
With millions of casualties in the Soviet homeland defense of World War II, where did the soldiers who fought back come from?

A heavy snow once blocked Napoleon's iron horse, in the cold Siberian continent, even if you are a hero, it is difficult to escape this de facto bondage, the head of the French Empire Napoleon, after sweeping the European continent, the spearhead directly pointed at Tsarist Russia, but who knows, the invincible Napoleon on this slow conquest of the road, gradually wear out his glory, and eventually lead to his own military exile. In modern times, there is also a conqueror, who also took aim at the Soviet Union in Moscow after the government of the European continent. Unfortunately, the same blizzard, as if premeditated, protected the fledgling Soviet power and kept the enemy out on the outskirts of Moscow.

With millions of casualties in the Soviet homeland defense of World War II, where did the soldiers who fought back come from?

The Soviet Union's military judgment was wrong, but Hitler did not play his cards according to common sense

In the defense of Moscow, the number of Soviet casualties reached as much as 600,000, which shows how terrible the destruction brought about by a war is, it is gratifying that the Soviet Union at that time was a soldier of the whole people, they practiced the wartime reserve system, at the beginning of the war, the number of Soviet troops was about 6 million, the peak of the period reached 12 million, it was that extreme bad weather, the Soviet army, firmly guarded their capital Moscow, And it dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the fascists.

With millions of casualties in the Soviet homeland defense of World War II, where did the soldiers who fought back come from?

On the eve of World War II, the Soviet Union and Germany signed a non-aggression pact, because of the Soviet state system, so that other European and American countries were hostile, originally hoping that the raging fire of the European battlefield would not burn to the Soviet Union, but Hitler did not play cards according to common sense, so that Stalin's peace illusion was completely broken, and at this time, only Britain was still struggling to resist on the European continent. Just in the summer of 1941, the German army suddenly launched an attack on the Soviet Union, and the leaders of the Soviet Union and the commander-in-chief of the Western Front did not pay attention to it, but because of this, the German army's "blitzkrieg" combat style was defeated by the German army, and the 3.4 million Soviet troops on the Western Front were eaten by the German army at once.

With millions of casualties in the Soviet homeland defense of World War II, where did the soldiers who fought back come from?

The reserve conscription system helped the Soviet Union gain troop replenishment

After the German army triumphantly thought that the Soviet army had stopped cooking, the spirited Hitler began to have a headache, on the road to Moscow, the German army thought that it could advance at full speed, but in fact it was unexpected, the number of the Soviet Red Army, is more and more, simply beyond imagination, because the Soviet army adopted a military service system similar to the German army, in addition to some necessary jobs, all young people of legal age participate in military training, five years of eight months is a training time, all are incorporated into the reserve system, Once a war broke out, they could be reactivated, and at the beginning of the war, in seven days, the Soviet Union raised more than 5 million reserve soldiers, and it is conceivable that the efficiency of the Soviet Union's follow-up replenishment of troops.

With millions of casualties in the Soviet homeland defense of World War II, where did the soldiers who fought back come from?

The replenishment of allied military supplies gave the Soviet Union a breather

In addition, in addition to the continuous replenishment of the Soviet Union's troops, there is also a strong support from the British and American allies, whether material or military, at the beginning of World War II, only the United Kingdom was struggling to support there, whether it was the Soviet Union or the United States, were in a wait-and-see attitude, especially the United States, British Prime Minister Churchill did not ask the United States to participate in it, but Roosevelt only helped in materials, the Soviet-German war began, to a large extent alleviated the British military pressure, the beginning of the Soviet-German war, The British launched a fierce counterattack against the then general Rommel on the battlefield in North Africa, until November, the war was in a state of anxiety, at this time the war in North Africa to some extent alleviated the military pressure on Moscow, by the end of 1941, the American army and the British army provided the Soviet Union with 873 aircraft, 669 tanks and many materials needed for the war, it was thanks to the strong military assistance of the two countries, successfully helped the Soviet Union in the war at that time.

With millions of casualties in the Soviet homeland defense of World War II, where did the soldiers who fought back come from?

A rare heavy snow completely broke the will of the German army

But people are not as good as the sky, a heavy snow fell also completely helped the Soviet Union, in October the Soviet Union began to drift heavy snow, this heavy snow, so that the original cold Siberia even colder, poor German army due to the front line stretched too long, coupled with heavy snow caused by the road is not smooth, a lot of army materials can not be transported to the front line in time, which has been "'blitzkrieg'" civilization of the German army caught off guard, the German army, because of the cold, originally thought that the war will soon end, As a result, the war lasted for several months, and in the cold of Siberia, many soldiers did not have warm clothes, and tanks, cars and even weapons could not be used normally.

With millions of casualties in the Soviet homeland defense of World War II, where did the soldiers who fought back come from?

The long-term shortage of materials, as well as the war time is too long, the morale of the German army has not been as sharp as it was at the beginning, the protracted war between the two sides is obviously unbearable for the German army, the confidence of the German generals has begun to crack, the degree of morale is low, so that Hitler who is far away in Berlin is simply suspicious of life, the obvious decline in combat effectiveness, giving the Red Army a good opportunity to counterattack.

It is precisely because of the Soviet army's insistence on not giving up the war attitude, coupled with the reserve system of troops, even in the later stages of the war, it can also crush the German army through the tactics of the sea of people, in addition to the large amount of material support between the Allies, helped Stalin to quickly resume industrial production during the war, a heavy snow, neither Napoleon nor Hitler broke through the last line of defense of the Soviet Union, but let himself sink into the swamp. It was the Soviet Union that seized this opportunity and won the final victory in the war.

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