
Susan Miller_ January 2022 Horoscope: Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces


Dear Readers,

Happy New Year! This year will be much better than 2020 and 2021. You're looking forward to this year! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, has just entered Pisces. Jupiter will remain in Pisces until May 10, giving all water and earth signs a reason to cheer.

After May 10, Jupiter will enter Aries, stay until October 27, and then retrograde to Pisces until December 20, 2022. After December 20th, Jupiter will return to Aries again until May 2023! This will give amazing good luck to Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. As you can see, everyone has reason to be excited about the New Year. Everyone receives chocolates from Jupiter.

When I first looked back at last year, 2021, I was frustrated to see that I couldn't find the real shining aspects of the year. To make matters worse, I saw very difficult full and new moons on April 26, August 8, and November 4. When I write the horoscope, I can see every detail of the year. In many ways, I feel like 2021 is a year with a lot of endings that can be sad, but I realize that we need endings to have a fresh start. There are a lot of gem-like days in 2022, and a lot of them happen in my favorite two months – February and March.

January continues the trend that began on December 19, when Venus begins to go backwards and will go down on January 29.

From January 14 to February 3, Venus' little brother Mercury will also retrograde, so this means that January will start to slow down. Still, there are a lot of good opportunities in January that you probably won't mind or even notice the water retrograde, and there will be plenty of good things to keep an eye on.


At the beginning of the new year, you may want to have a strong relationship with someone special in your life. A friendly crescent will arrive on January 2 with your opposite zodiac sign, Capricorn, the seventh house of marriage, as well as serious, contract-based relationships, such as your relationship with a business partner, agent, accountant, lawyer, or other professional. In the weeks following this new moon, you will strive to establish and strengthen at least one relationship that is important to you.

This area is sparkling for you, because when the new moon arrives, it will appear in the same house as the Sun, Venus, and Pluto: Earth Capricorn. The reason this new moon is so exciting is that Uranus, the planet that everything is unexpected, will meet the sun in taurus, at the perfect angle. This is the trichotomy of the two celestial bodies representing exquisite harmony – and that is what makes this full moon special. You are a water sign, and the earth sign is very prominent, which is a good combination. Soil and water make flowers.

In love or career, you will be very concerned about your partner. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who is currently passing through your financial eighth house, representing someone else's money, which means that the partner you will consider is a business partner you are familiar with (e.g., a business partner, agent, or headhunter).

In this new moon on January 2nd, there are many ways to benefit you. You may get married and receive many beautiful gifts, and maybe some cash. You may feel a sense of financial security that you didn't have before. Conversely, if you're divorcing and talking publicly in the days after January 2, you should get a fair, favorable solution. This month your accountant or lawyer will give you great advice to put you on the path to financial security. However, this new moon will bring you a sense of progress and optimism beyond money – one of your buddies will take a prominent place in the month's progress, giving you a warm feeling that things are going exactly right.

If your birthday is 5 days around July 3, you will feel the new moon in Capricorn on January 2. Really, all Cancers are going to have something to celebrate this month. This planet will be your best friend and will work hard to make you happy.

Now let's turn to the full moon in Cancer on January 17, as it will mark an important moment on your timeline that seems to bring some important vertices and outcomes. Pluto will merge with the Sun, giving you a great boost in your earning power in the coming weeks and months.

The full moon of January 17 coincides with Uranus in your 11th house of hopes and wishes, sending brilliant electric light to Venus in your partner's house, indicating that your prospects with partners' success will be strong and positive.

There may be a small obstacle to overcome, as Pluto will oppose the full moon. If you meet an authority figure who is difficult to get along with, move on. At first, you may find that this stubborn executive doesn't budge on anything you need approval of. I feel that with so many planets at work for you, your charisma and persuasion will be strong and you should be able to win over even the most skeptical bosses or customers.

I love the full moon, january 17th, Venus and Uranus will be in the trichotomy, which is the most sacred phase you can get, dear Cancer. Your prospects will be strong and positive. There's a surprising element in this regard that what's about to happen may not be what you'd expect (in the best sense). During this full moon, middlemen, such as agents, job brokers, and even friends, may be able to help your luck.

Money isn't the only benefit of a full moon on January 17 — there are many more. Venus, as the glittering recipient of Uranus, will visit your partner (the seventh house) and bring outstanding development in terms of your career or romantic partner.

Venus, however, rules the fourth house of your family, another potential field of harvest and happiness. You might improve your living space, or hear surprising good news from a family member. Venus also rules over your friendship (11th house), so a friend may make an outstanding act that touches your heart.

The full moon occurs once a year in your sign, so this is a special full moon. Something very important to you will reach its peak or result within these five days. See what it is – it will show you what you really cherish.

If you're single and dating, your partner may have love for you, and if you're ready, you may get engaged or married. While it seems to take your relationship to the next level, it may not be the only outcome of this full moon. For example, you might get a new job or promotion. There are so many possibilities that this full moon will deeply touch your emotions.

