
Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

Streamers are easy to throw people away, red cherries, green plantains.

The years were merciless, leaving wrinkles and countless spots on the faces of both men and women. However, some women are better and better when they are older, and some people, although they use expensive skin care products and beautiful makeup, still can't stop the aging revealed from the posture and expression of the body.

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

From a psychological point of view, in fact, whether a person is aging or not is not only related to age, economic conditions, and life pressure, but more importantly, it is related to a person's sense of control over life. Having a sense of control, involving their own interpersonal, dating, work, family, etc. are under control, there will not be too much beyond expectations, adding stress and anxiety to yourself.

From this perspective, it can also explain why some people are in a hurry at a young age. When life and work are in a difficult situation that he cannot cope with for a long time, he is prone to see through the cruelty of life too early, and he has to bear more mental burden and economic pressure than his peers, so that he consumes extremely large psychological resources in order to barely survive and do half the work.

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

Psychologists have experimented with the sense of control. One of the most famous was in 1979, when Alan Lange, the first professor of women's psychology at Harvard University, devised an experiment to study what factors human aging was associated with.

At an old monastery in Pittsburgh, she invited 16 elderly people into the "capsule of time" — a place that was laid out as it was 20 years ago, where they lived for a week. During this period, the elderly people are like daily activities, listening to music, reading comedy, reading newspapers, setting up tables together, cleaning up dishes, of course, these music, drama, newspapers are 20 years ago, not the current information.

The 16 elderly people were divided into experimental group and control group, the experimental group subjects were really "young" 20 years old, to be as agile as their own 20 years ago, memory focused; and the control group, although in the scene of 20 years ago, but to live in the present, to a sigh, recall tone, discuss the music heard, see the drama.

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

The space-time capsule experiment proved that the two groups of elderly participants had a significant increase in physical function, and their eyesight, hearing and memory were significantly improved. The elderly in the experimental group were more agile and had higher scores on intelligence tests because they had "really" lived 20 years ago.

At the end of the Alan Lange Space-Time Capsule experiment, she invited outsiders to look at the photos of the participants before and after the experiment, and almost everyone could not believe their eyes. The people in the experimental group seemed to be several years younger after the experiment.

This set of experiments has been continuously promoted in the psychology community in the future, and many psychologists have begun to explore a series of psychological meanings behind it, and the sense of control as a psychological term has begun to be frequently mentioned.

So what is the sense of control? How does control play a role in this psychological experiment? If a person has a sense of control, what kind of results will they have in their daily lives?

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

Sense of control refers to a sense of belief that an individual can determine his or her inner state and change his or her surroundings through positive action.

Psychology-related studies have shown that the sense of control can affect people's mobility, and individuals with a high sense of control have a higher level of motivational stimulation when facing a task, while individuals with a low sense of control have a low level of motivational activation when facing a task, and are prone to fall into a state of self-doubt, and even become learned helpless.

According to the discourse of the psychological community, the sense of control is a willful concept that cannot be accurately measured, although we cannot translate it into experimental data, but it does not mean that it cannot be studied, and there have been many studies that show that the sense of control has great significance for life.

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

Psychologist James R. Averil found in a 1973 study that a sense of control can relieve stress, improve psychological resilience and life satisfaction, and for some unexpected situations, individuals can also be better calm in the face of some emergencies in order to find the appropriate way to solve the problem. Similarly, Barbara Rothbaum found in a 1982 study that an individual with a high sense of control is quite adaptable to changes in life and is more likely to grasp life.

In this experiment, the elderly should have a memory decline and aging body functions as the social consensus, but the arrangement of the human environment makes them constantly tell themselves, to "control themselves", to have a sense of control over life, and constantly repeat the notification to make the individual appear to match the environmental age, this behavior and mentality continues until the end of the experiment.

The role of control was evident in this experiment, and although it was a field experiment that could not be compared with the accuracy of the laboratory experiment, the psychological significance of the experiment has been discussed until now.

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

Since a sense of control is a "skill" that an individual needs to acquire, how can it be acquired?

One of the simplest approaches is to unite knowledge and action, where one's vision, values, and actions are in a straight line. When a person moves towards his own goal, he will have infinite perseverance and perseverance, because the goal is what the individual wants, not determined by other people or external conditions, but the power that erupts from the individual's heart, which is more pleasant than the external motivation or the internal motivation, and is willing to pay for it.

Of course, if you are not clear about what you want and have lost your goal in an impetuous society, then we have to explore that a person who has not carried too much heaviness in his infancy can say what he wants without hesitation. And as we get older, a person slowly sees the gap between what they want and reality, and this process seems to be that we have lost our original intentions, but who can deny that we are indeed gradually seeing ourselves?

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

So, if there is no goal, then we build a goal, and the goal we build at this time will be more realistic than the goal we set up when we were a child. In other words, it's a journey of self-exploration.

In this trip, we have to focus on our talents and interests, find a path that can achieve talents or interests, learn new methods, but also practice our own methods, find some courses or exercise projects in a planned way, when a person is clear about what they want to do, know how to do it, and constantly strengthen their beliefs in the process of exercise, then her sense of control will slowly rise.

The sense of control is not a mysterious and uncontrollable thing, in the end, there must be a goal, why can women in the workplace become strong women and achieve economic freedom? However, they are more than comfortable with their work, and this sense of control makes people not afraid of new tasks, have the courage to deal with them, and deal with unexpected events without hurry. For example, Andy in "Ode to Joy" and Su Mingyu in "All Is Good".

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

"Aging is an indoctrinated concept, not an objective thing." Alan Lange warned us. Many people mistakenly believe that the elderly will be weak, sick and disaster-prone, and life is inseparable from the care of young people, including many elderly people themselves are also such a cognition, however, this is a stereotype.

According to relevant research in brain neuroscience, the brain activity of a considerable number of elderly people is no different from that of young people in their 20s. Due to the increase in experience, they are on par with young people in their 20s in terms of short-term memory, abstract reasoning, and the speed of processing information.

What is aging is the form, and what remains unchanged is the revolutionary spirit.

Why do some women look better the older they are? There are only 1 root causes

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