
Among the seven division commanders of the New Fourth Army, this person did not participate in the awarding of titles, but he was the largest in his lifetime, and he was at the level of the state

In 1937, with the outbreak of the Lugou Bridge Incident, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated for the second time, and the Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, while the guerrilla units of our army in the south were reorganized into the New Fourth Army, and its commander was Ye Ting, who was not a communist.

When the New Fourth Army was established, there were four detachments and a special service battalion, and the commanders from the first to the fourth detachment were Chen Yi, Zhang Dingcheng, Zhang Yunyi, and Gao Jingting.

In January 1941, the Kuomintang reactionaries launched the "Anhui Southern Incident", which caused more than 9,000 people of our New Fourth Army to be attacked, and finally only more than 2,000 people successfully broke through, and the commander Ye Ting was captured and the deputy commander was captured

Xiang Ying and Chief of Staff Zhou Zikun were killed by traitors after a successful breakthrough, and Yuan Guoping, director of the Political Department, was sacrificed.

Among the seven division commanders of the New Fourth Army, this person did not participate in the awarding of titles, but he was the largest in his lifetime, and he was at the level of the state

After the Anhui Incident, in order to persist in the War of Resistance, the Party Central Committee decided to reorganize the New Fourth Army, with Chen Yi as the acting commander, Liu Shaoqi as the political commissar, and Zhang Yunyi as the deputy commander.

Lai Chuanzhu was made chief of staff, and Deng Zihui was made director of the Political Department.

At this time, the development of the troops had far exceeded the beginning of the War of Resistance, and the New Fourth Army reorganized into a total of seven divisions and an independent brigade, with a total of about 90,000 people in the whole army.

The division commanders from the First Division to the Seventh Division were Su Yu, Zhang Yunyi, Huang Kecheng, Peng Xuefeng, Li Xiannian, Tan Zhenlin, and Zhang Dingcheng.

In 1955, when the title was conferred, Su Yu, Zhang Yunyi, and Huang Kecheng were all generals, Peng Xuefeng was sacrificed, Li Xiannian, Tan Zhenlin, and Zhang Dingcheng did not participate in the conferment of titles, but they were all in the list of pre-awarded generals.

Among the three people who did not participate in the awarding of the title, especially Li Xiannian's life was the largest, becoming the zhengguo level.

Born in 1909 in Huang'an, Hubei Province, Li Xiannian joined the local Red Army at the age of 19, after which he served successively

Secretary of the Gaoqiao District CPC Committee, commander of the Red Four Fronts Army, political commissar of the division, political commissar of the military and other positions.

Among the seven division commanders of the New Fourth Army, this person did not participate in the awarding of titles, but he was the largest in his lifetime, and he was at the level of the state

In October 1932, due to the failure of the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign in the Eyu-Anhui Soviet Region, the Red Fourth Front had to

With a strategic shift to the west, Li Xiannian led his troops to break through the siege and blockade of the Kuomintang army in the Zaoyang Xinji and Tuqiaopu areas, opening a passage for the whole army and ensuring the safety of the headquarters in a critical moment.

A year later, Li Xiannian was promoted to political commissar of the 30th Army, and under the guidance of Xu Xiangqian, Li Xiannian's military command level rose by a large margin.

In June 1935, the Red Army and the Red Fourth Front were in Sichuan

The first senior general of the Red Fourth Front to meet with the Central Red Army was Li Xiannian, and on June 16, Chairman Mao and the central leading comrades were present

Inside the Catholic church in a French-style building, they met Li Xiannian, the political commissar of the Red 30 Army, who greeted them there.

Chairman Mao shook Li Xiannian's hand and spoke highly of him: "The name is worthy of the word, and heroes are young people." ”

Subsequently, Li Xiannian addressed Chairman Mao

Detailed report on northwest Sichuan


and the Red Fourth Front


, for the Party Central Committee to determine the north

Strategic approach

Providing a basis, Chairman Mao extended cordial condolences to all the commanders and fighters of the Red Fourth Front, and at the same time fully affirmed the achievements of the Fourth Front.

