
Heze Sports Calligraphy and Painting Association was established

On December 31, 2021, the inaugural meeting and the first member congress of heze Sports Calligraphy and Painting Association were held in the Cambridge Haoting Community Building, and the development of the city's sports industry entered a new stage of parallel stylistic and cross-border cooperation.

Heze Sports Calligraphy and Painting Association was established

At the meeting site, Liu Yong, former chairman of the Heze Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, director of the Shandong Provincial Book Association, part-time professor of calligraphy at Qingdao University, and president of the Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Heze Municipal Cppcc Committee, Ma Wenguang, founding chairman of the General Association of Asia-Pacific Sports Federations, former secretary general of the International Weightlifting Federation, former director of the Weightlifting and Wrestling Judo Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport of China, member of the China Artists Association, vice chairman of the Fifth and Sixth Session of the Shandong Provincial Artists Association, vice president of the Shandong Chinese Painting Society, former vice president of the Caozhou Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and vice president of the Muhong Book Club, Shangguan Chaoying, member of the China Artists Association, vice chairman of the Fifth and Sixth Vice Chairman of the Shandong Provincial Artists Association, vice president of the Shandong Provincial Chinese Painting Society, former vice president of the Caozhou Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and vice president of the Muhong Book Club Liu Furong, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Heze Municipal Party Committee, Tian Jilei, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, and Shi Changhua, secretary of the party group and director of the Municipal Sports Bureau, attended the meeting.

Heze Sports Calligraphy and Painting Association was established

Shi Changhua said in his speech that the combination of sports and calligraphy and painting has innovated the situation of sports and is an integrated development of sports and culture. Calligraphy and painting creation can not only cultivate sentiments, but also get physical exercise, when the writing is created, the whole body is active, and the spirit will be strong and powerful. The spirit of sportsmanship is integrated into the stroke of calligraphy and painting, which is displayed through the art of calligraphy and painting, and can also publicize sports culture. The two complement each other and jointly promote people's physical health and promote the all-round development of people.

Shi Changhua put forward requirements on how to strengthen the standardized construction of the association, give better play to the role of the association, and better promote the development of the sports calligraphy and painting industry in Heze City; it is necessary to earnestly strengthen the work of party building and ensure the correct development direction of the association; it is necessary to persist in administering the association according to law and accelerate the standardized construction of the association; and it is necessary to give full play to the role of the association and promote the healthy development of the sports calligraphy and painting cause in Heze City.

The conference elected Jia Qiwu, president of Caozhou Wushu School, as the president of Heze Sports Calligraphy and Painting Association, and appointed Liu Yong and Shangguan Chaoying as honorary presidents of the association.

Jia Qiwu said that the establishment of the Heze Sports Calligraphy and Painting Association not only marks that the development of Heze City's sports industry has entered a new stage, but also marks that Heze City has opened a new chapter in parallel cultural and sports and cross-border cooperation, which will certainly play a positive role in promoting mass sports in Heze City. The association will actively explore new ideas for the work of the association under the new situation, and contribute to promoting the development of sports and cultural undertakings and the construction of spiritual civilization in Heze City.

After the meeting, the participants jointly visited the first exhibition of calligraphy and painting of Heze Sports Calligraphy and Painting Association and the national invitation exhibition of famous artists.

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