
How shameful is the "shame of Jingkang" at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty?

In the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song, the imperial court was corrupt, the world was in chaos, and peasant revolts continued everywhere. Although peasant uprisings were suppressed again and again, there were many contradictions in the Northern Song Dynasty. After the Jurchens in the north established the Jin Dynasty, they continued to move south, posing a serious threat to the Northern Song dynasty. Due to the decay of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jin launched two wars against the Song, and in the second war against the Song, the Jin besieged the northern Song city of Kaifeng. After breaching the outer city of Kaifeng, the Jin people only besieged the city but did not attack the city, and threw out the guise of negotiating peace and withdrawing troops as bait. Song Qinzong and others believed it to be true and wanted Emperor Taishang song Huizong to negotiate, but Song Huizong was afraid, and Song Qinzong had to go to the Camp of the Jin people to negotiate, and as a result, he fell into a trap.

How shameful is the "shame of Jingkang" at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty?

In the camp of the Jin people, Song Qinzong bowed his knees and was subjected to all kinds of difficulties and insults. For example, let Song Qinzong write the descending table, Song Qinzong copied it, and the gold people who wrote the descending table were not satisfied, and changed it four times in a row. After writing the table, the Golden Man asked it to read it. In front of the Jin people, Song Qinzong had no emperor's face, like a slave seeing his master, holding back tears and reading the descending table. Song Qinzong and the courtiers who had gone before were greatly humiliated and secretly wept. After being humiliated, the Jin people released Song Qinzong back.

How shameful is the "shame of Jingkang" at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty?

It is said that when Song Qinzong returned to the city, he saw the ministers and people who came to greet him and cried a lot. As soon as Song Qinzong returned to the imperial court, the Jin people sent people to demand 10 million ingots of gold, 20 million ingots of silver, and 10 million horses. However, Song Qinzong bent on humiliating concessions and collected gold and silver. The Jin people had to go forward and demand mules and horses, and they were collecting more than 7,000 horses, and all the horses in the capital were searched, and the bureaucrats could only go to the court on foot. This is not the end, the Jin people again proposed to ask for 1,500 maidens, Song Qinzong did not dare to be sloppy, and even let his concubines resist the number, the maidens were not willing to be humiliated, and countless people died. Because the gold and silver court demanded by the Jin people could not get so much, the officials caused chaos when they searched for it in the people, and finally the money was not collected.

How shameful is the "shame of Jingkang" at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty?

Because he could not take out so much silver, the Jin people were dissatisfied and asked Song Qinzong to enter the Jin people's tent again. As a result, they were detained as soon as they left, and the Emperor Taishang and others stepped up their efforts to raise silver in the city. The government really could not raise so much silver, so it had to collect scrapes in the city, because of the cold weather and the plague epidemic at that time, the people of the capital did not even have food, starvation, sick and dead countless, its tragic situation can be imagined. Due to the lack of gold and silver, the dissatisfaction of the Jin people led to their Jincheng, and Song Huizong and Song Qinzong also became prisoners. The Jin people supported Zhang Bangchang as emperor, with the national name "Dachu", established a puppet regime, and continued to loot gold and silver in the city until the gold and silver were exhausted! At that time, King Zhao of Kang actively deployed an army in Hebei to cut off the Retreat route of the Jin people, and the Jin people were worried about insufficient troops, so the soldiers retreated in two ways. These two roads escorted the two emperors, as well as members of the royal family, plus the common people are said to have hundreds of thousands of people. The Northern Song Dynasty was looted by the Jin soldiers, and the Jin soldiers plundered and killed everywhere they went, and the lives were destroyed. This unprecedented disaster left the Song people with incurable wounds.

In the history of our country, especially before the Northern Song Dynasty, there are not many cases of emperors being captured by foreign tribes. Although in the chaotic Western Jin Dynasty, Sima Chi, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, was captured by the Xiongnu, he was not humiliated as the two emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty. After the two emperors were captured, the Jin soldiers burned and plundered along the way, but the Song people watched them do evil and had no power to resist, is this not a shame?

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