
Susan Miller_ January 2022 Horoscope: Gemini/Libra/Aquarius


Dear Readers,

Happy New Year! This year will be much better than 2020 and 2021. You're looking forward to this year! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, has just entered Pisces. Jupiter will remain in Pisces until May 10, giving all water and earth signs a reason to cheer.

After May 10, Jupiter will enter Aries, stay until October 27, and then retrograde to Pisces until December 20, 2022. After December 20th, Jupiter will return to Aries again until May 2023! This will give amazing good luck to Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. As you can see, everyone has reason to be excited about the New Year. Everyone receives chocolates from Jupiter.

When I first looked back at last year, 2021, I was frustrated to see that I couldn't find the real shining aspects of the year. To make matters worse, I saw very difficult full and new moons on April 26, August 8, and November 4. When I write the horoscope, I can see every detail of the year. In many ways, I feel like 2021 is a year with a lot of endings that can be sad, but I realize that we need endings to have a fresh start. There are a lot of gem-like days in 2022, and a lot of them happen in my favorite two months – February and March.

January continues the trend that began on December 19, when Venus begins to go backwards and will go down on January 29.

From January 14 to February 3, Venus' little brother Mercury will also retrograde, so this means that January will start to slow down. Still, there are a lot of good opportunities in January that you probably won't mind or even notice the water retrograde, and there will be plenty of good things to keep an eye on.


With the arrival of Jupiter, your career is about to reach a peak you've never seen before, and this lucky planet is in your tenth house of honors, rewards, and achievements. It takes 12 years for Jupiter to orbit the Sun, so Jupiter has been helping you to improve your image in the industry and give you the lucky chance that you should be upgrading your career for a long time.

I should add that in 2021, you did get some previews on Jupiter in Pisces from May 13 to July 28. (During that time, Jupiter is retrograde, so your strongest period is From May 13 to June 20, 2021.) Think back, was there anything special going on in your career? For some Gemini people, you may have already had a breakthrough professionally. If not, you still have plenty of time. A confluence of events is coming, and the new moon of January 2 will be extraordinary for your career.

Now, Jupiter has returned from December 28, 2021 and will continue to be with you until May 10, 2022, from October 28 to December 20, 2022 he will return to Pisces, your career house, which is a big sign that you will end the year at a major career node. Of all the signs, you have the best plan for your career. Between now and May 10th, Jupiter will move at the fastest speed, which means you will get very fast gains. Unlike 2021, Jupiter will remain strong for half the time in the tenth house of honors, awards and achievements in the first few months of 2022. He will retrograde later in the year, in your equally prestigious career (tenth house), from October 27th to November 23rd, so this means that your strongest period at the end of the year will be from November 23 to December 20, 2022.

Let's go back to this month, January, which begins with a happy, positive new moon on January 2nd, encouraging your finances. You have the crescent moon, as well as the sun, Venus, and Pluto, all in Capricorn, filling your eighth house. The best part about this new moon is Uranus, a planet full of surprises that will most likely send you a sum of money you didn't expect. These could be bonuses, commissions, royalties, licensing fees, insurance checks for claims, or money owed to you a long time ago, but you may have given up. You may win a contest or a video game show. It could be a beautiful, valuable gift, or you can get a mortgage from a bank, or venture capital from a sponsor. As you can see, these examples all represent your income outside of your normal salary, and when it comes, you'll be taken aback.

Saturn is in charge of the eighth house (where the new moon will arrive) in charge of other people's money, while Saturn is currently in your ninth house, so the money is likely to come from media projects (writing, editing, broadcasting, or production) or foreign companies.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, recently entered Pisces (December 28) and now acts like a brilliant beacon at the apex of your astrological chart, giving you career opportunities you never dreamed of.

The eighth house also hints at taxes you may have in this month or February, because the New Moon in January is there, and Mars also reaches that house from January 24 to March 6. You may be learning how to invest safely but still see impressive financial growth, or you may be dealing with real estate sales. There are a lot of possibilities, you know.

Mars will stay in the seventh house of your partnership, whether it's love or business, so it's likely that your partner created your motivation this month. Let your lover, spouse, surrogate, business partner, or other person you have a close working relationship with lead you. Your business partner will be directly responsible for your financial fortunes this month. When Mars leaves Sagittarius, you'll have more say in shaping and announcing your plans.

