
The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

At the end of last year (that is, a few days ago), a city was suddenly "locked down"! Also frequently on the hot search:

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

There are 3 words that are very eye-catching: out! blood! hot!

Do you already have such a picture in your mind...

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

That's right! Symptoms basically coincide! And its mortality rate is still quite frightening:

In the past, Ebola and Marburg virus infections were classified as "haemorrhagic fever viruses" based on the clinical manifestations of Ebola and Marburg virus infections, including coagulation disorders, bleeding, and shock.

However, now, Ebola virus disease is no longer called "hemorrhagic fever", but his mortality rate is as high as 50% to 90%!

The hemorrhagic fever that occurs in Shaanxi, Luoyang and other places in China is caused by hantavirus: its mortality rate is 6%-15%!

Therefore, the University of Science and Technology will take a deep look at the recent epidemic of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, so that everyone can know themselves and know each other, in order to "prevent all poisons"!


How is hantavirus infection caused?

The medically important hantavirus is carried by rodents of the family Rodents and Hamsteridae. In a nutshell, rats are the main source of hantavirus infection:

If you:

Bitten by a sick rat;

Wounded skin in contact with the excrement of sick rats and sick rats;

Eating food contaminated with sick rats;

Breathing of aerosols with viruses (access to places where there is activity for rodents carrying the virus, etc.);

After being bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus.

It will induce blood fever!


Is haemorrhagic fever caused by hantavirus highly contagious?

It is more contagious, but human-to-human transmission is relatively rare.


Is hemorrhagic fever a plague? Which rats are prone to hemorrhagic fever?

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

(Say important things three times!) )

Plague is Yersinia pestis: a potent infectious disease that is mainly transmitted by rat fleas, and the pathogens and routes of transmission are different from hemorrhagic fevers.

Brown rats and haddock rats are the mice most likely to cause bleeding fever

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

Brown mouse (Image source: Network)

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

Haddock Mouse (Image source: Internet)


What kind of people are prone to "bleeding fever"?

Young adult men, farmers, and field workers are susceptible to hemorrhagic fever.


Will babies also get "bleeding fever"?

Without vaccination, people of all genders, ages, and occupations will be infected, as will children. But not susceptible people.


What are the typical symptoms of hemorrhagic fever in babies/adults?

The early symptoms of hemorrhagic fever are more similar to those of the common flu, so many people will mistakenly think that it is an ordinary flu:

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

Fever can reach 40 ° C, usually lasting 3 to 10 days.

Around the third day of illness, blood spots may appear on the patient's skin and mucous membranes.

In addition to high fever, hemorrhagic fever is also accompanied by the symptoms of "three pains, three reds":

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

Severe cases may also be complicated by uremia, kidney failure, intracranial hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, etc., if not treated in time, it can lead to death!

After xiaowa was infected, the symptoms were mild and the case fatality rate was low.


Is there a vaccine? Can my baby fight?

Hemorrhagic fever vaccines have been on the market for nearly 20 years, and can be given to people aged 16-60.

One injection ranges from 30-60 yuan, a total of 3 injections are required, the first two injections are spaced 14 days apart, and the third injection is spaced 1 year apart. After receiving a 3-dose hemorrhagic fever vaccine, the vast majority of people can develop neutralizing antibodies.

Babies under the age of age do not need to play in advance, do a good job of prevention work is enough!


Eating strawberries will cause "bleeding fever"?

pull! Naked rumor-mongering! Nothing to do with strawberries!

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

Even if a small amount of virus is really contaminated with strawberries, it is far from the amount and conditions needed to spread, and it will not cause infection.

Eat strawberries and wash them clean is the focus!


At present, there are already cases of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an and Luoyang, so how to prevent families with babies in other regions?

Rat control is the main measure to prevent hemorrhagic fever, so we need to do:

Kill rats

If there are rats in the community where you live, it is best to install steel security doors, or wrap steel plates under the wooden doors to prevent rats from coming in.

It is best to install nets on windows and use materials that are not easily bitten by rats to avoid rodents entering.

It should be noted that when placing the mouse trap and putting the poisonous rat bait, you must prevent the baby from touching and avoid accidental eating! It is also possible to seek help from a professional organization for rodent control and pestering.

The outbreak of "hemorrhagic fever" in Xi'an, the mortality rate reached 15%! The early symptoms are like a cold, why not?

Avoid entering areas where a large number of rodents live, and if you have to enter, you should be equipped with masks and other protective measures, and change and clean key areas such as clothes and hands and feet after leaving.

Susceptible areas, get vaccinated early

The incidence of hemorrhagic fever in the Guanzhong region of Shaanxi (including Xi'an, Xianyang, Weinan, Baoji and other places) is the highest, so be prepared in advance and get vaccinated!

Pay attention to dietary hygiene

Properly store the food to prevent food from being contaminated by rodents, it is best to put it in a special sealed grain barrel (box), or put it on the partition and keep it off the wall.

The water to drink must be boiled, and the leftovers must be wrapped in plastic wrap and fully heated before eating.

Do a good job of environmental hygiene

Clean up garbage and debris in time to maintain home environmental hygiene.

When cleaning places contaminated with rodent urine and feces, it is necessary to take appropriate protection: wear rubber or plastic gloves, and do not manually pound the rat nest.

Heating and chlorine-containing disinfectants can eliminate viruses, especially in susceptible areas, and the environment should be disinfected frequently.

Everyone must remember that it is necessary to achieve "three early and one"- early detection, early rest, early treatment, and nearby medical treatment!

We don't have to panic about hemorrhagic fever at all, as long as we do a good job of prevention in life, adults and children avoid contact with rats, there will be no problem!

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