
The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

author:Squirrel kitchen

Northerners have a special fondness for dumplings (with the exception of a few exceptions), whether it's meat stuffing or vegetarian stuffing. Especially in our family, we don't eat dumplings for a few days, as if we lack something in life, and we don't eat anything fragrant.

Dumplings, some people like to eat vegetarian stuffing, some people like to eat meat filling, what kind of stuffing do you like to eat? Anyway, most of my family eats meat filling, although I like vegetarian stuffing, but I can't help but have two "carnivores" in the family.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

My family's meat stuffed dumplings are all beef and mutton stuffing. We all know that beef and mutton have a fishy taste, and dumplings wrapped by people who can't mix the filling are difficult to eat.

My method of mixing beef and mutton dumplings was still learned by Grandpa Zhao who opened a 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant, Grandpa Zhao is an authentic Huimin, he opened a dumpling restaurant far and wide, the business is very hot, and then the age of the dry can not move, transferred to the next generation. Grandpa Zhao said that the beef and mutton dumplings are delicious, all in this bowl of spice juice.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

This method of mixing dumplings is not difficult at all, and the seasoning is also available in our kitchen at home. Mix beef and mutton dumpling filling, this bowl of sauce is the "essence", delicious bursting juice! Such a mixture of dumpling filling, dumplings, steamed buns, flattle pie, boiled wontons, no matter what you make, delicious, thief! unbelief? You try.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

——【Beef and mutton dumpling filling method】——

【Ingredients】: 500 grams of beef or lamb, 1 green onion, 1 piece of ginger, 1 spoon of pepper, 3 spoons of cooking wine, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, salt to taste, sesame oil to taste, chicken essence 1 tsp, MSG 1 tsp

【Spice juice】: 1 large ingredient (also called star anise in some places), 1 spoonful of peppercorns, 1 small piece of cinnamon, 2 pieces of fragrant leaves, water to taste

【Preparation steps】:

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients you need and start making. First make the spice juice, put the large ingredients, peppercorns, cinnamon and fragrant leaves in a large bowl, pour in the water that has just boiled, cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

Step 2: After 10 minutes, the color of the spice juice changes to the same color as tea. Filter it through a fine mesh sieve, remove the spices, and the rest is the spice water. Add 180 grams to the prepared beef or lamb in divided doses, be sure to add them in batches, not all at once.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

Step three: Each time you have to stir in one direction and then add the next spice water until all are added, it takes about 4-5 times, so that the meat filling is not fishy, the gravy is more, and the dumplings are tender and fried. The picture below shows the minced meat after adding spice water.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

Step 4: Start seasoning. Put almost enough salt in the meat filling at one time (there is no more salt in the vegetable filling, if the taste is light, you can add a little less salt), cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper, and continue to stir in one direction.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

Step 5: After the stirring is completed, add the chopped green onion and ginger, the green onion can be slightly more, the taste is more fragrant. Pour sesame oil over the green onion and ginger, mix the shallot and ginger with sesame oil, and then stir well with the meat filling.

Some people say that green onions cannot be put too early, otherwise there will be a smell of "stinky onions". In fact, the green onion and ginger are mixed with sesame oil first, and then mixed with the meat filling, this method will not have a "stinky green onion" smell no matter how long you put it, and the aroma is fragrant.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

Step 6: This is the prepared beef filling, not fishy, very sticky. When adding vegetable filling, just squeeze the water dry, mix well with cooking oil, and mix with the meat filling.

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

This kind of beef and mutton stuffing, no matter what dish stuffing is delicious, and does not produce a drop of soup, perfectly locking nutrition, dumplings are delicious and juicy, bite a bite full of fresh flavor. I have used this method of mixing dumpling stuffing for more than ten years, and I have taught many friends that the dumplings are too fragrant and delicious!

The beef and mutton stuffing method of the 40-year-old Muslim dumpling restaurant is all in this bowl of spice juice, thief incense

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