This entire month will emphasize finances, including the full moon in Cancer on January 17. During this full moon, Uranus, the surprising planet in Taurus, will still be connected to Venus in your financial palace. Pluto will hedge against the full moon, so you may find yourself in a fiercely competitive situation, such as if you are bidding for a project. Don't worry because you might make a big deal and more money will flow to you.

Be sure to keep your options open, as your guardian planet Mercury will retrograde from January 14 to February 3. Some facts may be missed or obscured, and you need time to understand all the elements of the deal you seem to be negotiating.

Venus is also currently retrograde, a trend that starts on December 19 and will continue until January 29. Venus is in charge of love, luxury, fun and beauty, and she is also in charge of profit and money, especially things related to women. If you're planning to market your product to women, avoid launching it before January 29. It's best to launch an advertising, promotional or social media campaign in February (after February 3), when both Mercury and Venus will end retrograde.

It's best to postpone plans for cosmetic surgeries until February – these treatments can be expensive, so you should see your dermatologist when Venus is fully awake and supportive of you, not when she's retrograde. If you do make a big change to your appearance, you probably don't like the results.

Speaking of retrograde, on January 18, Uranus will end its retrograde journey. The Star of Change made its first retrograde on August 19, 2021.

This is good news, because Uranus is in charge of your ninth house, in charge of publishing, international relations and overseas business, legal affairs, and you earn an advanced degree at a university or graduate school. If you work in the areas listed above, things will cheer you up. For the best results, wait until February 1 in Aquarius - Uranus reigns in Aquarius. This new moon will deal with the same areas of life that I just listed, ruled by your ninth house. As Uranus moves forward, it will greatly strengthen the new moon of February 1st, helping you to do well in these areas.

Love will be better in February – this year's Valentine's Day is warm and happy. If you're single and Venus retrograde this month, you may have strong feelings even when you meet new friends, but it will cool down quickly as Venus rules love — and Venus limits that feeling during her retrograde. Be honest this month and enjoy the slow pace and serenity.


Thanks to a new moon on January 2nd, you'll be in the mood to take care of and check your finances as the New Year approaches. This new moon will trigger this trend in the coming weeks.

Surprise Planet Uranus will be very friendly in support of the new moon on January 2, so happy, unexpected financial news may appear shortly after the arrival of the new moon. Uranus will be in a trichotomy position (representing supreme harmony), hinting at an exciting windfall.

You may be in the midst of negotiations on a new project this month, and if the negotiations are slow, don't try to push things forward, procrastination will work in your favor. Mercury, your guardian star, will retrograde from January 14 to February 3, so the arrangement will only become stable after Mercury has gone down. At the same time, keep plans and work budgets and methods to increase your income. Arrangements based on commissions, royalties or licensing fees would be good.

Your prospects for career success couldn't be better, and offers should appear in February or March.

Mars is currently in Sagittarius, staying until January 24. This month, you will need an agent, manager, headhunter, career agent or other intermediary agency to help you get the most profitable career opportunities. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so as you can see, Mars and Jupiter are connected this month.

The financial theme will peak on the full moon of Cancer on January 17, illuminating another money-oriented part of your astrolabe, your second house, which governs personal money and possessions. You might receive a check, pay off the bill, send money for tuition or taxes, or buy something expensive that you've been looking at for a while. The Sun and Pluto will be connected at this time, so if you're looking for a lender, sponsor, or venture capital, you might reach an agreement and start drafting legal documents to sign next month (Mercury — your ruling planet and the planet in charge of all communications and contracts — ends retrograde on February 3).

Venus began retrograde on December 19, 2021, and will go retrograde on January 29, 2022. This is another reason to wait until February to finalize the agreement and set up a new business. Venus is known for its beauty, art, jewelry, flowers, fine wine, champagne, imported chocolates and spas, so as you can see, Venus is also in charge of all the decorations and enjoyments of life. Less well known is that she also manages money and profits, especially those related to products and services marketed to women.

Venus is associated with beauty and handsome looks, so whether you're male or female, you don't do cosmetic or dental surgery. Also, only trim your hair until next month – don't change much in hairstyle and color. If you wait for Venus to become active and energetic, you may be happy with the results. If you wait until March, you'll have a better month to do these things because Venus will be at her best. March is also an important month in your career – all eyes will be on you.


