
Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Author: Newborn Girl (Parents Intensive Reading Author)

Parents with children at home can't help but have this experience:

Writing homework can drag on for a minute, picking erasers, drinking water, going to the toilet, wandering in space, studying the dust in the corners of the desk...

All kinds of divine operations turned out in the writing of homework, so that many parents sighed and had several degrees of cerebral infarction, even if they racked their brains, they could not resist the children's frequent tricks.

The same is in the face of unconscious learning of children, the practice of a father on Weibo has made many netizens raise their hands to praise.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

It turned out that the father let the child take a pen and a brick in each hand, and let him weigh the weight of the two and judge whether to learn.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

The result is self-evident, the child cried and made a choice, and the consciousness and initiative have improved a lot.

The weight of the pen and brick is visible to the naked eye; the father's intention for the child is even more painstaking.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Instead of preaching and roaring, let children experience the difference between learning and not learning, and let children accept it.

There is a saying: the root of learning is bitter, and the fruit of learning is sweet.

Learning is hard, but it is the lowest cost of giving, but it is the highest return.

There is no wasted time in learning, and every minute spent will be rewarded to you after ten years.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

The difference between taking a pen and moving bricks will be known ten years later

The ancients said: "Everything is inferior, but the reading is high." ”

Picking up the lamp to read at night and immersing yourself in hard study is certainly very tiring, but if you do not eat the pain of the cold window for ten years, there will be more suffering and pain waiting for you in the second half of your life.

Behind every drop of "tears" is a portrayal of "reading is useless".

The documentary "Eighteen-Year-Old Assembly Line" records the survival status of a group of low-educated workers, and after watching it, I only feel overwhelmed.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

These people work for more than ten hours a day, working tight hours, heavy tasks, no time to take time to go to the toilet, sometimes if they are not careful, they will be cut by the machine, and some people are tired from work and can't even hold the bowl.

They said: "I want to leave, but I am defeated by reality, and when I go out of this door, I have no good place to go." ”

Eighteen years old, originally the age of spirit, but there was no light in their eyes.

At a casual dinner, the reporter asked them: "If there is still a chance to study, will you choose to come out to work?" ”

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Everyone nodded their heads heavily, and the belief that reading was not as good as breaking into the rivers and lakes was now shattered by reality, and the tiredness of learning was not worth mentioning compared to the hardships of life.

But in this world, some people are regretting with tears, and some people are constantly learning.

Once Huawei's "genius teenager" annual salary project of up to 2.01 million, has been quite concerned by netizens.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Zhang Ji, who has an ordinary family, received an annual salary of 2.01 million yuan and became the object of everyone's attention.

He has experienced two college entrance examinations, and he has only attended three ordinary colleges.

The unsatisfactory college entrance examination made Zhang Ji even more angry and strong, strict self-discipline, and bitter heart, he counterattacked all the way from sanben to doctorate.

It is also because of his super high learning initiative that he has passed the selection of "genius teenagers" and squeezed into the high-quality circle step by step.

Zhang Ji's grades, no luck and chance, some are just the result of persistent learning.

Behind his success is his tireless fighting spirit.

As the saying goes: "If the iron is not polished, it will rust, and if people do not learn, they will fall behind." ”

A degree is lighter than Hong Mao, but the knowledge it contains is heavier than Taishan.

It determines whether your future is to run and work for a living, or to sit in the office and point out the country.

Take the pen or move the bricks, there is only a thought difference, the future road, is endless regret, or counterattack rebirth, the choice is in your own hands.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately
Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Learning is a pain, moving bricks is a pain

I once heard Cai Kangyong say: 15 years old feel that swimming is difficult, give up swimming, to 18 years old to meet a person you like to ask you to swim, you have to say "I will not yay."

18-year-old finds English difficult, gives up English, and at 28 years old, there is a great but English-speaking job, and you have to say "I won't yay."

Now that you have given up studying because of pain and difficulty, one day when you grow up, the suffering of life will double down on you.

Speaking of this, I can't help but think of a cousin of my uncle's family.

He was the only son in the family, and he was pampered by his uncle, who never wanted him to suffer a little.

The pampered and arrogant cousin was extremely disgusted with learning, because it took up his time to play.

The teacher and uncle worked hard to improve his interest in learning.

