
"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

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Science fiction movies carry many people's imaginations and hopes, not only present the universe, aliens, artificial intelligence, time and space travel these gorgeous elements, as well as new and shocking special effects, a classic science fiction movie, put to many years later, will still be touched by the profound philosophy of life contained in it. 2001 by Steven M. Spielberg's "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" is one such film.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

David is 11 years old,

He weighed 60 pounds, he was 4 feet tall, and he was 6 inches tall.

He has brown hair.

His love was real, but he wasn't.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

When Robots Learn to "Love"

The story is set in the future, the earth due to warming caused by many lands flooded by the sea, in order to inhibit population growth, the desire to conceive and give birth to children must go through strict scrutiny, so humans have developed a variety of precision robots to replace labor. In order to make up for the lack of regret in the hearts of couples who cannot have children, robot production companies have even developed a robot that "loves people" to accompany humans.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

Henry and Monica's son, because of his serious illness, temporarily uses advanced technology to "freeze" him, hoping that there will be a breakthrough in medicine before treatment, but the doctor tells them that the chances of recovery are very slim. Henry sees Monica getting haggard and decides to surprise the robot boy "David" to his wife, at first Monica is very repulsive, thinking that her child cannot be replaced, but after a period of time together, Monica gradually gets used to David's company and decides to start the "love program". From this moment on, the robot boy David began to call Monica "Mommy" and loved her to the death.

"If he was born for love, then he should have a reason to know how to hate."

One day, Monica received the news that her son Martin miraculously woke up, and when Martin returned home, David seemed to have jealous feelings, hoping that his mother would love herself more. Once at Martin's birthday party, David inadvertently drowned in the pool to avoid the provocation of other boys, and Henry suggested that Monica send David back to the original factory to destroy it, so as not to threaten the safety of the family. Monica struggles and thinks that destroying David is too cruel, so she abandons David in the forest with Teddy the robot bear.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

"If I become a real little boy like a little puppet, will I be able to go home?"

The abandoned David, remembering the fairy tale that Monica had said about the "little puppet", believed that as long as he asked the blue fairy in the story to turn him into a real little boy, Monica would take him home and love him, so he and Teddy embarked on a journey to find the "blue fairy".

On the way, David meets Joe, the "machine lover", and the two flee the robot slaughterhouse together, to Yandu to find the traces of the blue fairy of "Dr. Jack-of-All-Trades", and get a clue to the flooded city of Manhattan.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

"He loves what you do for him, just as I do for my guests."

For David's safety, Joe tries to stop him from continuing his search for the Blue Fairy: "She can't love you, you're not a flesh and blood body, you're a robot like us, you're abandoned because humans are tired of you, or replace you with a newer model." David still believes that as long as he becomes a real little boy, Mommy will love him unconditionally, so he follows the clues to the laboratory of Professor Harvey who created him, but sees hundreds of "Davids" who are exactly like him, and David, who has always thought that he is unique, is facing a mental breakdown.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

With a thousand years of waiting, for a day of love

"I thought I was unique."

Desperate, David sank into the sea and was brought to the statue of the Blue Fairy by a school of fish, where he kept praying, "Please make me a real boy." Even when there was no response, David persisted in calling. In this way, two thousand years later, humanity has perished, and the frozen David has been discovered by a race that looks like aliens and may also be high-tech robots.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

"I envy human beings to have souls, they have a million interpretations of the meaning of life, through art, poetry, mathematical formulas, human beings must be the key to the meaning of survival." 」

The alien-like "Future People" reactivate David, and they sincerely want David to be happy, so they decide to fulfill David's wish and use technology to regenerate a Monica, but it can only last for one day. Without any further interruptions, David ate cake with Monica and spent a simple happy day. Monica said to David, "I love you." The two lay together in bed, and For the first time David closed his eyes and fell asleep, perhaps the first time he had truly dreamed.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

"A.I. Artificial Intelligence" implies many philosophical questions worth discussing, and the most important one is pointed out at the beginning of the film: "The problem is not to make robots that can love, the real question is: can humans love them?" 」

Everyone's understanding of love is different, "love" is a feeling that is difficult to explain in general, perhaps even many human beings can not understand the meaning of love, the robot David was created, but was indoctrinated with too much love, but also led to his endless pursuit and pain. If a robot can really love a person so much, what responsibility does that person have for the robot? The moral question of "love" seems to be the oldest and most difficult philosophical issue.

"Old movies and new looks" - 20 years later, watch "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", you will know more about what love is

What is true? What is true existence?

If even "love" can be made, what is true?

When David saw the same replicant robot as himself, he began to question the authenticity of his existence, and Professor Harvey, who made him, told David, "You already have the greatest sentiment of mankind — the courage to pursue your dreams."

What is special about human existence? The answer that the creators want to tell us may be hidden in the lines of the movie, that human beings can have a soul because they have a million interpretations of the meaning of life, and for hundreds of thousands of years, people have written down the unique meaning of life for each person with art, science and the courage to pursue their dreams.

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