
What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

There are righteous people in Chuan, and Shu County Zhang is engaged.

Heroic style with a long strategy, for people with discipline.

Three more ironclad cold, a loyal blood red.

Streams of light illuminate the city, and the arrogance runs through the sky.

At any time, there is no shortage of loyal and courageous people everywhere. Liu Zhang, yizhou, was weak and incompetent, credulous and indecisive, but he also had loyal and courageous courtiers under his command, brave generals who sacrificed their lives and fought, such as Ling Bao, such as Liu Xuan, such as Yang Huai, Gao Pei, and even more like Zhang Ren.

What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

Although Liu Zhang does not have any great talent and no grand ambition, but Liu Zhang is not useless, his biggest feature is that he treats people very sincerely and kindly, once he feels that you are credible, you should give power to give power, and you should give soldiers to soldiers. Therefore, there are many subordinates who are loyal to him and have no second thoughts.

Even in today's society, we often encounter such leaders or bosses, who are not strong in ability, lack of ambition, and the brethren have no future after him, but because they are honest and honest, many people are willing to follow him and cannot bear to turn their backs on him.

In this world, some leaders are mighty and domineering, and others do not have the courage to betray him; some leaders are shrewd and devious, and others have no chance to betray him; and some leaders are too soft and kind, but others cannot bear to turn their backs on him.

What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

In general, Liu Zhang is still worthy of friends and subordinates, but some of his friends and subordinates are somewhat sorry for him.

Zhang Ren is such a subordinate. He was well aware of Liu Zhang's ability and knew that Liu Zhang could not achieve anything important, but Liu Zhang could trust him and pin his hopes on him, and Zhang Ren decided to do his best to protect Liu Zhang's interests at all costs, even at the expense of his life, and shouldered this responsibility.

This is zhang ren's principle of doing things.

It is precisely based on the starting point of safeguarding Liu Zhang's interests that Zhang Ren is extremely vigilant and wary of Liu Bei. As early as liu bei entered the river and Liu Zhang's meeting at Fushui Pass, Wei Yan drew his sword and danced in front of the sword to help the wine xing, but in fact wanted to assassinate Liu Zhang. Zhang Ren saw that the momentum was not right, and immediately stood up and drew his sword, "the two danced in front of the feast" to protect Liu Zhang.

What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

Not only was he loyal, but Zhang Ren's ability to lead the troops was also quite superb, and since he was ordered to block Liu Bei's army, Zhang Ren was the actual commander-in-chief of the Sichuan army, and several battles were fought in a stormy and quite wonderful battle. Pang Tong, such a cunning and cunning old fox, was actually ambushed and killed by Zhang Ren in Luofengpo, and even a veteran general like Liu Bei, who had been in the battlefield for a long time, could not advance at all, and zhang Ren came to a "decapitation operation" in the Battle of Luocheng, and almost died.

Zhang Ren's martial arts are also quite good, let's take a look at Zhang Ren's several shows of force:

1. The feast of Fushui Pass, drawing a sword to resist Wei Yan's assassination;

2. The Battle of Luocheng, raiding Liu Bei, "Xuande could not resist Zhang Ren", and fell into the wilderness;

What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

3. Zhang Ren pursued Liu Bei, was stopped by Zhang Fei, "fought to more than ten he", saw the arrival of Yan Yan's army, and Zhang Ren withdrew his troops and returned to the city;

4. Zhang Ren fought Zhang Fei again, "the battle is not more than ten times", Zhang Ren cheated and walked around the city, lured Zhang Fei into the ambush, and trapped Zhang Fei with Wu Yi, "unable to retreat". Zhao Yun arrived, captured Wu Yi, and rescued Zhang Fei.

What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

Let's check who are the people who "didn't get along with each other in battle and went away by deception" in front of Zhang Feima? The Battle of Yemeng Pass had Ma Dai, and the Battle of Wakou Pass had Zhang Gao. Then, it can be speculated that the lower limit of Zhang Ren's force value is at least equal to that of Ma Dai, and the upper limit is equivalent to that of Zhang Gao.

With Zhang Ren's loyal and upright conduct, such a general with both wisdom and courage, such a handsome talent who is on his own, and such a strong martial art, is not a real talent? If a talent like Zhang Ren can survive, at least it is equivalent to Wei Yan or Jiang Wei, for Liu Bei Group, it is simply like a treasure!

What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

But it is regrettable that Zhang Ren persevered after being captured, and used his life to fulfill his commitment and the dignity of being a human being.

Let's analyze why Zhang Ren did not drop. He was using his life to maintain Liu Zhang's final safety. Zhang Ren was captured, he knew that Luocheng would be destroyed, Liu Bei's journey into Chengdu was no longer dangerous, and there was no one to use, Liu Zhang's foundation would be taken away by Liu Bei, it would be difficult to repeat, and Liu Zhang's life and death were at stake. Since ancient times, if you conquer an enemy country, if you leave a general, you will kill the lord; if you leave the lord, you will kill the general; that is, if you leave the lord and the general, you will be repeated. With political minds like Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, how could they not know the trick? (You can refer to Jiang Weifu Shu)

What kind of person was Zhang Ren, the general under Liu Zhang? How should we evaluate him?

If Zhang Ren surrendered, Liu Zhang would undoubtedly die. Zhang Ren was bent on death, which was to exchange his life for Liu Zhang's glimmer of life! We can't help but sigh that it is Liu Zhang's good fortune to have such a righteous minister as Zhang Ren!

Shu Chuan is a hero, Zhang Renyi is unmatched!

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