
Remember the goodness of others and warm your own heart

Listen to happiness with you every night

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Author: Rambling

Source: Uncle Ye (ID: yeshuvip)

Everything in the world is encounter.

When cold meets warmth, there is rain; winter meets spring, and there are years; heaven meets earth, and there is eternity; man meets man and has life.

Meeting is fate, getting along is continuity, and knowing each other is cherishing fate. Remember the goodness of others and warm your own heart.

People get along with each other and know how to cherish the good of others, so that they deserve a better life.

The biggest regret in life is not that you miss the best person, but that you miss it, the person who wants to be good to you the most. Because there is no unprovoked love in the world, others are good to you, not because of obligations, but because of care.

Someone once said: "There will not be many people who are really good to you, and don't lose one." "If you lose someone who is good to you, you may never get it back."

The favored are always fearless. We often forget to be grateful because we are used to the goodness of others. It's like a fish swimming in the water but forgetting that there is water; a bird flies in the air without knowing the help of the wind.

In a relationship, the other party's efforts are willing, but they can't take this payment for granted.

As the song goes: "Man naturally forgets who is silently guarding the same place in the wind and rain." "No matter how good the feelings, they will die of the four words of course."

Remember those who are good to us, they make us feel the most true love on the road of life, the warmest companion in the depths of our hearts.

Remember the goodness of friends, you will be treated sincerely by friends; remember the good of relatives, the family will be harmonious; remember the good of your partner, the feelings can be long-lasting.

The human heart is always mutual. The Buddhists have a saying: Plant good causes and get good results. You give the world some love, and the world returns you some love.

Usually you are good to others, when you have difficulties, the other party will also help you; usually you take the initiative to take care of others, when you are sick, the other party will take care of you, often for others to hold umbrellas, in the future others will also hold umbrellas for you.

If life hadn't met, I'd still be me, you'd still be you, and we wouldn't have been in touch. It is not easy to meet, so it is more precious.

For the rest of your life, cherish every encounter and be grateful for every harvest.

Don't let leaving teach you to grow, and don't let someone who could have walked with you for a long time leave early. May you use a warm and kind heart to protect every encounter as much as possible.

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