If your birthday is 5 days around July 20th, this full moon will be very intense and can be very beneficial. This planet will work hard for you and may bring very good news.

There's more good news in January. Uranus began to retrograde from August 19 last year and will eventually turn antagonistic on January 18. Uranus is in your eighth house, in charge of loans, venture capital, commissions, royalties, lines of credit, settlements in the financial courts, or other such funds. If you've been waiting to be paid, or you've been working hard, like in sales or other industries, where you could have received a commission or commission, but were frustrated by not seeing the results you hoped or expected, that will now change. The floodgates will open and I feel like you'll end up seeing the positive financial outcomes you crave.

Venus is in your financial house, but can also influence your family, because Libra is your fourth house and Venus rules Libra. Something good may happen in your living space or family members.

Keep in mind that Venus began to go retrograde on December 19 last month and will continue until January 29. In the coming weeks, Venus will release slightly lower vibrations than usual. This means that if you're single and want to have a genuine, lasting love affair with your new partner, now is not the perfect time to find a new lover. Just wait now and get started in February or March. In astrology, when you meet a new person, it means the "birth" of the relationship. It would be unwise to put Venus retrograde into your new relationship, as this phase affects the entire cycle.

Venus controls feelings, and Venus retrograde in Capricorn may limit the expression of feelings now or later. If you're already in love, Venus retrograde won't have much of an impact on you because you started your relationship before Venus was out of phase. Once Venus goes down on January 29, it will not go backwards for 18 months.

Venus's little brother Mercury will also retrograde, from January 14 to February 3, which can lead to miscommunication. There may also be electronic difficulties, as Mercury will retrograde in Aquarius, dominating the digital age, so we all have to avoid possible computer problems. Make sure to protect you from malware.

At the beginning of next month, February 1st, we have another sweet new moon, this time in Aquarius, and it will make you more money again – you seem to be going well, with the feeling of turning a stone into gold, dear Cancer.


Life in 2022 will suddenly get better, and this month, you'll feel the tide shift in your favor. Jupiter entered pisces, also a water sign, at the end of last year, on December 28. Located in Pisces, Jupiter is in charge of international relations, broadcasting, publishing, the digital world, legal affairs, and everything related to your or your child's higher education, and if you have a son or daughter who goes to college, it will also bring good luck. One of these areas will shine for you, and the fact that will become apparent in early March will be apparent.

During 2021, there are challenges that must be addressed directly – and you don't choose to ignore them. You've proven your courage in the last tough years, but you've done it. The hard work is now done – you've proven your worth many times. Now, get ready for the personal, emotional, financial, and professional rewards of the year.

This month will focus on your interactions and commitment to someone who is important to you. There will also be a surprise factor for this person this month, so you may unexpectedly commit to that person, even if it was only a month ago, because you think your partner isn't ready, which seems unlikely.

If you're ready, you might get engaged next month's Valentine's Day, or if you're already married, you can make new plans for your dreams and you can work together. You might save up money to buy a house or have a baby. If you're not in a relationship, you're more likely to see development at work. You can hire or contract a business partner, manager, writing partner, new lawyer, accountant, or other person who will work with you for a common goal. Your partner will provide motivation to move forward, and your partner's desire to get things going can come as a surprise.

Not only are the sun and crescent busy bringing energy to the seventh house that governs marriage and partnership, Venus and Pluto are also passing by there, increasing the likelihood that you're ready to start a new chapter of love or business. As mentioned earlier, the area of emphasis in your life is your seventh house marriage, which covers all types of contractual relationships, including commercial ones. It is possible to negotiate now, but to sign the contract in February or March. Venus retrograde, in charge of love, beauty, luxury and profit.

Knowing that you will soon sign a contract, it is a good idea to ask a lawyer to prepare an agreement so that both parties will agree. Mercury, which holds contracts and agreements, will retrograde from January 14 to February 3. Therefore, it is possible to plan and share ideas, but do not make formal commitments until Mercury retrogrades on February 3 next month.

On January 17th, cancer's full moon, you'll receive something that's very important to you. You only have a full moon in Cancer once a year. You may be working on a financial agreement, receiving money, or writing a large check. If your birthday falls in the third week of July, close to the end of Cancer, such as July 21, this full moon will be particularly noticeable.

Mars is passing through your sixth house of health, so you might have a new New Year's resolution to stay healthy and turn a new page — eat more nutritiously, sleep more, and do a little more exercise throughout the day. If this sounds like your idea, make three small steps from now on, because we are the sum of our habits. There is no need to make a huge change. Now, the small ones will work and can give you longer-term results.

Mars will also activate your work – you'll be busy. After the holidays, you won't have a time to easily get into office life because you have to get to work right away. It's exciting.

