
Lao She's classic prose selection | "Just Love This Human Firework" to taste the poetry and warmth of life

Warm and kind, simple and humorous language, delicate and warm human true feelings.

Select 61 classic essays, feel the poetry and warmth of Lao She's pen.

The first edition was edited and proofread, retaining the original taste of the text.

Lao She's classic prose selection | "Just Love This Human Firework" to taste the poetry and warmth of life

"Just Love This Fireworks in The World: A Selection of Lao She's Essays"

Author: Lao She

The Central Compilation Publishing House | Qingdou Bookstore

Fortunately, thanks to the old house in the world, we have been able to obtain a place of physical and mental rest. Lao She's text is warm, humorous, simple and full of Beijing flavor, with a unique language charm. In his pen, planting flowers and raising cats, writing friends, one thing and one thing in ordinary life is interesting. In his eyes, life is a rhythm, there must be light and shadow, there is left and right, there is sunshine and rain; the taste is contained in this changeable and fierce twists and turns.

The book revolves around life and writing in six parts: Episode 1 Going somewhere; Episode 2 Life is a Rhythm; Episode 3 Natural Humorist; Episode 4 Because She Saw Me So Much; Episode 5 Literature and Carpentry; And Episode 6 My Ideal Family. This book selects 61 essays, covering almost the most classic prose works of Lao She, and is the best reading to understand Lao She's attitude towards life and the concept of literary and artistic creation.

Re-reading Lao She is not only reading the classics, but also reading ourselves and the times we live in. In the hustle and bustle of the moment, may more people get the peace of mind and the power of life from the classics.

Lao She's classic prose selection | "Just Love This Human Firework" to taste the poetry and warmth of life

About the Author

Lao She (1899-1966), formerly known as Shu Qingchun, the character Sheyu. In 1951, he was awarded the title of "People's Artist" by the Beijing Municipal People's Government.

In his lifetime, he wrote more than 1,000 novels, essays, dramas and other works, the text is warm and kind, light and witty, full of "Beijing flavor", and is a recognized humor master and language master in the history of modern and contemporary literature.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Video/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Xie Yufen

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