
Penny_Gemini_Horoscope 2022


When the year begins, Jupiter will be in the most important position of the sky in your chart. Make the most of the planet's vast land as it will take another 12 years to return. That's not to say you're going to do all the work. Just to say that luck and opportunity come hand in hand with Jupiter, some Gemini will experience great success in their careers, others will achieve what they most aspire to.

Early March, the end of April and the end of May are probably the three climaxes of the year, and even though nothing spectacular happens around these dates, good things are developing behind the scenes.

Neptune continues to seduce and confuse, especially if you were born on June 11-15, and if you experience a loss of confidence or direction, wait for it: you're in a transition phase, and it won't be until next year that you'll feel like you're on track.

This year's lunar eclipse falls on the axis of work and happiness, bringing unexpected changes, not necessarily unwelcome changes, but keep an eye on your health and deal with them as soon as signs and signals appear.

Important Horoscopic Note: Jupiter is in the tenth house

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