
Who is compatible with Sagittarius?

Who is compatible with Sagittarius?

Who is compatible with Sagittarius


To say which constellation can hold sagittarius, of course, it is not Gemini, Gemini's brain is flexible, very fickle, so that sagittarius is more confused, can not grasp their pulse, and Gemini can often have some very novel ideas, so that sagittarius is amazed. Gemini is the shooter's best playmate and friend, but also the shooter's closest lover, the shooter is obedient, gemini and shooter are born a pair.


Of course, there are Aries who can hold the sagittarius, Aries have a bold personality, and there is a lot of common language with the shooter, the Aries is bold and direct, and many sagittarius want to do things, Aries can do it, and the courage is particularly large. And Aries is competitive, full of challenges, likes new things, coincides with shooters, their boldness and care also deeply affect the shooters, and there will always be different feelings and experiences with Aries, and the two people are very lucky.


Of course, the constellations that can hold Sagittarius are indispensable to Aquarius, and they are notorious freaks, very different from others. The brain hole of the water bottle is very large, the idea is advanced, and the view on many things has aroused the curiosity of the shooter, and in the process of getting along, it is also found that the two people are particularly in tune, independent and autonomous, will not be subject to any constraints, very free, and the feelings naturally heat up. Water bottles and archers complement each other, complement each other, and together they have a common language in particular.

The Sagittarius man is destined to be the little wrongdoer: the Capricorn girl

Sagittarius men, who are usually incredibly shrewd, are very careful and cautious in doing things for people. With a rough personality, they can easily withdraw their defenses in the face of seemingly sincere Capricorn women. And Capricorn women have always been planned and belong to the type that is not in danger. So even if you want to deceive the shooter man, you are fully prepared and wait for the other party to enter the urn.

Sagittarius is actually very careful, shrewd, Capricorn girls belong to the dangerous type, and when she wants to deceive each other, she must be prepared for everything, and know very well how good they are, so Sagittarius men often relax their defenses under capricorn's seemingly sincere efforts.

There is also a Virgo woman, keen, attentive is the common advantage of sagittarius and virgo, although the sagittarius has more humor and enthusiasm, but the emotion is elusive, the personality is too free and uninhibited, easy to make lovers insecure; in this regard, Virgo is thoughtful everywhere, no matter at any time will be waiting by the lover's side, and willing to pay commitments and take responsibility.

If the shooter wants to keep his beloved lover, he must restrain his impulses and casualness, change his unfettered free personality, and even more from the perspective of the lover to imagine for each other! You know, overzealous enthusiasm can also be the fuse of emotion!

The little wrongdoer that Sagittarius men are destined to be Capricorn girls, they are very cautious in their work, and many things are particularly rough performance states. Capricorn women are different, many of their things are particularly careful and careful, and everything they do is more planned to execute, so the two of them are the most suitable together.

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