The holidays are over, but the intimacy with your family, like the lovely melody you hear in the background music, will stay in your heart. Think about what you need to do to improve your home. Do you need more space and want to move to a bigger apartment or house? Do you want to rent or buy a holiday cottage with a nice setting? Do you like your current space but want a new kitchen? Do you need renovations? Whatever is on your dream list where you live, it's time to deal with it.

You don't need to wait a long time to see the results – the new moon on January 2 in Capricorn, illuminating your fourth house home. This new moon will work to help you see results in the coming weeks and months as it will open a portal of opportunity for you. You've always cared about your parents' health or well-being, and this new month will also help you find solutions for your parents, whether it's hiring an expert or helping you live with your mother at home, or assisting with life, or just helping your father set up routine automatic payments on his computer to pay bills from his bank account each month.

If you're looking to move, planet in Capricorn, you might get into an ancient, valuable building — it might be considered a landmark — and you'll love the quality materials used to build the structure. If you're young and want to find the right roommate to live with you, but take it slow and be patient. It's always a good idea to do a background check on the person you're considering, which will help you expand your search. I'll tell you right away why it's important to do it.

Part of my liking about the new moon on January 2 is that Uranus will happily send unexpected messages about family affairs, which should appear within a few days of the new moon's arrival. Constantly check your phone, email, and text messages – when you've given up looking for solutions, something will most likely pop up and help you solve an important problem. Of course, you have to do your part to show the universe your intentions this month and redouble your efforts to solve your problems. This month, the universe will give you unexpected help.

Meanwhile, Mars continues through Sagittarius, continuing his journey that began on Dec. 13. Mars in Sagittarius, perfectly blended in with your sign, you've always been — and will continue to be interested in traveling and entering a new environment , perhaps, gaining a new perspective. Your third house is being activated, which is a short trip, so when you're unlikely to travel overseas, you'll be going to a location that can be reached in a day. The third house is full of energy and is in charge of your brothers and sisters, so you may also visit your brothers and sisters.

You've been locked up at home for a long time, and you probably haven't flown in since the virus outbreak, so now you may feel like you can leave. Even so, you need to be careful as the pandemic spreads and flights at airports are canceled.

Your career will bring news to the Cancer full moon on January 17. This full moon could lead you to a promotion, a new job, or a win over a project you've been working on lately. The full moon is in your tenth house, in charge of honors, rewards and achievements.

You may have a contract or lease to sign, or you may sell your house, but you need to know that Venus and Mercury will be retrograde this month. Venus is your guardian star, which is why it's important to observe what Venus is doing, because when your guardian star is retrograde, it's hard to win. It's not impossible, but it's obviously much harder to get the results you want. Venus began retrograde on December 19 and ended retrograde on January 29.

Venus also rules the eighth house where you are in charge of other people's money, so this house will also feel that Venus's phases are inconsistent. If you need a mortgage, home repair loan, auto loan, venture capital from a startup, or other sponsorship, it may take a little longer to get approved than you might expect. That's why it's best to get pre-approval before you find the house or apartment you want to buy. If you've been waiting for the insurance company to pay your claim, it will take longer than it should be until after January 29.

There's another trouble – Venus's little brother Mercury will also be retrograde this month, from January 14 to February 3. Therefore, I think the best thing to do is to suspend the signing of any agreement — either verbally or on paper. You'll concentrate on your home, and you'll probably buy a new TV or kitchen appliances like a dishwasher or refrigerator. Buying electronics in January — or even a car with tons of electronics today — isn't a smart move. Sit down, dear Libra. You'll be happy with the wait you've done.

Before I leave this topic, I have one last word to say about Venus retrograde. Venus doesn't often retrograde, so you probably don't have much experience with this cute, lyrical planet. She rules beauty, luxury, fun, and love—including profit. It is not yet time to launch new products that are mainly aimed at the female market. If the product is primarily aimed at women, don't run ads, promotions, or social media campaigns and postpone it until February.

Uranus will be active on January 17, but this time, Uranus will come into contact with Venus, currently in your family palace. Uranus is in your eighth house, so if you have questions getting your bank or other lender to help you, at the time of the full moon, this may change for the better. I'm not sure if you went to a different bank, sponsor or lender, or the same one, but anyway, you seem to have made a breakthrough and got the money you needed.

