
Sad, the most chewable taste of life; may you persevere

Text: Flipping through the books in his spare time

Sad, the most chewable taste of life; may you persevere

"Sadness is the most chewable taste. If you don't go through this pain – go through the years. It is impossible to play with the joys of other lives. ”

—— Sanmao, "Dear Sanmao"

The pain of sadness blurs the landscape of everything in the world. Bringing one's vision into the smallest of spaces, no longer caring about anything but the pain in the heart.

It is not only to change the scope of space, but even to distort the immortal time, all of which have the exclamation of "living like a year".

Everything in the world is relative.

A person who is sensitive in heart is a blessed one.

The healing of the wound shows the softness and sensitivity of the heart.

When he comes to happiness one day, he will repay it twice as much as he does today's suffering.

Sad, the most chewable taste of life; may you persevere

There is a balance in everything, yes, and so is bitterness and pleasure, but those who are distressed by you do not want to see you endure the pain in their hearts alone, and they wish happiness and joy like a heavy rain from heaven, which will envelop you as tightly as the pain you are suffering is doing at this time.

So, sad people, you need to wait patiently, wait for the day when happiness will come like a storm, destroying the decay and pushing away all obstacles.

At that time, pain has been torn apart inside, like a dry river, greeting the source of happiness and directing it into the depths of your heart.

Sad, the most chewable taste of life; may you persevere

As Sanmao wrote:

Sadness can also exist for joy.

If there is always darkness before dawn, I hope you can persist.

May you, even in times of pain, still have your heart set on the light of hope.

The beauty of words penetrates the literal and reaches the heart. "Flip the book in your spare time" Thank you for reading.

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