
No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

author:Zhao flatbread loves baking

Health is not divided into four seasons of the year, our big Chinese diet ingredients are really broad and profound, "food supplement" is to use the food we usually eat to nourish the body to regulate the body, and sesame is known as the "crown of eight grains", folk health proverb, "chew black sesame seeds in the morning and evening, live to a hundred years without white hair" has explained everything.

However, the black sesame seeds themselves are bitter and difficult to swallow when eaten directly. So today I would like to share this nutritious and delicious black sesame pancake.

Black sesame pancakes/almond tile puff pastry

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

This black sesame pancake, without flour, replaces sucrose with honey, not sweet and not greasy, adds walnut crushes, uses protein, the taste is more crispy, the more chewy the more fragrant.

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

The calcium content of black sesame seeds is very high, there is no starch, no sucrose, and it is really a health biscuit suitable for all ages.

Add egg whites, do not add flour at all, gently break by hand, a "click" can be directly broken into two halves.

Also added walnut kernels, the taste is more abundant, bite, chew up, the thick sesame aroma spread instantly, lips and teeth remain fragrant, and there is a sense of fullness, eat a few pieces a day, supplement nutrition!

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

I also made almond tile puff pastry with egg white, and for the protein left over from the tiger skin cake, it is very suitable for today's two biscuits

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

"Crunch" a break open, eat up, crunchy fragrant, crispy and delicious, can make people eat addictive.

Both cookie methods are super simple, no need to send, just need to stir the material evenly, basically can be successful ~ ~

· Production Materials ·

Black Sesame Pancake: 150 grams of black sesame seeds

Chopped nuts (or crushed walnuts) 50 g

2 egg whites 20 g honey

Almond tile puff pastry: 80 grams of almond slices

Egg whites 50 g Liquid butter 20 g

Low gluten flour 20 g Caster sugar 40 g Salt 1.5 g

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

Production steps

1. Black sesame pancakes

The black sesame seeds are rinsed twice with water to remove the ash layer, then scooped up and dried

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

2, black sesame seeds and walnut crushed mix evenly, add honey and mix well (20 grams of honey is not sweet, like sweeter, add 10 grams of honey)

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

3: Add two egg whites and mix well. The well-made cookie paste is not very dry and a little sticky

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

4, you can choose to use mousse mold to do modeling, if not, use a paper cup, cut a circle to make a mold

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

5, the mold added an appropriate amount of walnut sesame seeds, pressed and mixed tightly, and then in advance the paper cup mold became a round biscuit to accompany. Note: Do not add too much material, the biscuits are too thick, it will not be crisp.

Preheat the oven 150 degrees in advance.

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

6, put in the oven that has been preheated in advance, the middle and lower layers, 150 degrees, baking for about 20 minutes, the specific time temperature, to adjust according to their own oven

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

7. Make almond tile puff pastry

Melt the unsalted butter into a liquid, add sugar and salt and stir well

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

8: Add 50g egg whites and continue to stir well

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

9: Add 20g of low gluten flour and stir until dry flour is not visible

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

10: Finally, add the almond slices, mix well and preheat the oven 150 degrees in advance

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

11: Take a small spoonful of cookie paste, spread out into a non-stick baking dish, spread out and make thin slices.

If your baking sheet is not stick-free, spread it with oil paper.

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

12: Bake at 150°C in the oven for 15-18 minutes until the cookies are golden brown

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

The freshly baked biscuits are a little soft, and when they are completely cooled, they are crunchy and crunchy

This aroma, completely unbearable, sent to the mouth, crispy taste is very enjoyable ~

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks

The method is not particularly simple, it is difficult for you!

The remaining egg white from the cake has been consumed again

Homemade black sesame pancakes, real materials, full of portions, eat a few pieces a day, supplement nutrition, the elderly and children can eat, such a healthy and delicious snack who does not love it ~ ~

And the almond tile crisp, crunchy, crispy taste, can be addictive ~ ~

No need to send, crispy mouth, black sesame pancakes, health care O added snacks


1. Do black sesame seeds need to be fried in advance?

It can be fried or not, and the fried black sesame seeds will be more fragrant

2, the cookie is not crispy?

Black sesame batter should not be made too thick, and the thinner the batter of the almond tile crisp, the more brittle the cookies

3. How to save?

Sealed and stored for about half a month

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