
James changed not only basketball, but also the basketball league: let basketball change from barbarism to civilization!

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James changed not only basketball, but also the basketball league: let basketball change from barbarism to civilization!

According to a january 7 report, NBA veteran Harrington recently participated in a show that compared the differences between James and Jordan in the basketball era they ruled. Harrington said: When Jordan debuted, the league played with hostility, the opponents would not joke, and they would not play together in the offseason. Players of that era wouldn't go to nightclubs together because they didn't want to have a good relationship, and to play was to fight.

What about James? Harrington said: "In the era of James' rule, everyone can be a brother, all players are his little brothers, all players. I ask you: What other star can have this treatment? That's right, that's the difference between James and Jordan — Jordan plays with hostility, and James makes playing basketball more civilized, which is a great sign.

As we all know, James is the closest and only thing that could surpass Jordan's single all-time second. James, along with Jordan and O'Neal, is also recognized as the three players in history who have changed basketball the most. Jordan redefined basketball, O'Neal was the most dominant player of all time, and James raised the all-around ceiling for basketball players to unprecedented heights.

But from Harrington's words, it can be seen that James not only changed the game of basketball, but also changed the basketball league, and he made basketball change from barbarism to civilization! You know, playing with hatred is a bad habit of the last century, and it doesn't deserve any publicity. Basketball is determined by skill and ability, otherwise Green, Pachulia and Bowen could all be the first people in the league. Jordan was also struck by Jordan's rules, and it wasn't until David Stern decided to protect Jordan that Jordan was finally able to defeat Thomas and the Pistons.

No movement would encourage barbarism, look at Maradona. Maradona was easily offended because he was too strong, and he was injured for a long time, which is why the opponent played with hatred. If Jordan's time was worth advocating, Maradona estimated that he was going to beat people. The real game should not be played with hatred, playing like a war, what a system! Anyone who promotes the barbaric basketball of the last century does not understand the ball, is disrespectful to basketball players, and indirectly encourages players such as Green, Bowen and Pachuria.

In James's time, playing was civilized, and this is what basketball should look like. Although Harrington's men spoke as if James had single-handedly changed the barbaric habits of Jordan's time, the credit was not limited to James. As early as the 1960s, Russell had been advocating civilization. The friendship between the magician and Bird beyond the feuds of the giants is also a very good example. In the new century, it is James who dominates. So, James deserves praise in this regard, he made the sport of basketball, from Jordan's brutal basketball in the last century, to a very civilized, which is very beneficial to players like Curry who are physically less talented than the super average. After all, if opponents target Curry like James and Jordan, Curry will be very vulnerable. Times are getting better, thanks indeed to James.

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