
Delivered to the door! Argentina's main international introduced himself to Inter Milan, and ac Milan will be close to leaving

As the winter break draws to a close, Inter will continue their journey for the second half of the season. In the past half season, under the leadership of Inzaghi Jr., Inter has brought quite a few surprises to the fans. As things stand, Inter are once again the strongest contenders for the Serie A title this season. Compared with rivals AC Milan, Juventus and other teams, Inter Milan is not inferior to these opponents in the main lineup, and the team is even better in terms of the overall squad thickness of the team. Coupled with the fact that indignation between Inzaghi Jr. and the team has ended, the team's tactical system has been quite formed and running smoothly, which is a favorable factor for Inter to compete for the championship.

Delivered to the door! Argentina's main international introduced himself to Inter Milan, and ac Milan will be close to leaving

However, from the perspective of the schedule, Inter Milan will face a very big challenge in the next competition. In the next 6 league games, Inter Milan will continue to face strong opponents, including AC Milan, Napoli, Atalanta at the top of the table, and Lazio, who cannot be underestimated. It is foreseeable that these games will largely determine the trend of Inter this season, and will also test Inter Milan's quality in a real sense. If Inter's players can continue to be in excellent form and win 4 of these 6 games, they will almost be on the road to winning the title, and it will be difficult for a team to stop them. Conversely, if Inter do not perform well in this schedule, they will once again let the teams behind them see the opportunity to win the title, and the title competition this season will still be full of suspense.

Delivered to the door! Argentina's main international introduced himself to Inter Milan, and ac Milan will be close to leaving

Fortunately, many of the main players in the team have maintained a very good state, which is the biggest guarantee for Inter to continue to perform well. In the midfield position, Barrera's performance has improved a lot. This season, he has grown to become one of the best midfielders in Serie A, having delivered seven assists, tied for first place in the league assists list alongside teammate Char khan olu. He has created 9 fantastic opportunities in the league this season, which has left all the other players in the league unsatisfactory. What is even more remarkable is that the 24-year-old Italian international is not slack on the defensive end, whether it is an average of more than 4 times per game to take the ball back from the feet of opponents, or an average of 1.3 steals per game, which is a very intuitive demonstration of his good role on the defensive end. In the transfer market, Barrera's value has reached 65 million euros, making him the fastest rising player in Serie A.

Delivered to the door! Argentina's main international introduced himself to Inter Milan, and ac Milan will be close to leaving

In the wing-back position, compared to the relatively uneventful play of Damian and Dumfries on the right, the veteran Perisic on the left is in quite good form. The 4 goals and 1 assist in 17 games is impressive enough, and the performance of the best player of the game twice proves that the 32-year-old Croatia international is still at the peak of his career. However, in the renewal of the contract with the team, Perisic has not reached an agreement with the team for a long time, and he may choose to leave the team after the end of the season. In this case, Inter also intends to sign a player on the left side of the winter transfer window, while strengthening the strength of the team, but also able to take the initiative in the renewal negotiations with Perisic. It is reported that Inter Milan hope to sign Frankfurt midfielder Kostic in this transfer period. The capable midfielder is an all-rounder on the left with excellent passing ability, having scored four goals and 10 assists in all competitions this season and is worth €20 million.

Delivered to the door! Argentina's main international introduced himself to Inter Milan, and ac Milan will be close to leaving

In addition, a surprising name appeared on inter Milan's signing list, he is Argentina's main international Di Maria. This season, Di Maria, as the main player of the team, has contributed 3 goals and 4 assists in the league and Champions League, and is one of the best performers in the team. His contract will expire at the end of the season and the team still hasn't offered a contract extension that satisfies him. According to Italian media, Di Maria has made a self-offer to Inter Milan, hoping to join this veteran Serie A powerhouse at the end of the season. For Inter, Di Maria's prowess is unquestionable, but his hefty salary requirements and the age of 33 have made the team very cautious about this transfer.

Delivered to the door! Argentina's main international introduced himself to Inter Milan, and ac Milan will be close to leaving

In addition, in the same city opponent AC Milan, due to the performance of the first half of the season did not meet expectations, the team is bound to adjust the lineup in this transfer window. It is reported that the team wants to continue to renew Ibrahimovic's contract. However, objectively speaking, Ibrahimovic's physical condition this season has shown obvious signs of decline, and he has done nothing in many games. In addition, some players in the team who could not get the opportunity to play were also close to leaving the team. According to the Turin Sport newspaper, AC Milan have largely agreed with Empoli, with the 27-year-old André Conte very close to leaving the team for a transfer fee of 1 million euros. This season, André Conte did not get a chance to play. (The picture comes from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete)

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