
collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

How can I make a healthy Chinese?

The "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" was officially announced, and this "health book" released by the state contains a huge amount of health knowledge information.

Xiaobian has selected 50 simple and easy to remember points for you, and see how many you have done~

Focus on healthy meals

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

1. The per capita daily salt intake is not higher than 5g.

2. The per capita daily edible oil intake of adults is not higher than 25 to 30g.

3. The per capita daily intake of added sugars is not higher than 25g.

4. The daily intake of vegetables and fruits is not less than 500g.

5. The daily intake of food is not less than 12 kinds, and the weekly intake is not less than 25 kinds.

6. Adults maintain a healthy weight and control the body mass index (BMI) at 18.5 to 24 kg/㎡.

7. Adult male waist circumference is less than 85cm, female is less than 80cm.

8, drink enough water, adults generally 7 to 8 cups (1500 ~ 1700ml) per day.

9, eat regularly, do not miss meals, do not overeat, seven or eight points full.

10. Brush your teeth morning and evening, rinse your mouth after meals, use the correct brushing method, and brush your teeth for no less than 2 minutes each time.

Get into exercise habits

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

11. Encourage moderate-intensity exercise of more than 30 minutes each time more than 3 times a week, or accumulate 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity.

12. Achieve physical activity of 6,000 to 10,000 steps per day.

13. Primary and secondary school students accumulate at least 1 hour of moderate intensity and above exercise every day.

Focus on sleep and mental health

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

14. Primary school students sleep 10 hours a day; junior high school students sleep 9 hours; high school students sleep 8 hours; and adults sleep an average of 7 to 8 hours a day.

15. Try to make up for sleep deficiencies in time, and seek medical treatment in time if sleep problems occur.

16. Maintain positive and healthy emotions and avoid continuous negative emotions that cause harm to physical health.

17. Learn and use healthy stress reduction methods, and avoid using unhealthy stress reduction methods such as smoking, drinking, and addiction to the Internet or games.

18. Establish good interpersonal relationships, actively seek interpersonal support, and talk and ask for help appropriately.

19. Psychological and behavioral problems should be sought in time.

20. When there is a conflict with a family member, do not use excessive words or harmful behavior, do not be indifferent and avoidant, but actively communicate to resolve it.

Pay attention to eye hygiene

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

21. Primary and secondary school students maintain correct reading and writing postures.

22. Primary and secondary school students should not use their eyes continuously for more than 40 minutes.

23. The use of electronic screen products for non-learning purposes of primary and secondary school students should not exceed 15 minutes at a time, and the cumulative total amount should not exceed 1 hour per day.

24. If you use the computer for a long time, the elevation angle of the computer should be opposite to the user's line of sight when working, and it is not advisable to look down or look up too much, and it is recommended to rest every 1 to 2 hours.

Stay away from bad habits

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

25. Non-smokers should not try to smoke. Smokers try to quit smoking as much as possible, and the sooner they quit, the better, and never before it's too late.

26. Stay away from unsafe sex.

27. Do not attempt drugs for any reason.

Care for good health

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

28. Participate in regular physical examinations. Regularly monitor breathing, pulse, blood pressure, bowel and bowel movements, and make timely records of abnormal conditions, and if necessary, seek medical treatment.

Adults aged 29 and 18 years and older regularly self-monitor blood pressure, pay attention to blood pressure changes, and control hypertension risk factors.

30. People under 40 years of age with normal blood lipids are tested for blood lipids once every 2 to 5 years; blood lipids are tested at least once a year for people aged 40 and above. People at high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are tested for lipids every 6 months.

31. Regular anti-cancer physical examination.

32. Pay attention to the prevention of colds. People at risk, such as patients with chronic respiratory diseases and the elderly, are actively vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

33. Healthy people begin to test fasting blood glucose once a year at the age of 40.

34. Take the initiative to understand the harm of AIDS, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, prevention and control knowledge and related policies.

35. After being scratched or bitten by a dog or cat, the wound should be rinsed immediately, and the anti-rabies immunoglobulin (or serum) and human rabies vaccine should be injected as soon as possible under the guidance of a doctor.

Learn about mothers and babies

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

36. Actively participate in premarital and pre-pregnancy health examinations.

37. Regular obstetric examinations to ensure the safety of mothers and babies.

38. Try to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months.

39. Pay attention to menstrual hygiene, familiar with the symptoms and prevention knowledge of common diseases in women such as reproductive tract infections, breast diseases and cervical cancer.

40. Master the informed choice of contraceptive methods, know various contraceptive methods, and understand the precautions of the contraceptive methods they use.

Master the common sense of health first aid

collection! 50 "National Standards" of Health Chinese

41. Actively participate in escape and first aid training, and learn basic escape skills and first aid skills.

42. Follow the doctor's instructions for treatment, do not credulously believe in folk remedies, and do not believe in "divine medicine".

43. Equipped with household first aid kits (including first aid drugs, first aid equipment and first aid consumables, etc.).

44. Timely and actively carry out household environmental hygiene cleaning, so that the family hygiene is clean, the light is sufficient, the ventilation is good, and the toilet is hygienic.

45, moderate use of air conditioning, winter setting temperature is not higher than 20 degrees Celsius, summer setting temperature is not less than 26 degrees Celsius.

46. The newly renovated room is ventilated regularly to reduce indoor air pollution caused by decorative decoration materials.

47. In the cooking process, it is recommended to use exhaust fans, range hoods and other equipment.

48. When the weather is heavily polluted, it is recommended to minimize the outdoor stay time and stop outdoor activities for susceptible people.

49. Non-fatigue driving, speeding, drunk driving, with certain emergency handling capabilities.

50. Choose a swimming place with standardized management, do not advocate swimming in natural waters, and should not swim outdoors when it rains.

Have you done all 50 of them?

Transfer it to friends and family!

Source: Healthy China Action, Xinhua News Agency, China News Network

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