
It was this order that set China back hundreds of years and died a miserable death

In the five-thousand-year history of China, since Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms, China's hegemonic position in the world has gradually risen, and the people from other countries who have come to Pay Tribute to China and send envoys can be described as an endless stream, expressing submission and admiration for China's strength.

The Qing Dynasty, China's last feudal dynasty, was also the dynasty that devastated China, and all this began with a naval battle between China and Japan, the "Battle of Jiawu Sea".

At the end of the 19th century (April 1894), the Dongxue Party uprising broke out in Korea, and the Korean government was powerless to suppress it, so it had to ask for help from their elder brother "China", and the Qing court was naturally willing to help its brothers, sending infantry and navy to suppress the rebel army together with the Korean army. The rebel army saw that the Qing army was fierce, and it was certainly not an opponent, so they threw an olive branch to their enemy "Japanese" and asked the Japanese government to send troops against the Qing army to alleviate their pressure, but they never thought that this decision buried their entire country (later).

It was this order that set China back hundreds of years and died a miserable death

A battle of aid with obvious victory and defeat, but the Japanese suddenly mixed in and evolved into a war between China and Japan. On the evening of June 22, Fang Boqian, the captain of the Qing court navy, received news that the Japanese fleet would arrive in Korean waters on the 23rd, so he ordered the "Weiyuan" who could not withstand the battle to return first, and the "Jiyuan" and "Guangyi" returned after completing the escort, and at about 7 a.m., the Japanese fleet sailed into the Korean waters, and the two sides engaged in a fierce naval battle, but because the Number of Qing court naval warships was small, and the ammunition was far less than that of the Japanese warships, it was defeated by the Japanese Navy and sacrificed thousands of naval officers.

It was this order that set China back hundreds of years and died a miserable death

On September 17, Fang Boqian's Beiyang Naval Division and the Japanese fleet launched another fierce naval battle in the Yellow Sea, in which the two weak ships of the Beiyang Navy, "Chao Yong" and "Yang Wai", were shot and sunk and stranded. At 3:30 p.m., "Zhiyuan" sank, and Fang Boqian immediately led "Jiyuan" to escape from the battlefield. The wingman "Guangjia" saw the situation and fled with it. The four ships of the Japanese vanguard turned to besiege "Jingyuan" and sunk "Jingyuan" outside the line. Fang Boqian's move plunged the entire Beiyang Marine Division into a place of no return, and also made this Sino-Japanese war end completely with Japan's victory, and signed the humiliating "Maguan Treaty", Fang Boqian was ordered by Li Hongzhang to be beheaded and displayed to the public, and his death was miserable.

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