
Billionaires have become crazy tramps, and the "king of cottage machines" is in debt for tens of millions, begging for cigarettes on the streets

Shenzhen Huaqiang North is a commercial battlefield full of legends. Tens of thousands of multi-millionaires have been achieved here, including Tencent founder Ma Huateng, Shenzhou Computer President Wu Haijun, and also created the tragedy of "copycat machine king" Chen Jinling, who fell from billionaire to the bottom and eventually wandered the streets in madness.

If you meet Chen Jinling on the street of Huaqiang North, you may wish to hand him a cigarette or a bowl of hot rice, this man who now seems to be hungry and clothed, has also been a legend.

One. Ambition across classes, from poor boy to billionaire

Shenzhen was once at the forefront of reform and opening up, and the blood-boiling entrepreneurial dreams of countless young people began here. In 2001, 16-year-old Chen Jinling dropped out of junior high school in his hometown of Jiangxi, but he was not willing to be mediocre from a poor family, and came to Shenzhen with his uncle and became an apprentice who repaired mobile phones. Chen Jinling not only quickly became a master of repairing mobile phones, but also won the appreciation of his boss for working hard and full of cleverness.

Billionaires have become crazy tramps, and the "king of cottage machines" is in debt for tens of millions, begging for cigarettes on the streets

But he also knows that it is difficult to stay in Shenzhen to become an excellent migrant worker, he looked around for opportunities, when the rise of mobile phones, the "cottage machine" market is very objective, Chen Jinling decisively blocked all his wealth, became a "cottage machine" scalper, sure enough, a small profit, but also made him live a small rich and peaceful life.

But Chen Jinling's ambitions do not stop there, he wants to cross the class to become a truly rich man. Thinking about it, he expanded his business again, and became a mobile phone agent in Huaqiang North in one fell swoop, the large and small merchants in the market and the small traders in the market who fought guerrilla warfare had to buy goods from his hands to sell, so he really made a lot of money, and then the business became bigger and bigger, and at this time he was not yet 30 years old, and his personal assets doubled again and again, and at the peak it was as high as hundreds of millions of yuan.

The poor boy who had no background and no education became a billionaire with the help of ambition, and he was also a legendary figure in Huaqiangbei at that time, known as the "King of Cottage Machines".

Billionaires have become crazy tramps, and the "king of cottage machines" is in debt for tens of millions, begging for cigarettes on the streets

Two. Seeing Zhu Lou rise, seeing the banquet guests, seeing the building collapsing

Chen Jinling's status as a rich man did not last long, and something went wrong. With Jobs announced the first Apple mobile phone, the rise of smart phones, the traditional feature phone lost the advantage of one hand covering the sky, the market slowly underwent a difficult reversal of the change, consumers gradually one-sided, and at this time Chen Jinling's entire body value has been invested in the cottage function machine, the difficulty is not this, the fatal blow immediately came.

With the improvement of the law, it is clearly stipulated that the production of cottage mobile phones is prohibited to protect intellectual property rights, Chen Jinling's cottage mobile phone factory has been ordered to be sealed, and all inventory mobile phones have been confiscated. In desperation, Chen Jinling hurriedly changed his career to a smart machine, but sometimes fate really made people, Chen Jinling repeatedly lost money, and finally owed 10 million. And his wife eloped with his entire body and the driver. Chen Jinling, who had nothing, collapsed!

Billionaires have become crazy tramps, and the "king of cottage machines" is in debt for tens of millions, begging for cigarettes on the streets

Sometimes there is only a line between genius and madness. In fact, Chen Jinling has many similarities with the business history of Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong today. Li Ka-shing's family is poor, he dropped out of school at the age of 14 due to the death of his father, worked as a primary school apprentice in a watch company, with cleverness and cleverness, started a business with plastic flowers at the age of 22, and like Chen Jinling, he had a successful career at the age of less than 30. But what is different from Chen Jinling is that Li Ka-shing adheres to the business philosophy of "not earning the last copper plate", closely follows the favorable policies, takes off his gloves in time, and now his assets are in more than 50 countries around the world.

Li Ka-shing does not put eggs in the same basket, investment involves people's livelihood projects, real estate, supermarkets. Bars, power grids and many other industries. , is a large-scale into the pharmaceutical market, not only spend hundreds of millions of yuan to the world's many universities to donate money to occupy the cutting-edge technology, but also personally invested in anti-aging molecules (The same core substances of Theirei), it is reported that Li Ka-shing has spent more than 1.5 million yuan a year to eat such anti-aging molecules to delay aging, but also personally endorsed his own anti-aging molecule products, and now the similar finished products "Celery" has been through the Beijing-East to occupy the vast domestic market, and with the breakthrough of science and technology, the price has a downward trend, followed by the domestic middle class.

Billionaires have become crazy tramps, and the "king of cottage machines" is in debt for tens of millions, begging for cigarettes on the streets

I have to say that Li Ka-shing's investment vision is indeed fierce, Li Ka-shing's earlier investment in "Cylery" similar extension supplements to seize the market, and now the life science and technology field once became a major business tycoon in the eyes of the eye of the fragrant, Ma Yun's Yunfeng Fund invested in the first domestic anti-aging echelon of the "time faction", byteDance former CEO Zhang Yiming, Sohu former CEO Zhang Xiaochuan and other Internet bigwigs have joined the life science field.

Chen Jinling, like Li Ka-shing, quickly accumulated a lot of wealth with his ingenuity, and if Chen Jinling could adjust his strategy in time, he might be the next Li Ka-shing.

Three. Even if he is insane, Huaqiangbei is still his favorite place to go

Even after the insanity of Chen Jinling, or often appear in the Huaqiang North Electronic Market, according to some of the old merchants in the mall, occasionally can see him will inexplicably dance, but also find some people who have been familiar with the time to smoke from time to time.

Billionaires have become crazy tramps, and the "king of cottage machines" is in debt for tens of millions, begging for cigarettes on the streets

Huaqiang North Electronics Market, the place that has achieved the highlight of his life, may have been deeply imprinted on his heart, and he still likes to return here even if he is mentally disturbed. Nowadays, the times have changed, and perhaps not many people know him, and the glory that has been turned into his favorite smoke has dissipated in the torrent of time.

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