
BioWare is still working on new Dragon Age and Mass Effect titles

BioWare's website recently updated a blog post, in addition to summarizing the challenges in 2021, mentioning that they are working hard to develop new works of Dragon Age and Mass Effect.

The blog said they buried some Easter eggs about Mass Effect in the N7 Day poster, showing the amazing future of the Mass Effect universe; as for Dragon Age, BioWare said they have a group of experienced and talented developers working on new Dragon Age. BioWare's goal is to create a choice-driven, single-player experience.

BioWare is still working on new Dragon Age and Mass Effect titles

Can you find the Easter eggs hidden inside?

It also mentions that recasting the glory of BioWare is an important matter at the moment. In order to win back the trust of fans and the community, BioWare plans to come up with new works from the most well-known game series in hand and provide a high-quality gaming experience.

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