
4 symptoms are repeated, and the lungs or "lesions" have occurred, which need to be checked in time

The lungs are a particularly important respiratory organ in the human body, which can continuously inhale fresh air and expel some dirty qi from the body to maintain the normal operation of life.

However, the lungs are easily stimulated by some bad gases or other factors, resulting in abnormal lung function, which induces various lung diseases and even the emergence of lung cancer.

Therefore, in daily life, we must do a good job of maintaining the lungs, and for people with abnormal lungs, it is necessary to treat them in time.

So, when the lungs have problems, what are the specific manifestations of the body?

4 symptoms are repeated, and the lungs or "lesions" have occurred, which need to be checked in time

1. Intermittent or persistent cough

Regardless of the lung disease, patients will have coughs of varying degrees.

When suffering from a series of lung diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis or bronchitis, the trachea, pleura and other parts will be stimulated by inflammation and other factors, resulting in increased secretions.

These secretions, in turn, cause strong irritation of the trachea, resulting in coughing.

4 symptoms are repeated, and the lungs or "lesions" have occurred, which need to be checked in time

In addition, if there is pulmonary fibrosis, or if a tumor appears in the lungs, the patient will also cough repeatedly in his daily life.

However, this cough is generally irritating cough, or a dry cough without sputum and less sputum.

Although the coughing phenomenon caused by these diseases is not very severe, it is intermittent and persistent, and it is impossible to control it with general cough medications.

4 symptoms are repeated, and the lungs or "lesions" have occurred, which need to be checked in time

Second, sputum changes

Sputum is a mucus substance secreted by the stimulation of the respiratory tract, and in general, sputum is very small and very thin.

However, if you have a series of lung diseases, the sputum of the patient will undergo a series of changes.

For example, when suffering from pneumonia or bronchitis, the composition of the respiratory fluid will be stimulated by inflammation and change, resulting in increased sputum and increased viscosity.

However, if infected with MYCObacterium induces tuberculosis, or when suffering from lung cancer, the patient is likely to cough up bloody sputum.

4 symptoms are repeated, and the lungs or "lesions" have occurred, which need to be checked in time

Third, breathing is not smooth

If you have a series of infectious lung diseases, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, then when the cough occurs, the patient will be accompanied by breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.

If pulmonary fibrosis occurs, the patient will have very pronounced dyspnea and purple lips when performing some activities.

When a tumor appears in the lungs, the tumor will compress the trachea site, resulting in obvious breathing difficulties, difficulty breathing or hoarseness.

4 symptoms are repeated, and the lungs or "lesions" have occurred, which need to be checked in time

4. Chest tightness and chest pain

In general, if you have pneumonia, the patient will not have significant chest tightness and chest pain.

However, if you have tuberculosis or lung cancer, patients will have more obvious chest tightness and chest pain in their daily lives.

If you have lung cancer, chest pain may be accompanied by shoulder and back pain.

4 symptoms are repeated, and the lungs or "lesions" have occurred, which need to be checked in time

All in all, if the above 4 symptoms occur repeatedly in daily life, it is generally caused by lung problems.

Especially for long-term smokers, as well as people with second-hand smoke and too much oil smoke stimulation in the living environment, once these 4 symptoms appear, they must be admitted to the hospital in time.

If it is caused by a series of lung diseases, it should be treated scientifically and normatively as soon as possible in order to maximize the maintenance of lung health.

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