The cousin either sleeps or deserts in class, or skips class to go out and play games.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Unexpectedly, in the second year of junior high school, his cousin decided to quit school and go home, and everyone said that breaking his lips would not change his decision to quit school.

After dropping out of school, my cousin was idle and idle every day, and because he was too young, he had to go to the construction site to do some physical work.

Due to physical weakness, he resigned and went to the factory.

The assembly line work that was repeated every day, he felt bored and tedious, not only low wages, but also lost his freedom.

The cousin had to resign and planned to find another high, but he had no academic qualifications and no ability, and he did not even have room to choose a job.

Today's cousins can only sigh in their parents, facing life, and there is nothing they can do.

For the study of Long Yingtai once said this to his son Andrei:

"Child, I ask you to study hard, not because I want you to compare grades with others; but because I hope that in the future you will have the right to choose, choose meaningful, time-consuming work, rather than being forced to make a living." 」

Whether it is learning or moving bricks, every choice has already been marked with a price, and the future is also secretly destined on the day you make your decision.

At first you can't eat the pain of learning, and the rest of your life will be accompanied by tears forever, never stopping.

And the pen you throw down now, in ten years, will turn into a brick and smash into your feet, leaving you in pain.

Because learning can only hurt for a while, but moving bricks will hurt for a lifetime.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Eat hard to learn, and be a good person

Mr. Bai Yansong said: If you don't read, what do you take to fight with others?

In this society, some people spell the value of the face, some people spell the background, for the ordinary people who have nothing, they can only read desperately, which is the best shortcut to change their destiny.

Study well, have not only academic qualifications and knowledge, but also the courage to face difficulties.

Liu Yuanyuan, the overall champion of "Super Speaker" and CEO with a value of hundreds of millions of dollars, she came from a rural area, and every step of the counterattack was amazing.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

During her school years, her grades were counted down, her accent was heavy, her tongue was flat, and she was often laughed at by her classmates.

Even so, she is still determined to enter Peking University, she gets up early and sleeps late every day, borrowing the faint light of a flashlight in the bed to make up for her homework.

Unfortunately, she did not want to succeed and went to a 211 university, but she did not lose her fighting spirit, and during the university, she made up her mind to enter the law master's degree of Peking University in interdisciplinary studies.

She can be seen studying everywhere in the canteen, dormitory, and playground, and she also studied the strategy of the exam, and then began to work hard, and finally was admitted with a score of more than 30 points.

Later, with no experience in speaking, she signed up for "Super Speaker".

She watched hundreds of videos of speeches for speeches, studied tone, movements, expressions, and more than 20 oratory skills books, and developed a set of "branches and leaves" for herself.

In the end, she won the national championship with the motivational speech of "Takako Hanmen".

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Speaking of which, do you still think that reading is very hard?

Studying hard may not be successful, but it will let you know the world. Study hard, even if you can't get ahead, but there are still endless possibilities.

There are thousands of paths in life, and serious study is the easiest one.

There is a saying: "If you eat bitterly, you will be a good person." ”

Don't wait for the slap of life to wake up to how precious the sweat is when you read.

Whether you want to go to the top or fall to the bottom in the future depends on how hard you work now.

The first half of life suffers from learning, and the second half of life enjoys the blessing of reading, which is the best state of life.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

There is a line in "Heartbeat": "Some people live in tall buildings, some people are in deep ditches, some people are radiant, and some people are rusty." ”

In a word, the Tao has done its best to learn and not to learn the truest appearance.

The nights you have stayed up in your studies, the tears you have shed, and the precipitation of time will become the deepest imprint on your body.

At this moment, I am struggling to write a book in exchange for a rich and idle life in the future.

Now the cold window of hard reading, the harvest is to face the confidence and chips of life.

The sweat and tears shed today are the safest path for the rest of my life.

There is no unearned life, only the perseverance of passing the barriers, at the age of hard work, do not choose to give up.

Don't believe in the good fortune that falls from the sky, behind all successes, they are down-to-earth.

One day you will understand that the difference between taking a pen and moving bricks is not the weight, nor more than ten years, but the whole life.

Dad let the child weigh the weight of the "pen and brick" by himself, and it turned out that this was the truth that he had to study desperately

Author's profile: Newborn girl, parents intensive reading columnist, the copyright of this article belongs to Fushu, unauthorized, may not be reproduced, infringement will be investigated

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