
Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

author:Small taste

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

Chicken gizzard is a very delicious food, and I like it very much because it is very chewy, whether it is braised or pickled. In addition, it is also very nutritious, with the effect of digesting and dissolving the product, it and garlic seedlings are also old partners, garlic seedlings contain dietary fiber and rich vitamins, can effectively promote intestinal defecation, prevent constipation, but also prevent hemorrhoids. This dish belongs to the fast stir-fry, and the method of stir-frying is also quite simple, which can be said to be simple and easy to learn.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

【Dish name】Garlic seedlings fried chicken gizzard

【Ingredients】 Chicken gizzards, garlic sprouts, red peppercorns, peppercorns, bean paste, corn starch, egg white, cumin, etc

【Cooking steps】

1, first of all the spices and ingredients are prepared, the chicken gizzard should be rinsed with water first, the chicken gizzard used here is processed, after washing it, you also have to change the flower knife to the chicken gizzard, divide a chicken gizzard into two petals, after changing the flower knife, it will be more flavorful, this is not over, you also need to marinate the chicken gizzard for a while.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve
Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

2: Put the chicken gizzard in a large bowl, start adding a little salt, add half an egg white, and remember not to yolk. Add a little cooking wine and cornstarch. Wash the green onion and ginger in advance, wash and chop, put the chopped ginger and shallots in, add the ingredients and mix well, and marinate for about half an hour after mixing well.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

3, garlic seedlings do not need to prepare too much, after washing, cut the garlic seedlings into small pieces, red pepper to the seeds after washing into strips, do not have too many red peppers, one can be. These side dishes are cut and set aside.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve
Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

4, stir-fry the pot into the appropriate amount of peanut oil, after the oil is warm, first put the peppercorns in, slowly sauté the aroma over low heat, and then add the watercress sauce in, continue to stir-fry until the watercress sauce out of the red oil, the sauce becomes thick. At this time, you can pour the marinated chicken gizzard into it.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve
Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

5, after the chicken gizzard is added, it should be stir-fried on high heat, stir-fried until the chicken gizzard changes color and breaks off, sprinkle a little cumin after the break, because cumin is very fragrant, after adding can increase the fragrance. Then add a little chicken essence according to your own taste, add it and continue to stir-fry.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve
Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

6, at this time, then add the shredded red pepper and garlic seedlings, add it and continue to stir-fry on high heat for about a minute, or stir-fry until the garlic seedlings break and change color, at this time you can turn off the heat out of the pot.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

7, in the process of stir-frying, if it is relatively dry, you can also add a little water to prevent it from being fried dry, so that the ingredients are easy to paste, but do not add too much water. Do not fry too much at a time, according to the specific amount of food to add ingredients, the taste of the freshly fried taste is definitely better.

Under the meal garlic sprouts fried chicken gizzard method, crisp not crisp to see the knife worker, teach you 1 trick easy to solve

【Cooking Tips】

1, the chicken gizzard needs to change the flower knife, so that the taste of the stir-fry will be better, because it will be better when pickled.

2, fresh chicken gizzard is shiny and elastic, the texture is hard and thick, so that the chicken gizzard is relatively fresher.

【Image source】 7737 came from the moon

[Copywriter] Rabbit

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