
How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

"In Auschwitz, there is nothing new to report. The weather is clear, the trees are shady, and there are children playing and playing in front of the door. "Nothing on Auschwitz"

World War II was a huge war in human history, in which at least 60 countries were involved, and many countries paid a terrible price because of this war.

For example, China's main opponent during World War II was Japan, which launched a 14-year-long war of aggression against China in order to obtain a large number of resources for its own development.

Lu Guangda, the protagonist of "Born in the Sky", once had such a line:

"When I was a Ph.D. student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1943, one of my phD supervisors was a Japanese, a paramilitary. In front of me, I always looked domineering, saying that Chinese was an inferior nation and a sick man of East Asia, and described the Japanese aggression against China as an excellent Yamato nation and a reform of the Chinese. ”

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

This was actually the main reason why the Japanese army carried out many massacres in China at that time. Throughout World War II, not only Japan carried out so-called "racial reform and cleansing."

Germany, which was mainly active in the European battlefield, also carried out the Holocaust against Jews, and it is understood that throughout World War II, the German army killed a total of 6 million Jews, and the cruelty of all means during this period is unimaginable.

Compared with Jewish men, the German army treated Jewish women worse. So do you know how cruel the Germans were to Jewish women during World War II? Let's take a quick look.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

Germans and Jews

In fact, before the war on the Battlefield of World War II-Europe began, Nazi Germany had a plan of persecution against the Jewish people, but at that time, due to various factors, the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany was still in a less intense state.

When World War II officially broke out on the Battlefield in Europe, nazi Germany's persecution of Jews entered a whole new phase.

Under nazi Germany's blitzkrieg tactics, Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France fell.

The Jews living in these countries thus fell into the hands of Nazi Germany. At that time, a special envoy was established in all German embassies abroad, and the main task of this envoy was to deal with the Jewish problem in the host country.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

Under the compulsion of Nazi Germany, Jews were forbidden to go out and were required to wear Jewish stars. We all know that Jews are very good at doing business, but under the pressure of Nazi Germany, Jewish life and business became a mess.

Later, Nazi Germany ordered the demarcation of ghetto and forced Jews to participate in heavy slave labor, which caused many Jews to suffer indescribable spiritual torture.

What everyone did not expect was that these could only be said to be the "appetizers" of Nazi Germany's torture of Jews, and with the continuous promotion of Nazi Germany's battlefield front in Western Europe, Nazi Germany simply escorted the Jews in the occupied areas to Eastern Europe.

The Germans set up concentration camps for the detention of Jews in designated locations, destroyed a large number of synagogues, and carried out large-scale looting and mass murder of Jews.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

In order to destroy the Jewish people as quickly as possible, Nazi Germany also used various means to incite the local population and gathered thousands or tens of thousands of Jews together to be sent to a remote place to be executed by a killing machine.

Many nameless Jews at that time did not know why they ended up like this until their deaths. Most cruelly, Nazi Germany did not only massacre the Jews, but also their children.

It is understood that in the standards set by Nazi Germany, children over the age of fourteen could be considered adults, and they entered concentration camps with children younger than themselves.

Like a herd of sheep, they could only face the Wolf-like Germans alone, because their parents had long since died at the hands of the Germans, and they could only be silent and dazed to find a way to live as long as possible.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

A tortured Jewish woman

Later, at the end of World War II, the casualties and losses of Jews in this war were counted. Some scholars say that "the essence of the Jewish people in Europe was lost because of this great catastrophe."

We do not deny that some fortunate and tenacious Jews came out of the concentration camps alive, but they spent the rest of their lives in the horrific trauma of the Holocaust, as one commentator put it:

"The Jews of Europe were a people that were tortured, plundered, slaughtered, and divided."

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

In the history of their development, they have suffered unimaginable pains from ordinary people. Because of the religious conflict between Nazi Germany and the Jewish people, coupled with the influence of the concept of male superiority and inferiority.

This led to an even more brutal persecution of Jewish women, who, once captured by the Germans, even dressed as a luxury.

Japan's Unit 731 once treated the Chinese people as guinea pigs and did many experiments to destroy humanity, and similar scenes also occurred in Jewish concentration camps. In a famous Jewish concentration camp —

Auschwitz displays a lot of hair and baby shoes, and when Jewish women entered, they were crammed into long boxes 6 feet wide and 3 feet high, each of which would contain five to ten people huddled together at night to keep warm.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

When the day came, the women would be taken to the major laboratories, forced to participate in various human experiments, and some nights the little sisters who comforted each other would become bars of soap the next day, and their hair would become the laces of the Shoes of the Nazi Wehrmacht.

The corridors leading to the laboratories are flanked by densely packed photographs of the protagonists of Jews who had been held in concentration camps.

Xu is so painful that the Jews in the concentration camps have lost the ability to perceive joy and sorrow, and the last image they have left for the world can only be described as numbness and indifference. But among the many photos, there is one that is very special.

One of the girls smiled, perhaps fantasizing about leaving the hell when she was forcefully escorted to the concentration camp, but in the end, only the yellowed photographs of the victims on the wall proved that she had been here.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

The Jewish people suffered heavy casualties

According to official sources, by the end of World War II in 1945, there were only more than 70,000 30,000 Jews left in Poland; only 35,000 of the 140,000 Jews left in the Netherlands; only 40,000 of the 330,000 Jews in Germany and Austria survived...

No one would have imagined that a single war would have victimized one-third of the world's Jews. Later, under the operation of the United States and other countries, the Jews established a Jewish state in Palestine, which we know as Israel.

Because of Israel's unique architecture, this attracts many people to travel to Israel, when tourists stand on the streets of Israel and look at the children running around with smiling faces.

No one dares to imagine how great the casualties and costs of this nation have been paid to have a stable and sustainable place in the world.


Finally, we would like to add a little bit about the Jewish people and Germany. There is a bloody feud between Germany and the Jewish people, and the holocaust and purge of Jews carried out by Germany have always been criticized by Germany.

However, on December 7, 1970, Brandt, then Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, laid a wreath at the Monument to the Jewish Victims in Warsaw. After carefully arranging the wreaths, he suddenly fell to his knees.

This scene shocked the whole world, and because of this kneeling, there was a major breakthrough in post-war reconciliation between Germany and Poland and other countries. It is precisely for this reason that the world considers this kneeling to be "a representative gesture of Germany's thorough reflection on its war crimes."

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

On December 7, 2020, German Chancellor Steinmeier also delivered a video speech, solemnly stating that Germany will not forget history.

Compared with Germany, which was also an Axis of World War II, Japan's actions are very outrageous, not only refusing to apologize to China, but also maliciously falsifying history and portraying itself as a victim of World War II.

At this point, we have to mention the heroine who single-handedly forced Japan to write germ warfare into the history textbooks, Wang Xuan, who is still fighting with Japan in peacetime, and also deserves our respect.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

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