese grilled sausages.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

In the past two years, thanks to the consumption upgrade of the whole society, the snack market has ushered in a highlight moment. Among them, convenient and fast, high-frequency just needed, cost-effective leisure snacks are booming, brine, pot helmets, pig's trotters, fried skewers and other explosive products are frequently produced, deeply loved by consumers.

Recently, the red food network (ID: hongcan18) visited the market and found that after the pot helmet, pig's trotter, brine, fried skewers and other categories, there is another street snack category that has become popular, it is Taiwanese grilled sausage.

In Shandong, Hebei, Jiangsu, Fujian and other major provinces and cities across the country, a large number of young consumers gathered together and lined up for more than half an hour or more, just to eat a Taiwanese grilled sausage.

At the same time, a number of brands that focus on Taiwanese grilled sausages have begun to appear in the market, which have independent stores, covering the gameplay and scenes of past street sausages, and are accelerating the race. Among them, there are even some cutting-edge snack brands that have a certain influence in the market, such as No. 1 Songhe Road.

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Why did Taiwanese grilled sausages become popular?


Although there are many opportunities for subdivision categories, how can a small grilled sausage set off such a big wave?

Red Food Network in-depth research believes that in addition to catching the "snack drink" outlet, there are three reasons behind the popularity of Taiwanese grilled sausages:

Delicious and healthy, redefining the real Taiwanese grilled sausage category

According to the red food network, the Taiwan grilled sausages that became popular this time are not the "grilled sausages" that are common in the traditional streets and alleys with automatic rolling electric ovens and one or two dollars a piece, but the Taiwanese grilled sausages that inherit the ancient Taiwanese method, are hand-baked, priced at about 10 yuan, and authentically.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

△ Hand-roasted Taiwanese sausage

In fact, the grilled sausage, which is familiar to the mainland catering market, is actually an imported product. It first originated in France in the 13th century, and then spread to the United States to evolve into a "hot dog", and began to be popular in Taiwan in the mid-20th century. It was not until the 1990s that it began to appear on the mainland market.

At that time, a large number of merchants, under the name of "Taiwan grilled sausages", bought semi-finished starch sausages from the frozen wholesale market, rolled and heated them with sausage machines, and sold them in the streets and alleys and various stores for one or two yuan.

However, it is regrettable that these popular cheap grilled sausages on the market are basically hanging sheep's heads to sell dog meat, whether it is appearance or taste, method or quality, which is very different from the real Taiwanese grilled sausages.

The relevant person in charge of Taiwan grilled sausage head player Songhe Road No. 1 told the red food network that the authentic Taiwan grilled sausage is not mixed with starch, does not use preservatives, and pours pure pork grinding into natural pig casings to make sausages, and then uses open flames from raw to cooked, the taste is tender and slightly sweet, the meat is full and elastic, and it is one of the most popular healthy leisure snacks in Taiwan.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

△ Real Taiwanese grilled sausages are made from pure pork

Branding operation, breaking the stereotype of street food

The impression of grilled sausages that were popular in the streets and alleys was mostly unbranded, unhealthy, unseasonable, hygienic and poor. Today, in the context of increasingly upgraded consumption and consumers generally pursuing "eat well", this kind of grilled sausage is gradually being abandoned by consumers.

The reason why Taiwanese grilled sausages can break through the stereotype of consumers on cheap grilled sausages is also related to its active iterative upgrading of itself under the trend of popularity.

First of all, the head player of Taiwanese grilled sausages, such as Songhe Road No. 1, has taken the lead in opening brand operations, with a distinct brand identity and independent stores, and even carried out chain operations. Under the strong impetus of these brands, consumers' awareness of authentic Taiwanese grilled sausages has become clearer and clearer, and market demand has expanded.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

△ Songhe Road No. 1 is one of the most recognizable brands

Secondly, most of the stores that specialize in grilled sausages have upgraded their environment and experience. Although many stores are not large, they are also very exquisitely decorated, the environment is bright and clean, and the low-end image of street food has been changed, creating a new consumer experience, category image and consumer cognition.

It represents taiwanese characteristics and satisfies consumers' yearning for Taiwan

Sharp-eyed people will find that Taiwanese grilled sausages and the popular chicken steaks, hand-grabbed cakes, hand-cranked teas, etc. in recent years have one thing in common: they all come from Taiwan.

Taiwanese snacks have always been "fragrant" in the mainland market, on the one hand, because of their richness and deliciousness, and on the other hand, because of the culture and feelings behind them.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

Due to some special historical factors, most of the mainland consumers' understanding of Taiwan in the early days only stayed on the popular Taiwan idol dramas, and the Taiwanese special snacks such as chicken steak, chicken fillet, and hand cakes shown in the drama also took the lead in becoming popular in the mainland.

Nowadays, with the progress of the times and the development of information technology, many consumers have been familiar with Taiwan's authentic snacks, many people have even personally tasted in Taiwan, and everyone's pursuit of Taiwanese snacks in addition to "delicious", but also pay more and more attention to the authentic and authentic taste. Therefore, a series of Taiwanese snacks such as authentic Taiwanese hand-cranked tea and Taiwanese grilled sausages have become popular.

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 20 square meters of grilled sausage shop annual income of millions?

From the perspective of mode and gameplay, Taiwanese grilled sausages are similar to other explosive specialty snack categories such as pot helmets and pig trotters, all of which are light input, low customer unit price, and "walking food".