Venus will go backwards throughout the month, and this trend starts on December 19 and will continue until January 29, so postpone your family-related change plans, as well as those related to improving your appearance. Wait for a major change in your appearance, as these can be done more successfully in February or March. The good news is that Uranus began its retrograde on August 19 last year and ended on January 18. This will stimulate your income almost immediately. If you're taking commissions or investing, you're likely to make a fortune in the coming months.

There's so much to look forward to in 2022!


You must be excited to head into 2022 because you have good reasons! Just a few days ago, just before the start of January, Jupiter, gift-givers, entered your fifth house of true love. This happened on December 28, 2021, which is a very rare situation. Simply put, this year could be the best of the decade for single Scorpios looking to find a genuine, lasting love. If you're single, Cupid will work hard for you, especially in the first five months of 2022. If you have a partner, you will be able to enjoy and celebrate the love you and your partner have found in a new and exciting way. This year will enrich your private life.

You won't see the full effect of this radiant phase in January, because Venus, the planet that elegantly represents love, romance, sociality, beauty, luxury and pleasure, is retrograde, and when Venus is retrograde, she retains her greatest power. This month is not suitable for meeting new people. The feelings between you may be limited, or it may cool down to frustrating levels over time. Venus began retrograde on December 19, 2021, and will turn anterograde on January 29.

Venus is also related to profits, especially for products aimed at women. If you have a new product or service for women that you want to hit the market, don't run marketing, advertising, promotion, or media campaigns until February.

Now is also not a good time to change your appearance. It's okay to trim and polish your hair, but it's not okay to drastically change your appearance, such as cutting your hair short (if the hair is long) or drastically changing the hair color in January. You may not like such results. Wait until after February 3. It's also not a good idea to spend money on expensive skin creams and serums – at least not now. Once you cross the Venus retrograde on January 29 (leaving room for a few days), you can start doing all the things you ever hoped to do.

Mercury will also be retrograde in Aquarius from January 14 to February 3, your home house. You may find that one or two of your electronics show signs of wear and tear, and you may have to send them to a repair shop. Now is also not the time to buy new electronics. In fact, January will have a slow start, but you'll probably be happy to hear the news because the holidays are so busy for most people.

If January is a small loser, once you get to February, you'll see how dazzling the New Year is for you. March would be better because March 5th is the luckiest day of the year. Jupiter is trident by the Sun until May 10, and then again from October 27 to December 20, 2022. This is the most sacred, rare, supportive, harmonious aspect.

Since Jupiter is in Pisces, the first love, fate is destined to happen. If you have a partner, your love and affection for him/her will deepen and will be very delicate. In addition, the baby may become a part of your joy. If you already have kids, one or more of them will make you proud – the good news is coming. I love the phrase, "You (mother or father) can only be as happy as your least happy child." "It's true!

All of this will soon be in place.

Now, let's take a look at the splendor of the new moon on January 2nd. It appears in Capricorn, the third house of your communication. If you've been working on an exchange project, such as a book, a screenplay, a documentary, a blog, a white paper, a market report for the coming year, an important news cover story, the final touch of a new app, or a podcast, lucky Jupiter will help you in an outstanding way. If you're an actor, you might get an important role. The same goes for you if you work in advertising, marketing, sales, public relations, or social media – your skills will become even more important and you will be able to showcase your communication skills and sophistication. The new moon of January 2 will help you in the coming weeks and months.

Uranus signals the Sun and the New Moon because it brings unexpected good luck. Uranus often brings discordant events, but this time he will surprise you that you will love. As you work toward your goal, I think you're likely to get a lucky breakout. That's great. The sun that rules your profession is in your communication palace, so after the new moon on January 2, no matter what you are doing, it seems to directly enhance your professional reputation and win the appreciation of VIPs.

You will not only experience success. This month's legal affairs will also be in your favor and you may be asked to sign a contract. If that's the case, wait until February 3 after Mercury's descent. Do not sign in January and move the date of signing to February 8, 11 or 16. If the contract needs to be modified a lot, no problem – I like you signed it on March 5th.

While all Scorpios will do well because of the New Moon on January 2, if your birthday falls on November 4, you'll get double happiness.

I said that a foreigner or a foreign place may be good for you.

You'll see what I mean on the full moon of Cancer on January 17. Something reached its peak at that time. It looks like you're going to hear from a foreign authority figure. Pluto will merge with the Sun, suggesting that this man is a very powerful figure. At first, you may not know how to respond because you are not sure whether the message will have a positive or negative effect on you. However, after a few days, you will realize that this news will be in your favor.

My favorite part is that Uranus will signal Venus at the same time as the full moon, so you might get unexpected help from the middleman – an agent, a publicist, a job broker, a business partner, an accountant, a lawyer, or even your spouse.

Neptune also emits a beautiful beam of light to the full moon on January 17, so if you work in the arts of music, artists, poets, fashion designers, designers, actors or dancers, makeup artists or entertainment producers, Neptune will make sure your work is popular.

During this positive month (despite the retrograde venus and Mercury), all Scorpios can benefit because the earth phase Capricorn and your water are well combined.

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