In 1936, Li Xiannian participated in the West Road Army as the political commissar of the Red 30 Army, and the West Road Army failed, and Li Xiannian was defeated

He led the rest over the watershed of the Qilian Mountains, marched in the ice peaks and snow ridges for more than 20 days, and then passed through the desert


Arrived in Gansu at the end of April,


At the junction is the Star Gorge.

Among the seven division commanders of the New Fourth Army, this person did not participate in the awarding of titles, but he was the largest in his lifetime, and he was at the level of the state

Later, the central government sent Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan to meet him.

Back in Yan'an, Chairman Mao received Li Xiannian, Cheng Shicai, Li Zhuoran, and other leaders of the Western Route Army, and Chairman Mao said:

The Western Route Army was defeated, but the vast number of cadres and fighters of the Western Route Army were heroic and tenacious. They had no food to eat, no water to drink, no cotton clothes, no medicine, no bullets, but they insisted on fighting with large knives and spears against the enemy, and their sacrificial spirit was invaluable. ”

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tan Zheng, director of the Rear Political Department of the Red Army, approached Li Xiannian and asked him to serve as the battalion commander of the 129th Division, from military cadres to battalion commanders, Li Xiannian had no complaints.

In January 1939, Li Xiannian

Led a new fourth army Yu'e independent guerrilla brigade composed of more than 160 people from Henan's Zhugou town southward, to the outskirts of Wuhan, this team in accordance with the requirements of the party organization, extensive propaganda, in 1940, Li Xiannian led the troops were reorganized into the New Fourth Army Yu'e advance column, he served as the commander.

After that, Li Xiannian led his troops to resolutely resist the Japanese in the Ezhong area, and after the Anhui Incident in 1941, the New Fourth Army was reorganized, and Li Xiannian's troops were reorganized into the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army, and he served as the division commander.

Among the seven division commanders of the New Fourth Army, this person did not participate in the awarding of titles, but he was the largest in his lifetime, and he was at the level of the state

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Li Xiannian led his troops to repeatedly thwart the "encirclement and suppression" of the Japanese puppet army, and seized the key opportunity to launch an attack on the enemy, annihilating tens of thousands of enemy people.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a civil war was on the verge of breaking out, and Chiang Kai-shek decided to dispatch a large army to encircle and suppress the Liberated Areas of the Central Plains, and in June 1946, Chiang Kai-shek

Liu Zhi, director of the Zhengzhou Sui Prefecture, was ordered to take unified command of the Fifth Appeasement District and the Sixth Appeasement District of the Wuhan Camp, and according to the established plan, quickly annihilate Li Xiannian's troops in the Central Plains.

In this breakthrough, Li Xiannian and the rest of the leaders of the Central Plains Bureau successfully broke through and reduced casualties to a minimum, and as a result, the Central Plains breakthrough was highly praised by Chairman Mao.

Chairman Mao said: "

In the past three months, our Central Plains People's Liberation Army has overcome hardships and hardships with unparalleled perseverance, and in addition to transferring some of them to the old liberated areas, the main force has created two guerrilla base areas in the southern Shaanxi and western Hubei regions. In addition, there were troops in eastern and central Hubei who insisted on guerrilla warfare. These are enormous


It assisted the old Liberated Areas in combat and played a greater role in future long-term wars. ”

In May 1949, Li Xiannian came to Hubei to work as the secretary of the provincial party committee.

Commander and political commissar of the Provincial Military District, presided over the overall work of the party, government and army in Hubei, and in 1954, Li Xiannian came to the central government to work, and successively served as vice premier and concurrently of the State Council

The post of Minister of Finance.

Among the seven division commanders of the New Fourth Army, this person did not participate in the awarding of titles, but he was the largest in his lifetime, and he was at the level of the state

When the title was awarded in 1955, he was no longer in the army because he did not participate in the award.

Since then, Li Xiannian has served as a member of the Politburo.

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, Li Xiannian successively served as a member of the Standing Committee and vice chairman of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and became a leader at the level of the state.

In 1992, Li Xiannian completed his legendary life at the age of 83.

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