
Talk and do things without leaking constellations, do things reliably, but also have a sense of distance, the city government is very deep

Talk and do things without leaking constellations, do things reliably, but also have a sense of distance, the city government is very deep

In life, you must have met such a type of person, whether they are people or things, they are very reliable. As long as you give them the task, they will complete it satisfactorily. If you ask him and they say yes, they will do it to you with all their heart.

There is no doubt that such people, whether they speak or do things, are very cautious and watertight. You'd have a hard time finding their holes, and you'd have a hard time finding their flaws. Although such people are often very successful in their careers, it is easy to give people a sense of distance. After all, this kind of person is very deep in both the heart and the city government.

Talk and do things without leaking constellations, do things reliably, but also have a sense of distance, the city government is very deep

Today we will talk about these constellations from the perspective of the astrolabe. But at the same time, they are also prone to a sense of distance.

Sun Capricorn + Rising Virgin

People whose sun sets in Capricorn are often a more reliable type of person. As a steady earth sign, Capricorn has always done more than it says. They are more results-oriented and more stable. So whether they talk or do things, they will always think about it and then put it into action.

Especially when paired with ascending virgins, their caution will be more intense. Sun Capricorn paired with ascending virgin, which is a heavier configuration of earthy elements. And the people who rise and fall in Virgo, their main star is Mercury. If Mercury is in a good position, they are very logical in their thinking.

Talk and do things without leaking constellations, do things reliably, but also have a sense of distance, the city government is very deep

And the stability of the sun Capricorn is matched with the meticulousness of the rising virgins, so that they are very reliable in their speech and deeds, and they are very cautious, and it is difficult to find their loopholes. However, this kind of person also gives people a sense of distance, and they are relatively deep in both the heart and the city government.

But the heart and the city government are never derogatory words, but it just shows that their brains turn faster and are more strategic. Not only that, but such people are often also people who can achieve great things. Because they pay attention to details, they will not be caught by others. Naturally, on the road to success, it will be smoother.

Talk and do things without leaking constellations, do things reliably, but also have a sense of distance, the city government is very deep

Sun Taurus + Rising Scorpio

Although the sun that falls on Taurus does not have a high sense of existence in the zodiac signs, they are a type of constellation with a very strict mouth. Just don't like it, chew on the root of the tongue behind their backs, in the group, they will also try to reduce their lives, so that they seem to have no sense of existence.

But this does not mean that they do not have the heart, the city government, and the ability. In fact, people who set the sun in Taurus are very reliable. It is the unique talent of the earth sign, that is, stability and steadfastness. So whether it is a task given to Taurus or a request for help, they will definitely complete it on time and in quantity, quality and quantity.

Talk and do things without leaking constellations, do things reliably, but also have a sense of distance, the city government is very deep

Especially when the ascent falls on Scorpio, they are not only reliable, but also very intelligent and strategic. Rising and falling Scorpio people tend to be stronger in the workplace. Because they prefer to be able to make achievements, they are also more serious and hardworking in their work.

However, people who rise and fall in Scorpio are actually skeptical about relationships. So they can easily make people feel distanced, a feeling of not getting along well. And the sun, the taurus and the rising scorpion, their inner world is relatively rich, and it is also more strategic and planned.

Talk and do things without leaking constellations, do things reliably, but also have a sense of distance, the city government is very deep

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