When Mars leaves Sagittarius, you won't travel as often, and instead, you'll once again focus on family-related goals. I'm not sure that Venus Retrograde will hinder your ability to move forward in early January. The new moon on January 2 is very powerful and can affect you for 6 months. Still, if you run into obstacles when it comes to your new apartment or house, or get in the way of any other family or family affairs, Mars will help you. As you can see, you should remain optimistic.

Next month's theme is love. You have a wonderful side to you, and Valentine's Day should be what you're looking forward to because it looks special.

You seem to have been looking for an apartment or a house, but you haven't found the home of your dreams. As you enter this month, you may want to take a look because the month is different – you have an excellent chance of finding a space you enjoy. The New Moon on January 2 and the weeks that follow will be the prime time you're looking for in 2022. This new moon will receive an exciting friendly beam of light from Uranus, so you may hear rather sudden and unexpected news about a new space.

You probably won't hear about the space through your real estate agent – instead, you'll probably get the space of your dreams from friends or family. All family issues can be resolved in January or February, and these two months are the best time for you to go looking for them with determination. Your next window of opportunity will arrive in mid-July 2022, but you won't have the powerful elements you have now.

In January, consider building a comfortable home office so you can work there most of the time while you're at home. Your home is as brightly lit as Times Square. Home will be a lucky part of your life, and most of the good news and profits will come out this month.

Once Mars enters Capricorn, January 24 to March 6, you'll be more motivated to find the right answers to family-related questions. Mars will fill your home area with light and energy, so February is sure to be an efficient time to last the first week of March and tackle all the things you wish to do.

Venus will reverse for most of January, a trend that begins on December 19 and ends on January 29. If you experience too many delays, deal with them calmly. You'll be canceled, so use that extra time to think hard about your plans for 2022. See if you can find other ways to achieve your goals. Venus will retrograde in your home house, so that's where you'll see many obstacles to progress. Latency is good for you, so just do it. If you're stuck in a way at a bank or other lender, don't think so, you won't be going any further – you'll get help during the full moon. You won't see it coming, but it will excite you.

As a supplement, Venus rules beauty and luxury, so the Venus retrograde period is not the time to change your appearance. Don't do cosmetic surgery or make any big changes to your hairstyle. It's okay to trim and retouch your hair, but now is not the time to do more radical moves, as you may not like these changes.

During venus retrograde, Venus' brother Mercury will also begin retrograde, from January 14 to February 3. This means that it would be unwise to sign any agreement, and mercury retains its greatest power when retrograde. Afterwards, you may find something that no one has told you, you may regret moving into this place, or you may find that you have to make some repairs that no one has ever told you that you may need to make.

If you receive furniture while Mercury is retrograde, go home and check it out before the courier leaves, as there may be damage. You need to point this out on the spot, not later.

The full moon of January 17 is important to you, shining at the apex of your chart. Your attention will shift to your career, and you may be celebrating a career victory. You'll gain a high profile in your industry, and you'll probably be invited to give media interviews to discuss recent successes. Neptune will spark your imagination and creativity with the good support of the full moon.

After this full moon on January 17, Uranus will begin its journey on January 18, which is good news for you, because this surprise-filled planet rules your fifth house, the House of True Love. If you're single and wondering why your social life has been in decline, you now know that Uranus retrograde is at the heart of the problem.

If you're in a committed relationship or marriage and want things to get more dynamic, you have a great chance of seeing things get better. Uranus starts retrograde from August 19th, so you should see cute developments right after January 18th. If you're hoping to get pregnant and you're disappointed, things may change now. In every way, your life is getting better and better.

When love comes, February is also a positive glow, which also includes a sweet, loving Valentine's Day.


January is a soft, quiet month and you'll have time to think about what you need to do for the next few months of 2022. Planets pile up in your twelfth house representing solitude and rest. However, during a busy holiday, you will find that the quiet rhythm is very suitable for you.

The twelfth house, the new moon on January 2 in Capricorn, is associated with healing and health. This area of the astrolabe also controls your subconscious mind, and it's a new moon that specifically supports your exploration of emotions — for example, about people suffering from anxiety and depression due to the pandemic. According to news reports, some patients are exhausted from making tough decisions every day and are still being asked to plan for the future. I've had to make so many judgments and decisions over the past two years that just thinking about what to eat for lunch is enough to break you down.

