
What happened to the five secret service leaders who had worked for Chiang Kai-shek??

People who know a little about modern history know that China's Republic of China politics has always had disgraces. For example, the Kuomintang has always had a tradition of training and training spies, and when they hear the word spies, everyone feels numbness in their scalps. At that time, many members of the Communist Party in our country lost their lives at their hands. Like Wang Jingwei, a leading figure of the Kuomintang, he also succeeded to the stage of political history because of the assassination of Tao Chengzhang. Especially in the period of Chiang Kai-shek's rule, due to the strength of the Kuomintang, the system of secret agents was also brought into full play. Among them are five notorious secret service chiefs.

What happened to the five secret service leaders who had worked for Chiang Kai-shek??

First of all, I would like to introduce Dai Kasa, who is known as China's Himmler, and mention him, everyone should know him, right? He was the most famous secret agent leader in the Kuomintang, originally he was just a small, but later got the opportunity to enter the Whampoa Military Academy and met many big figures in the political and business circles, such as Du Yuesheng and Hu Zongnan. After being appreciated by Chiang Kai-shek, he gradually became the boss of the famous military commander. He can be said to be the number one agent in the Kuomintang period, and he was also very famous in the entire Allied countries at that time, although others called him Dai Boss, but in fact Dai Kasa had never been the director of the Military Command Bureau in his life.

What happened to the five secret service leaders who had worked for Chiang Kai-shek??

And because they are engaged in the profession of secret agents and know a lot of secrets, they basically do not have a long life, and most of them die of death. The same is true of Dai Kasa, who has a lot of mysteries in him, and when he is alive, he is in various political mysteries. So when he died, there were many doubts on his body, and even in modern times, there is no accurate explanation of why his plane suddenly fell.

What happened to the five secret service leaders who had worked for Chiang Kai-shek??

Mao Renfeng, also a secret agent, is the successor of Dai Kasa, and he is a character who has appeared in many war films. This person did not graduate from the Whampoa Military Academy, let alone a founding member of the Military Command Bureau. He was originally just a county master, but later he became the leader of China's largest secret service agency, which shows that this person cannot be underestimated. There are two main reasons for being able to achieve this position: first, he is Dai Kasa's compatriot and classmate, and his feelings with Dai Kasa are not ordinary; the second and most important reason is that he is fierce and fierce, and he will endure.

Mao Renfeng officially entered the stage of history after Dai Kasa's death in a plane crash, and in the years when the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan, he caused various massacres and assassinations. Whenever people hear Mao Renfeng, in people's hearts, it is a shadow, shrouded in people's hearts, and it cannot be eliminated for a long time, and he can be said to be one of the most important enemies in the early days of sadness. Later, when he arrived in Taiwan, he became a sworn enemy with the crown prince Chiang Ching-kuo, and if the prince wanted to take over the power, he must first take over the espionage system. But Mao Renfeng has worked hard all his life to establish a spy system, which is so easy to hand over? The fight between the two people can be described as a turning point, and eventually Mao Renfeng got cancer, and he was only 59 years old at the time, vomiting blood alive and dying. Later, Song Meiling interceded for him, and only posthumously awarded him the title of army general, otherwise, he would only be a lieutenant general until his death.

And the earliest and largest agent, should be Er Chen! Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu were both nephews of Chen Qimei, and Chen Qimei was also the eldest brother who brought Chiang Kai-shek into the industry, so in order to repay the favor of Zhiyu, he arranged for them to be big men in the party. Most importantly, they controlled the central unification of the main secret service organ of the Kuomintang, and they were also chilling, and they were the main enemies of our party during the Shanghai period. In that fierce and brutal battle, countless revolutionary heroes died at their hands.

Probably retribution! Erchen's final fate was not good, and after the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan, he began a purge operation. In order to establish his own prestige, Chiang Kai-shek actually shifted all the responsibility for the Kuomintang's loss of the mainland to Er Chen and made them bear this crime. So the two of them were kicked out of the game, Chen Guofu was exiled, and within a few days he died of long-term tuberculosis. Chen Lifu went to the United States, relying on the arduous breeding of chickens and ducks to barely support his family. How brilliant it was once, how desolate it was after death, but the big guys of the past ended up like this, and people can't help but sigh!

Later generations' evaluation of Zheng Jiemin is: "The master of assassination, the master of rebellion", why do you say so? He was a man who had never killed anyone in his life, nor had he played a political trick, and he was like a loyal inker in ancient times. His main task was to plot rebellion and alienate others, such as he stirred up discord among the Gui generals, so that Chiang Kai-shek could defeat Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi effortlessly. The reason why Chiang Kai-shek was able to clearly understand the international situation was because there was this "military master" spying on the fascists.

Zheng Jiemin is not like a real spy, but like a strategist, who can give advice. The right use can be worthy of the strength of several divisions, and his ability to plot rebellion is also extraordinary, and the most important thing is that he has no second thoughts about Chiang Kai-shek. But since he arrived in Taiwan, he has inevitably suffered the fate of being snubbed. Chiang Kai-shek promoted Chiang Ching-kuo and removed all obstacles that stood in the way of power. In the end, he died of depression, but it has to be said that he did not go to the battlefield, nor did he shoot and kill a person, but he held the title of general of the army.

Engaged in the secret service industry, in the end, few ended up well. Look up in disbelief, who has the heavens spared?

This article is original, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source. Although the "spy" hides his name, he still "soul" is a country. Although Nirvana is reborn, we never leave.

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