
Dream basketball NBA history 75 years corresponding to 75 big stars, this ranking is really the answer to basketball?

In 75 years, basketball drifted in the axis of time, although there was a beginning, but there was no end.

Basketball can't get rid of time, and it can't break free from fate. Countless basketball players can endow them with rainbow-like dreams. Countless times redefined, countless times in people's hearts. People like its meaning, and they love its struggle even more.

Dream basketball NBA history 75 years corresponding to 75 big stars, this ranking is really the answer to basketball?

Up to now, what boy has not made a dream-like movement in his dream, putting the basketball into the basket.

All of this is the result of the leaps and falls of those great athletes.

Basketball, the athlete is the fundamental.

A list of 75 players in NBA history was jointly selected by 15 reporters and editors from sports media Outlet The Athletic.

The rankings actually look very reasonable, not much different from what fans expected. However, whether it is fans or the media, in fact, they cannot feel the true value of these stars.

Dream basketball NBA history 75 years corresponding to 75 big stars, this ranking is really the answer to basketball?

Therefore, in addition to satisfying the curiosity of fans, the actual value of the ranking is not very large. The problem is that people like rankings, and even jin Yong's characters in different novels have to rank high and low, not to mention this basketball game.

Personally, I think that the only players who can really evaluate these super giants are the players of their time. But due to age constraints, real rankings simply could not be born.

1. Michael Jordan

12 votes 1, 3 votes 2.

2. LeBron James

3 votes 1, 8 votes 2, 3 votes 3, 1 vote 5.

3. Karim Abdul-Jabbar

4 votes 2, 10 votes 3, 1 vote 6.

4. Bill Russell

1 vote 3, 8 votes 4, 4 votes 5, 2 votes 6.

5. John the Magician

1 vote 3, 4 votes 4, 2 votes 5, 4 votes 6, 3 votes 7, 1 vote 8.

6. Wilt-Chamberlain

3 votes 4, 5 votes 5, 2 votes 6, 2 votes 7, 2 votes 9, 1 vote 11.

7. Larry Bird

3 votes 7, 6 votes 8, 4 votes 9, 2 votes 10.

8. Shaquil-O'Neill

2 votes 5, 1 vote 6, 2 votes 7, 2 votes 8, 2 votes 9, 2 votes 10, 2 votes 11, 1 vote 12, 1 vote 13.

9. Tim Duncan

1 vote 5, 2 votes 6, 1 vote 7, 3 votes 8, 3 votes 9, 2 votes 10, 1 vote 12, 2 votes 13.

10. Kobe Bryant

2 votes 6, 2 votes 7, 2 votes 8, 3 votes 9, 2 votes 10, 1 vote 11, 2 votes 12, 1 vote 13.

Dream basketball NBA history 75 years corresponding to 75 big stars, this ranking is really the answer to basketball?

This year's All-Star started in the hustle and bustle, but instead took a quiet process, two days, in addition to James's inappropriate remarks and Towns's promotion to the three-point king as a center, the tastelessness of which went straight to the bone marrow.

Those stars with very different personalities, brilliant and diverse playing styles, seem to be gradually escaping from our sight. The main game is about to start, and I don't know if I can find the basketball of my dreams.

The NBA has a history of 75 years, and the ink painting is classical to the brilliance of oil paint, can it still withstand the modern graffiti basketball?

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