
The Winter Olympics are approaching, how to prevent and control the epidemic? Chamberlain: This winter is a critical period next spring

People's Daily health client Chen Longfei Zhao Yuanzhi

At present, the Winter Olympics are close, China's epidemic prevention pressure is relatively large, talking about what suggestions for epidemic prevention and control, Academician Zhang Boli told The Health Times that this winter to next spring is still a critical period in the fight against the new crown virus and influenza virus.

Zhang Boli suggested that on the basis of adhering to effective preventive measures, we should actively respond to and accurately prevent and control. The Spring Festival is approaching, and I hope that everyone will spend the Spring Festival on the spot and reduce social activities such as gatherings. Purchases of cold chain food from abroad and foreign parcels should be handled properly.

Do a good job of publicity and guidance, there is no need to panic. It is believed that under China's strong prevention and control network, even if the transmission of local areas occurs, we have the ability to block the spread of the epidemic in the shortest possible time and ensure the health and safety of the people.

According to the new situation of the spread of the epidemic, all provinces and cities should also formulate epidemic prevention and control plans in advance, especially in terms of strictly sealing and controlling community organizations and logistical life support, formulating plans in advance, storing necessary materials in advance, and training teams, so as to be constantly prepared.

In addition, the Aumechjong mutant strain also deserves high vigilance, strictly preventing overseas imports, I believe that in the spring next year, the epidemic will develop in a good direction, and the Winter Olympics will also achieve complete success.

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