
How is "Ti" pronounced in NVIDIA graphics cards? Official: Just read it, as long as it's written correctly

IT House news on January 5, since Nvidia began to name graphics cards "Ti", pronunciation problems have been plagued by users, such as Nvidia just announced at CES 2022 RTX 3090 Ti.

How to pronounce Ti? There are currently two versions: one pronounced "tie", and the other pronounced "tee-eye (T~I~)".

How is "Ti" pronounced in NVIDIA graphics cards? Official: Just read it, as long as it's written correctly

According to The Verge, even Nvidia officials don't know which one is correct, as the company demonstrated at CES 2022 — different presenters switch back and forth between "tie" and "tee-eye."

IT House learned that Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang often says "tee-eye" when making a new graphics card in his kitchen. But when asked about the correct pronunciation, NVIDIA gave up on answering the question altogether.

Hector Marinez, NVIDIA's director of corporate communications, told The Verge, "Ti's pronunciation is not wrong... As long as you spell it correctly. ”

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