
The next generation of flagship SUV, Volvo moved out of the box treasure

Volvo recently announced that it will launch the "Ride Pilot" automatic driving system, and is expected to start in 2022 in California, the United States california real road test, the name of the automatic driving system in today's car industry is not unusual, Volvo itself has pilot Assist intelligent driving assistance system, however, Volvo specifically said that Ride Pilot is an unsupervised system , that is, the driver does not need to pay attention to the traffic situation at all times, This also means essentially the function of autonomous driving.

Volvo expects the Ride Pilot to soon be available on the new generation of flagship SUV series, but even if the new generation can carry the Ride Pilot, it will eventually be based on local regulations to determine the timing of the local launch.

At the 2022 CES Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas in early 2022, Volvo exhibited the concept car Concept Recharge, which is not the first time to appear, but appeared on the CES exhibition hall, it is a preview of many product development information, in terms of products, the most critical is the next generation of Volvo flagship SUV works, there should be many borrowed mirrors used in the exterior interior and other designs. In fact, Volvo has announced in 2021 that in line with the brand's active transfer to the trend of electric energy development, the next generation of XC90, XC60 and other car series will be converted to pure electric settings, which is also in line with Concept Recharge.

The next generation of flagship SUV, Volvo moved out of the box treasure

In addition to the concept recharge on display is to preview the next generation of design possibilities, more importantly, Volvo trailer Ride Pilot autonomous driving system, will be carried on the new generation of SUV works, according to volvo news materials, ride Pilot system is through the whole vehicle more than 20 sensing systems, in addition to the LiDAR luddum system used in cooperation with Lumina, there are 5 radar sensors, 8 cameras, 16 A number of ultrasonic sensors to help the vehicle accurately determine, provide the complete information needed for automatic driving, and also improve the safety inside and outside.

The next generation of flagship SUV, Volvo moved out of the box treasure

Mats Moberg, Head of Research and Development at Volvo, said: "The release of Ride Pilot technology is to show Volvo's leadership in autonomous driving technology, the most important thing is that autonomous driving technology and safety coexist without any sacrifice, and the main one is the cooperation between Volvo and Zenseact and Luminar, which really brings a new situation to the new generation of car manufacturing technology, and also sets a new standard for automatic driving and automatic protection safety."

For the development process of Ride Pilot, Volvo will introduce this new set of autonomous driving technology on the new flagship SUV that will be released next, this system will be tested in Sweden first, after verifying that it can operate smoothly on the highway, it will then choose to conduct the actual road test in California, and will choose California as the first road test area, mainly in response to the stable weather in California, as well as local regulatory conditions, and the follow-up will be gradually launched in major markets.

The next generation of flagship SUV, Volvo moved out of the box treasure

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