
The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

In recent days, cold air "and again" hit, according to the weather forecast released by the Central Meteorological Observatory today, the whole country is facing high winds and cooling to varying degrees, of which southern Hunan, northwestern Guangdong and other regions of local cooling can exceed 10 ° C, Hunan people sighed: "One night winter!" "They all pulled out their cotton clothes.

The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

Germany, a rather strong country, the inhumane World War I and World War II have its participation, it is no exaggeration to say that it was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time, but such a fierce country is very afraid of these 2 countries, one can not fight, one does not dare to fight, one of the reasons is "too cold", what is the matter?

The first country was the Soviet Union. It is said that Germany was developing rapidly and could not wait to expand its territory, but due to the obstruction of Britain and France, the west could not go at all, so it first aimed at Poland in the east.

The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

What the German army did to Poland, everyone knows very well, when Hitler came to power, the belligerent he came to Poland with an iron horse, trampled on the good life of thousands of Poles, in just 5 hours, the German army defeated the Polish army of more than 1 million people, and at the moment of a thousand guns, Britain and France appeared, and they hindered the pace of Germany.

Under pressure from both countries, Hitler began to hesitate, but Hitler thought about the previous grudge between Germany and Poland, and he was angry and continued to attack Poland, and then a series of terrible massacres occurred.

The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

After successfully taking Poland, the next one, of course, was its "neighbor" the Soviet Union. During World War II, Germany was quite "powerful", with economic level, materials, and weapons all ranking among the top in the world, especially after the capture of Poland, "taking" nearly 80 million crowns of polish food.

With such a strong reserve force, Hitler of course felt that the Soviet Union was not a problem, and sure enough, in just a few months, Germany occupied the richest industrial and resource areas in the Soviet Union, and all the meat and vegetables were "taken away", and the German army lived a very rich life.

The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

The soviet union in the early stage can be said to be vulnerable, Hitler thought it would be better to stop and rectify, wait for the Soviet Union to surrender, the result of that year's cold snap came more than 40 days earlier, German logistics suffered heavy damage, soldiers have a cold and fever is not a few, the most fatal thing is - guns are frozen, can not be fired!

The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

In this kind of weather, the "cold to death" German army suffered a fatal blow, coupled with the endless territory of the Soviet Union, it seems that it can never be finished, the German army can only retreat, and the ice and snow of the Soviet Union has become a nightmare for the German army.

The second is the United States. I believe that the reason for "not daring to fight" the United States can be guessed by smart readers and friends, the United States and Germany, like Germany, are among the world's top powers, of course, Germany does not dare to attack the United States casually, plus Germany has always been "beaten" by Western countries, the United States is still so far away, why fight?

The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

And the United States is particularly "smart", at the beginning of world war II to maintain neutrality, so that you can watch Germany and Britain and France fight, wait for the profit of the fisherman, by the way, sell arms to make a fortune, Germany is angry but there is no way.

Today, the United States has become the world's largest economic power, although Germany is not bad, but the "shadow" of that year is not so quick to dissipate, cold Russia and the powerful United States, has become the two mountains that suppress Germany.

The 2 countries that Germany did not dare to provoke, one did not dare to fight, one could not be destroyed, and now they have become world powers

References: Modern and Contemporary History of the World, Military History

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