
This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do

China has a land area of 9.6 million square kilometers, is a vast country with a vast land, the dynasties of ancient China basically have their own extremely brilliant moments, but one of the dynasties has a very low sense of existence, many people are not even willing to mention this dynasty, that is, the Yuan Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty is a dynasty established by the Mongols, the first unified dynasty established by ethnic minorities in Chinese history, enjoying ninety-eight years of the country, after the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols returned to the Mongolian steppe. The Ming army often clashed with the Mongol army, and by the time of the Qing Dynasty, all of Mongolia was brought under the rule of the Qing Dynasty.

This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Mongolia officially declared independence in 1911, but other countries in the world did not recognize it, and after 1921, Mongolia declared independence again under Russian control, but it still did not go away, and it was not until 1946 that the Republic of China officially recognized its independence. After decades of development, Mongolia's economy has not developed to a great extent, but the phenomenon of more women and fewer men has begun to occur in the country.

This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do

Mongolia, located between China and Russia, is a landlocked country surrounded by two major powers, in history, Mongolia's most glorious time should be genghis khan's time, when Genghis Khan established the Mongol Empire, most of the surrounding countries are in decline, and even internal contradictions are very much, so where Genghis Khan went, basically invincible, the battle of Bike will be victorious, but after the death of Genghis Khan, Turkey and the Ming Dynasty and other countries have risen, and the former Mongol Empire was fragmented. Soon disappeared into the long river of history.

This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do

Mongolia has a land area of 1,566,500 square kilometers and a population of about 3 million people, making it the least densely populated country in the world, and after independence, Mongolia declared permanent political neutrality, because it is a landlocked country, so Mongolia has only an army, air force and part of the cavalry, no navy. These military forces have almost 200,000 people, of which women account for as many as 130,000 people, Mongolia is known as the sixteenth republic of the former Soviet Union, but with the fall of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Empire and its own geographical factors of economic development and other factors, Mongolia suffered greatly, and finally became a third-rate country.

This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do
This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do

Because there are more women than men in China, it has caused a significant gap in the social division of labor, most of the women are dominant, in the organs and units, women account for more than 55%, the Ministry of Education women account for even more than 70%, clinics and hospitals and other places where women account for more than 80%.

This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do

Mongolia's phenomenon of more women and fewer men is a rare situation in Asia, so the rulers of Mongolia have always been worried about how to change this phenomenon, in the early years, some of the media in Mongolia also put forward a lot of "monogamy" benefits of many articles, and even called for the implementation of this law as soon as possible, but some people believe that the method of monogamy can not solve the problem of more women and less men, if it is really implemented, then it will only cause rich people to marry more wives, and the poor will be more difficult to marry wives. Although mongolia also has the phenomenon of rich people raising mistresses, this is relatively rare after all, and if the law of polygamy is promulgated, then social contradictions will increase day by day.

This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do
This province has been reduced to a third-rate country since the independence of our country, and now more women and fewer men do not know what to do

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