
The republic of China is a beautiful woman, who was forcibly occupied at the age of 15, and no one believed in saying the name of the occupier in his later years

During the social turmoil of the Republic of China, the life of the people at the bottom was even more difficult in this chaotic world, and many girls were sold into the Qinglou by their parents at a very young age, and their fate was only involuntary. Qin Qing was sold into the Qinglou since she was a child, if it were not for her appearance Peugeot, the boss would not accept her, because she was too young, as she got older, her appearance became more and more outstanding, and soon became the top card in the Qinglou.

The republic of China is a beautiful woman, who was forcibly occupied at the age of 15, and no one believed in saying the name of the occupier in his later years

Because Qin Qing looked like a country and a city, many dignitaries and dignitaries spared no expense to see her, and when she was fifteen years old, they met a very prominent nobleman, this person was the famous Wang Jingwei, who had already defected to the Japanese at that time, and his power was monstrous, when he heard Qin Qing's good name, he called for her to see her, and as a result, Wang Jingwei fell in love with Qin Qing at first sight and took her directly to his apartment.

The republic of China is a beautiful woman, who was forcibly occupied at the age of 15, and no one believed in saying the name of the occupier in his later years

Although Qin Qing did not want to be with Wang Jingwei, but forced by the power she did not dare to resist, after the two people lived together, Wang Jingwei was very concerned and fond of her, and qin Qing also had a heart of dependence on Wang Jingwei for a long time, but Wang Jingwei originally had a family, he and Qin Qing were only for the sake of coveting freshness, so it did not take long for Wang Jingwei to abandon Qin Qing, and Qin Qing could only leave his hometown to live.

The republic of China is a beautiful woman, who was forcibly occupied at the age of 15, and no one believed in saying the name of the occupier in his later years

After the fall of Wang Jingwei, Qin Qing has been anonymous because she had been entangled with her, in the chaotic world a woman has no relatives and friends, how hard life can be imagined, Qin Qing's life because Wang Jingwei has no hope and possibility, in her later years she once told people she knew, when she was young, she was forcibly occupied by Wang Jingwei, but no one believed her, because Qin Qing looked like a very ordinary old lady.

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