
Everyone retreated, but the four small soldiers insisted on not leaving, hungry and desperate with the Japanese soldiers!

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

After the Lugou Bridge Incident in July 1937, in early August, the Chinese 29th Army launched an attack on the Japanese forces in Tianjin.

The Seventh Spinning Mill of the Gongda, run by Japanese businessmen, was a military base for the Japanese army. On the evening of August 2, the 29th Army security team broke through the gap in the west wall of the factory and entered the factory.

Everyone retreated, but the four small soldiers insisted on not leaving, hungry and desperate with the Japanese soldiers!

The security team of more than a hundred people, after entering the factory, immediately divided into three roads: the first road first occupied the generator room and the water tower, which is the highest point of the whole plant, is a commanding height; the second road captured the Japanese office; the third road to the gate to attack the Japanese troops in the factory.

As soon as the battle began, the Japanese rushed in for reinforcements.

After the security team killed more than a dozen Japanese, because the bullets they were carrying were almost used, they did not receive them and had to temporarily retreat to the factory area. The Japanese soldiers in the workshop shot outward with short guns, and the Japanese soldiers outside hit inwards with long guns, and they were attacked from the inside and outside.

By the evening of the battle, the bullets carried by the security team were running out, and they had not eaten or drunk water for a day, but their courage against the enemy had not diminished. The second half of the night. Other units of the 29th Army blew up the assembly number outside the factory.

This is a signal of retreat.

The security guards then retreated from the West Wall. The Japanese troops lurking near the Western Wall immediately strafed with machine guns, and many people were killed or injured. There were four warriors who insisted on the top of the water tower, but they insisted on not leaving.

Why didn't they retreat?

Because they thought that reinforcements would definitely come in again, they refused to give up the commanding heights of the water tower.

Everyone retreated, but the four small soldiers insisted on not leaving, hungry and desperate with the Japanese soldiers!

They held out until noon on the third day, looked around, and there were Japanese sun flags everywhere, and knowing that reinforcements were hopeless, they walked down the tower with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

The Japanese surrounded them. They fought white-knife battles with Japanese soldiers under the tower.

The assassination techniques of these brave men were very skilled. Although they had not eaten for two days and were hungry, they were still very energetic when fighting with the Japanese bayonet. They saw that there were many Japanese soldiers, knew that they could not survive, and fought with all their strength to fight the enemy soldiers, stabbing six Japanese soldiers to death on the spot.

In the end, they ran out of strength, three were killed on the spot, and one was captured.

Everyone retreated, but the four small soldiers insisted on not leaving, hungry and desperate with the Japanese soldiers!

The captured soldiers were interrogated by a Japanese warrant officer, and the interpreter was interpreted by a workshop in the mill.

The warrant officer asked, "Most of your men have been killed, the rest have run away, you have been captured alone, why are you still so hard, are you not afraid of death?" ”

The warrior replied, "Chinese has a backbone!" You are robbers, is a soldier afraid of robbers? Kill as you please! ”

The Japanese warrant officer had nothing to say, pondered for a moment, waved his hand and said, "Kill." ”

A gunshot rang out, and the brave man was also killed.

In the battle of the Seventh Spinning Mill of the Grand Prix, more than a hundred security troops of the 29th Army, a total of 68 people were killed.

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