These are just some of the examples, but if you're feeling stressed and are considering seeing a professional therapist, go this month, because the new moon on January 2 will produce a strong emotional flow in the coming weeks or even six months.

Uranus, a planet full of surprises, will be beautifully oriented towards this new moon. Uranus is the planet that governs unexpected developments, so if you go see a therapist, you'll have a discovery! In this moment, you can see things differently and be able to use new methods to deal with them.

Some of what happens off the field will also bring you more good news. Since the light of Uranus hits the sun on January 2nd, you'll see some delightful surprises that involve your family members, because Uranus is based on your family, and with Uranus, you can never predict what will happen.

The theme of caring for health will continue and reach its peak on January 17th of the full moon, Cancer. A full moon will appear in the sixth house of your physical health and take precautions to stay healthy, so you may complete a physical examination/check-up program with a deadline of January 17 within 5 days.

Now that Jupiter has entered Pisces, on December 29, 2021, all the hard work and the seeds you planted last year will start to bear great fruit. You're entering the biggest harvest in nearly a decade — probably the biggest harvest of your life.

A full moon will also have a sweet aspect, Uranus, the surprise planet, and will be an alloy star, suggesting that a secret meeting may produce wonderful results in the days around the full moon.

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 could give you another benefit — help on the front lines of the family, which is where Venus retrograde can have caused delays and setbacks lately. Venus will still retrograde during the full moon, but Uranus may help unblock the obstacles you encounter. This full moon will also give you the good news of a foreigner you work with – whether he or she is in your city or in the distance, you will get good luck from him or her.

Now let's move on to a happy topic, friends, fun and love. You'll be happy to know that Mars, the planet in action, will be busy with your social life, and it's a trend that starts on December 13 last month and will continue through January 24. It looks like the festive spirit instilled in you in the second half of last month will propel you forward in January.

After January 24, Mars will enter Capricorn, which is the quiet, lonely part of your chart that I talked about earlier, and is stimulated by the new moon of January 2. When you work alone, you are very productive and not swayed by the opinions of others. Your creativity is high. If you're writing a book and need to do research, this trip to Mars, coupled with this month's new moon, will make you a productive powerhouse. Mars will remain in Capricorn until March 6.

Take a break over the next few weeks as Mars enters Aquarius on March 6, the first time in two years, you'll be moving at the speed of light. This period of time, March 6 to April 14, will be a very important time for you - you will have the courage and determination to be ready to announce a big plan, and your timing will be perfect.

Meanwhile, this month, Mars passes through Capricorn from January 24 to March 6, and you're likely to interact with medical staff more than usual. It could be for yourself, and like I said before, you might choose to do an operation that you've been putting off. This may have something to do with the maintenance of your teeth, as Capricorn is the master of teeth and bones, or you can consult a professional therapist to discuss this. There's another possibility – you might accompany your parents to the doctor and give them support. Your parents love being with you, so as long as you're there for your parents, they'll appreciate you. Also, you may be having a baby and will often go to the maternity check-up, and you will be looking forward to these tests.

Last month, Venus went retrograde on December 19 and is still retrograde – Venus will retrograde on January 29. When Venus is retrograde, a destined romantic encounter is unlikely to happen, and a relationship is more likely not to break up immediately or in the short term due to lack of affection. If you meet someone you like this month, the chemistry between you may disappear. Wait until February to have your friends introduce you to each other.

I wrote a lot about Venus retrograde in your December horoscope last month, but I'm going to summarize other things you should avoid doing this month. Cutting your long hair short, or dramatically changing the color of your hair, such as from black to blonde, is not a good idea. Men, don't shave your beard – your kids may not recognize you and cry. (I'm kidding, kids always have a way to get to know their father, but you might miss your beard and wonder why you're in such a hurry to shave it off.) )

Mercury, the mischievous little planet, will also retrograde. Mercury will retrograde in Aquarius, from January 14 to February 3.

When Mercury is retrograde, electronics tend to malfunction, and you may need to take an item or two with you to the repair shop. Now is not a good time to buy any electronics, from computers to mobile phones, from TVs to dishwashers. This also includes cars.

