
Fujian is now a tomb of a foreign prince, and experts have just dug up half of it and have been stopped, saying: This is my ancestor!

Since Cao Cao set up the position of lieutenant colonel in order to charge the military salary, the industry of tomb robbers has been handed down in China, especially in the 70s of the last century, tomb robbers were the most rampant, because of the influence of the tomb robbery industry, people also have various unequal views on the archaeology profession, believing that archaeology is only an expert in disguise in the tomb robbery, with a bright and upright excuse to want to steal the cultural relics in the tomb, so when the experts carry out archaeological research, there will always be someone running out to stop it. But in fact, China's laws stipulate that as long as they are ancient tomb experts, they are qualified for excavation and research. Archaeology is not tomb robbery, but a way to protect cultural relics and the inheritance of Chinese national culture.

Fujian is now a tomb of a foreign prince, and experts have just dug up half of it and have been stopped, saying: This is my ancestor!

In 2008, Chinese archaeologists found a relatively special ancient tomb during a field investigation in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and after archaeological research, it was found that this is a mausoleum from the Ming Dynasty, the ancient tomb is very extensive in the underground, the scale is also very grand, it is a typical aristocratic mausoleum, equivalent to the Ming Dynasty prefect level tomb. As a noble tomb, the excavated cultural relics are also very rich, with hundreds of cultural relics such as porcelain, lacquerware and jade, all of which are cultural relics with high historical value. In order to better understand the information of the tomb owner, experts used DNA technology to test the tomb owner.

Fujian is now a tomb of a foreign prince, and experts have just dug up half of it and have been stopped, saying: This is my ancestor!

When the test results of the tomb owner came out, everyone was shocked that the tomb owner was not a Central Plains Han Chinese. In order to solve more mysteries, experts have restored the appearance of the tomb owner and found that his appearance is highly similar to that of people in South Asia such as India. Just when the experts were shocked by this information, they received the news that someone had found an epitaph in the tomb. According to the information recorded on the epitaph, experts learned that the original owner of the tomb was once a prince of ceylon, and in 1459, the Ming navigator Zheng He arrived in Ceylon in South Asia with a fleet of ships, which is now Sri Lanka. In order to establish friendly trade with the Ming Dynasty, the king of Ceylon sent his son and Zheng He's fleet back to the Ming Dynasty and paid tribute to many jewels.

Fujian is now a tomb of a foreign prince, and experts have just dug up half of it and have been stopped, saying: This is my ancestor!

Unexpectedly, shortly after the prince left the country, his cousin defected at home, not only forcing his father to abdicate the throne with his troops, but also killing all his family members, and the prince of Ceylon, who had no patrons and troops, had no ability to fight back. In the end, he could only become a foreign prince in exile in the Ming Dynasty. After accepting the fact that his country was destroyed, the prince of Ceylon began to settle in the Ming Dynasty, and married and had children with local women, and until his final death, he was not able to leave the land and return to his hometown.

Fujian is now a tomb of a foreign prince, and experts have just dug up half of it and have been stopped, saying: This is my ancestor!

Seeing his information experts, they couldn't help but feel sorry for the deeds of the tomb owner, after all, no one thought that in fact, their biggest enemy was lurking around, thinking about getting rid of themselves all the time. Perhaps this is the most terrible thing about human nature. Although this ancient tomb is the mausoleum of a foreign prince. But this was found in China, that is, an ancient tomb belonging to China, which has certain archaeological value, and experts decided to continue excavating. But when the experts were halfway digging, a woman jumped out to stop it, and she shouted: This is my ancestor, you are not allowed to dig anymore!

Fujian is now a tomb of a foreign prince, and experts have just dug up half of it and have been stopped, saying: This is my ancestor!

Upon questioning, the experts learned that the woman was the descendant of the tomb owner and was his 24th generation eldest granddaughter. The granddaughter of the tomb owner did not understand the rules of archaeology very well, and originally wanted to prevent excavation, but finally under the persuasion and explanation of experts, she finally relaxed and said that it could be excavated. The excavation of this ancient tomb has unveiled many mysteries of the Ming Dynasty, and also to a certain extent filled in the relevant deeds of Zheng He's voyage to the West and the specific information of the Ming Dynasty's foreign exchanges.

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