
The Standing Committee of the Qingshui County People's Congress held a study meeting of the party group theoretical study center

author:Tianshui online
The Standing Committee of the Qingshui County People's Congress held a study meeting of the party group theoretical study center

On January 4, Zhou Weidong, secretary of the party leading group and director of the Standing Committee of the Qingshui County People's Congress, presided over the study meeting of the theoretical study center group of the party group of the county people's congress standing committee and the recent key work arrangement meeting, and the members of the party group of the county people's congress standing committee, the vice chairmen of the special committees of the county people's congress, the directors and deputy directors of the working committees, and the office staff participated in the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and studied parts 6 and 7 of the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle adopted by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Cpc Central Committee; General Secretary Xi Jinping's 2022 New Year's Message; the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 35th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee; the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference; the spirit of the Central Rural Work Conference; the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 23rd Meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and the spirit of the 8th Municipal Party Congress. The spirit of the standing committee meeting of the county party committee.

The Standing Committee of the Qingshui County People's Congress held a study meeting of the party group theoretical study center

Zhou Weidong pointed out that the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in Shaanxi is grim, and it is necessary to strictly follow the unified measures requirements of the county joint prevention and control office for epidemic prevention and control, continue to guide the effective implementation of the prevention and control measures for the clearance of returnees in key areas of the townships and towns and the key areas of the community, strictly duty, pay attention to guidance, strengthen supervision, deepen services, build a strict line of defense against the epidemic, and effectively protect the life and health safety of the people.

Zhou Weidong stressed that in accordance with their respective responsibilities, all working committees should grasp all work at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, conscientiously sort out and summarize the work in 2021, plan the work in 2022 as soon as possible, and do a solid job in preparing for the work of the Democratic Life Conference, so as to ensure that all work is orderly connected and efficiently advanced. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, all kinds of safety accidents occur frequently, and it is necessary to unremittingly and constantly grasp safe production, always establish a solid sense of safe production, rely on the responsibility for safe production, strictly prevent and strictly control all kinds of risks and hidden dangers, and resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of various safety accidents. It is necessary to supervise and grasp the work of safe production in townships and towns, resolutely investigate and deal with traffic violations and violations, and promptly organize personnel to clear the snow on the roads to ensure road traffic safety. People's congress organs should meticulously and prudently implement safety measures for organs, strengthen the investigation of potential safety hazards in equipment and facilities and key parts, timely inspect and repair electrical equipment and vehicles, resolve hidden safety risks, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of safety accidents.

(Tianshui Online Editor: Kang Cuixia)

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