
Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

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Game of Thrones gives fans a lot of cute characters, like Tyrion, Yaria and Hounds, and there will certainly be plenty of monsters in a place as brutal as Westeros. Over the course of the performance, the audience was given a number of despicable roles, some of whom were more despised than others.

While some of these characters were unpopular because of their repulsive personalities, many's actions won the outrage of the audience, especially when they faced off against fans' favorite characters. Luckily Game of Thrones can be a harsh place, and many of these horrible people get their due punishment at the end of the series.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

10, Julan Greyjoy is an arrogant killer

The Oron of Greyjoy House is the epitome of an Iron Islander; a man of iron hearts is a true reaper with lofty ambitions. In this TV series, he is first introduced to the murder of his own brother and the taking of the throne of the Iron Islands with a cunning and brazen act of murder.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

9, Stanis Baratheon lost all respect because of a decision

The three Barashin brothers of Robert's generation were incomparably different, each with a very unique and distinct personality. With Robert's death, and the news that his children were actually descendants of Jaime and Cersei, the Iron Throne was supposed to belong to the next eldest brother, Stanis.

Earlier, Stannis had won some favor among the audience, certainly not because of his stubborn and uncompromising personality, but because of his willingness to fight the Lannisters. His insistence on honor made him look more like a harsher version of Ned until the fifth season of Dragon Dance, when he lost the respect fans had for him as he sacrificed his youngest daughter, Sheeren, the Lord of Light.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

8, Tywin Lannister planned the Red Wedding

While Tywin was one who earned a certain level of respect due to his scheming and cunning mind, his position as head of the obnoxious House Lannister ensured that he would always be one of the bad guys in the minds of fans, a good role.

While there are a few moments on the show that Tywin isn't as scary as some people, there's no doubt that the Lannisters' Lions will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. There's nothing more telling about this than the Red Wedding he planned, one of the most shocking moments in the show.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

7, Merlin Trante is a sadistic coward

From his introduction, Merlin Trante proves to be a narcissistic sociopath who is not too low for him. He quickly drew the ire of fans for being involved in the death of Sirio Forer, and the situation has only gotten worse since then.

There are only a few characters in the show who play blatantly evil characters like the shameful Merlin Trante. So it's no surprise that in Bravos, viewers didn't shed tears when he died at the hands of Yalia Stark, the cruellest scene in the series.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

6, Greg Clegan is a monster from start to finish

The towering beast is known as Shield Mountain, and Gregor Clegan is a real monster in every sense, even before he was transformed by the twisted Qyburn. While the crimes he committed didn't always appear on the show, it was clear from the start how evil he was.

He was so unloved by fans, in part because of the advice of his brother Sandel, who was brutally burned on the mountain as a child, leaving the Hounds with their trademark scars. As a truly obnoxious character, he got solidified in episode The Mountain and the Viper by killing fan favorite O'Berlin Martell in a truly terrifying way.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

5, Petir Belish tries to manipulate everyone

Few characters can be described as "slimy" and make it like Petyr Baelish, or "Littlefinger." While he exhibited a gentle and intelligent demeanor, it was clear from the start that this was a man who would not let anything get in the way of his ambitions.

For the most part, he was successful in this regard, and for quite some time he successfully navigated the politics of the Iron Throne, until later seasons when everything began to get chaotic. When his manipulation finally caught up with him, everything reached its extreme, and finally he found himself begging for the mercy of the newly empowered Sansa, who had finally fed up with his endless machinations.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

4, Waldfrey lost all the credit

While the Lannisters were the fans' least favorite house, it's obvious that Freyhaus was close behind due to their starring role in the Red Wedding. After this, the humiliated Frey no longer had any hope of redemption of any kind.

Nor will they, because the ambitions of the head of their family, Lord Wald, will ensure their downfall. Wald Frey lost all respect and received little in return, so at the hands of Yaria, Ward Frey died appropriately at the hands of Yaria, avenging the death of her brother long ago.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

3, Joffrey Baratson is a sadistic sociopath

Although viewers knew in the first season that the cruel Prince Joffrey was not really a Barahion at all, Selsey and Jamie's illegitimate son caused fans to hate from the start. Under his head, he quickly pretended to be sexually abusive.

From ordering the execution of Ned Stark, to his brutality, to his engagement to Sansa, Joffrey is an undisguised monster in every way. When Sansa and Tyrion were married, many were very satisfied with the undeniably cruel death of the most hated characters.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

2, Ramsey Bolton takes cruelty to new heights

Quite possibly the most sadistic character in the entire series, Ramsey Bolton is a downright psychopath who is able to perform truly horrible acts without tarnishing his absent-minded conscience. No wonder he is considered one of the most despised characters in the show.

The horrific crimes committed by Bolton, the bastard, were enormous, from the murder of his own father to the horrific cruelty committed against Theon and Sansa. When Ramsey finally ended his life at the hands of those he wronged, there was rarely a scene that satisfied fans as much as Ramsey did.

Game of Thrones' top 10 most disliked characters

1, Cersei Lannister is the queen of hate

Only one character can truly be the most hated character; Selcey Lannister with a heart of malice and revenge. Looked down upon from the start, Cersei portrays herself as the real villain in the series throughout the series, committing many horrific crimes along the way.

Perhaps one of the most nuanced characters in the series, Cersei isn't evil for evil's sake. Instead, it is clear that many of her early actions were caused by her devotion to children, especially the terrible Joffrey, and after their deaths, her own narcissism and hatred for anyone who was not called James led to greater acts of cruelty and manipulation. No one can win the wrath of fans more than the cunning and powerful Queen Cersei.

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