Taking No. 1 Songhe Road as an example, it has opened 45 stores since its establishment 5 years ago, each of which covers an area of less than 20 square meters, no dine-in, the average unit price of customers is about 12 yuan, the average annual revenue of a single store has been maintained at about 2.5-3 million yuan, and the annual revenue of the Qingdao Taitung store with the best performance is even more than 6 million.

How exactly does it work?

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1 store only sells 1 product, taking the extreme single product route</h3>

Previously, Red Food Network has analyzed four common business models in the snack category, including the ultimate snack single product model, the snack collection store model, the "self-service snack + large single product" model and the "snack + other categories" model.

No. 1 Songhe Road takes the ultimate single product route, and all stores only sell 1 Taiwanese grilled sausage product and only one flavor, a total of 1 SKU. The relevant person in charge of Songhe Road No. 1 said that they have always adhered to the values of "extreme" and "simple", and it is the strategy and mission of Songhe Road No. 1 to focus on and focus on a Taiwan sausage.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

Because there is only one product, Songhe Road No. 1 can compress the area of the store within 20 square meters, the location is more flexible, and the personnel can be controlled at about 2-3 people, saving a lot of operating costs in today's increasingly high rent and labor.

In addition, the advantage of the ultimate single product is that it is more focused, more able to concentrate resources and strength to create a super explosive product with more quality, higher cost performance and stronger perception, helping the brand form an influence in the market, and the replication and expansion ability of the store is also stronger.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2 Hand-baked and sold, following the authentic secret recipes of Taiwan</h3>

Red Food Network has studied nearly 10,000 consumer reviews, and one of the basic consumer style portraits obtained is that in addition to basic deliciousness, consumers are increasingly pursuing authentic and authentic taste, especially in the fields of snacks, hot pots and major cuisines.

Judging from the reviews, the "authentic", "authentic" and "characteristic" in the eyes of consumers are usually associated with the three major elements of production technology, ingredients (including spices), and the identity of the boss, and the more "rooted and miaohong" the brand, the more popular it is.

The reason why No. 1 Songhe Road can attract consumers to willingly queue up in each store and become a holy place for Internet celebrities to punch cards is that its Taiwanese grilled sausages are strong taiwanese flavors in terms of raw materials, production processes and boss identity.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

According to the Red Food Network, Songhe Road No. 1 is actually the door number of the founder Zhang Chuan's alma mater - National Kaohsiung Hospitality University in Taiwan, during his studies in Taiwan, Zhang Chuan visited nearly 100 sausage masters to learn the ancient methods and secret recipes of Taiwanese grilled sausages.

For 5 years, Taiwanese sausages at No. 1 Songhe Road have been adhering to the use of freshly slaughtered pure pork hind leg meat, without adding any starch, using natural casings, and following the most authentic and traditional production methods of Taiwanese sausage masters.

In addition, at No. 1 Songhe Road, all Taiwanese grilled sausages are hand-roasted and sold in Taiwan, and each sausage has to be continuously flipped for about 30 minutes to ensure that the color, taste, and heat are the same as the authentic Taiwanese grilled sausages.

In terms of eating methods, it also specially follows the popular "sausage with garlic head" in Taiwan, and places peeled garlic head at the mouth for consumers to use.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3 customer unit price of 12 yuan, adhere to small profits but high sales</h3>

In terms of pricing strategy, Songhe Road No. 1 takes the traditional low-priced and affordable, small-profit high-selling route of snack category, even in today's soaring pork prices, the average unit price of stores is still 12 yuan.

The relevant person in charge of Songhe Road No. 1 revealed that the reason why it can maintain low prices and affordability for a long time is because Songhe Road No. 1 has already built a complete industrial chain.

The casual snack market broke out, and another special category became popular after the brine of the pot helmet pig's trotters

A few years ago, Songhe Road No. 1 established a wholly-owned food production plant in Shandong, a major pig breeding province, to ensure the long-term stable supply of pork ingredients and control the price within a reasonable range through large-scale procurement.

In addition, in terms of logistics and distribution, in order to ensure the freshness of meat ingredients, Songhe Road No. 1 adopts the way of cold chain transportation, which can be distributed as far as Sanya, Hainan.

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4 direct sales + franchise, walk on two legs</h3>

Unlike many snack brands that have expanded widely at the beginning, Songhe Road No. 1 has been established for 5 years, although the store queue is hot, it has always insisted on quality and not greedy quantity, and the store expansion has been smoothly rolled out in a direct way, exploring and improving the brand's business model step by step.

Until August this year, after 5 years of direct marketing exploration, Songhe Road No. 1 finally took a new step in brand expansion: opened a single store franchise, and provided franchisees with 8 major support covering technology, site selection, training, production, logistics, operation, opening, and brand level.

Its relevant person in charge told Red Food Network that the reason why it chose to walk on two legs at this time is because Songhe Road No. 1 has established a mature production, quality control and management system, and the time is ripe for expansion.

In the future, the directly operated stores at No. 1 Songhe Road will continue to explore the market in the front to enhance brand competitiveness, while franchise stores will use their own resource advantages to empower each other with direct stores in the local area to expand brand potential.

< h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > epilogue</h2>

In general, as an emerging snack category, Taiwan grilled sausages have a wide range of consumer acceptance, convenience and speed, high cost performance and strong local cultural characteristics, stepping on the rise of snacks, indeed have the genes of development and popularity.

For some small and medium-sized catering entrepreneurs, their low investment, high degree of standardization, and wide adaptation to the crowd are also a choice for snack entrepreneurship.

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