January is not a suitable month to sign a contract, so you'd better postpone signing a contract until after February 3 (set aside a few days). If you're worried that you're going to lose your lease for your new apartment, or you won't get a project if you don't sign it, sign it, but know that you won't be working with each other for a long time. This may be fine for you. The only document I insist on procrastinating on is your house. It's a very important time and it's expensive. If you have to sign, sign it, but I'm afraid you'll find a lot of things that require expensive repairs that you never notice. Or it could be that you have noisy (or nosy) neighbors, or other problems with the house, which will not affect your decision to buy a house. See how you feel.

As you can see, there will be a slow pace this month, but after a crazy December, a quiet month may sound ideal for you.

There's surprising good news – your guardian star, Uranus, will go into orbit on January 18 after retrograde on August 19. This will help you go a long way and will be the reason why you like the new moon to appear in Aquarius on February 1 next month. It looks like you're going to make an important long-term decision that you want to announce after the new moon appears. The anterograde movement of Uranus will give more power and shock to the crescent moon in Aquarius. You're entering an important two months, so relax in January so you'll have enough energy in February.

Now that Jupiter has entered Pisces, on December 29, 2021, all the hard work and the seeds you planted last year will start to bear great fruit. You're entering the biggest harvest in nearly a decade — probably the biggest harvest of your life. As an Aquarius, you are not a material sign, but more money will give you a lot of good options, which is also important. I bet you'll be very happy with how things turn out at the end of the year.

January brought a slow and modest start to 2022, but make no mistake, 2022 is very different from 2020 and its twin year, 2021. You're about to enter a period of extraordinary abundance because you've put in all the effort you've put in over the past year, maybe even longer. Thanks to Jupiter, the planet that represents good luck, it entered Pisces on December 29, 2021, and will stay for several months to fill your second house income. Simply put, you will enter a year of great financial returns. By the end of 2022, you'd say this year will be a year in which you're in a good financial position.

This month will have a slow start, but don't think it's a quiet year. January will be different from other months of the year. The reason for the month's seeming slowdown is that Venus continues to retrograde, a trend that began on December 19 and lasted until January 29.

All living things need to rest, and Venus is no exception, retrograde for 6 weeks every 18 months. Venus rules over your physical residence and other possessions, as well as your family, including your parents. If you want to buy a house and find out that your offer wasn't accepted, or you get the house, but the renovation company that prepared the house for you calls you and says there's a problem with the wall so he can continue (to give two examples), you can blame Venus. It's best to be patient and not make any big decisions until next month.

Mercury will retrograde from Jan. 14 to Feb. 3, which will give you more reasons to avoid major commitments, including renting or buying a home, or the plans you have for your parents who are considering assisted living or other arrangements. These are just some of the examples.

Venus retrograde isn't the best time to meet a new love – stay home and read a good book. February and March are the best two months of the year. Venus is also the master of beauty, so if you want to have cosmetic surgery, you may not like how you will look later. Of course, this is not the time for cosmetic surgery, nor is it the time for your cosmetic dentist to give you a tooth inlay. Don't drastically change your hair now either – sit tight (small trimmings and grooming will do).

January 2 after the New Moon in Capricorn will be a great time to spend alone, looking back on the New Year and all the things you hope to accomplish this time next year. The new moon, January 2, the sun, Venus and Pluto will fill your twelfth house, which is a good time to consult a professional to discuss any issues. From now on, you may see a breakthrough in the coming months. If you are dependent on any substance, you can also seek help to get rid of it and feel free. If you need surgery, schedule it as soon as possible, because once Mars enters Aquarius on March 6, you will be moving at the speed of light. This month's new moon will give you an opportunity to start the new year in a healthy state with a strong mind, body and spirit.

The most active part of your life is your social life with your friends. Mars is in your 11th house, meaning friends will come with a lot of interesting reasons to coax you out of the house. Throughout November and the first half of December, the pressure was on you, leaving you focused on your career and not much time to socialize, but now everything has changed and your friends miss you. You miss them too, so arrange a leisurely dinner to reminisce about the past.

The full moon on January 17 will find that you have completed a major project. Jupiter is in your second house, representing your income, and it looks like your income is good. Once the Sun enters Aquarius on January 19, you will begin to feel more energy and optimism. The new moon of February 1 may bring you the opportunity to accept new responsibilities in your personal life or career. It's exciting because you're going up step by step. You're ready for new challenges and rewards.

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