
1-1 to 2-0! Guangzhou team set 2 great results, youth training blossomed: 2 new stars on the top, once received atletico invitations

The Chinese Super League ushered in a cold winter, the top giants Guangzhou team that won the Chinese Super League championship trophy in the past 10 years has experienced a cliff-like decline, and recently there has been a problem of unpaid wages, resulting in the departure of naturalized players in batches, and only Jiang Guangtai is still playing for the team among naturalized players. Because Axon, Luo Guofu and Alain are all naturalized internationals, the recent departure directly affects the next world preliminary competition of the national football team, and the 3 people will most likely not be able to catch up with the latest training of the national football team, and the national football team will also be the same as the Guangzhou team, and only Jiang Guangtai will continue to play with the team among the naturalized international footballers.

1-1 to 2-0! Guangzhou team set 2 great results, youth training blossomed: 2 new stars on the top, once received atletico invitations

At this stage, the Guangzhou team has begun to have no time to take care of the problem of naturalized players, and the primary goal of the team is to survive and strive to get rid of the financial problem in the winter window. It is reported that both Guangzhou Pharmaceutical and GAC are interested in investing in the Guangzhou team, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical intends to invest in the Guangzhou team, and GAC is interested in investing in Guangzhou City. Recently, the "All-China Class" lineup and youth training development of the guangzhou team's first team have made people see more hope, which is conducive to promoting the reform of the team's equity.

1-1 to 2-0! Guangzhou team set 2 great results, youth training blossomed: 2 new stars on the top, once received atletico invitations

After entering the championship group, although Guangzhou team could no longer compete with Taishan team for the championship, the team only lost 0-1 to Beijing Guoan in the first game of the championship group, and then started from the second round of the championship group to play 1-1 to Ping hebei team, until the latest round of 2-0 defeat of Changchun Yatai, Guangzhou team set 2 great results, the first, 6 consecutive rounds of Chinese Super League matches unbeaten, 4 wins and 2 draws; second, 5 consecutive Chinese Super League matches with clean sheet opponents.

1-1 to 2-0! Guangzhou team set 2 great results, youth training blossomed: 2 new stars on the top, once received atletico invitations

Achieving such a performance in an almost all-Chinese class, the Guangzhou team proved that its local players are still the first class in China, wei Shihao, Yang Liyu, He Chao, Zhong Yihao, Gao Zhunyi, Wu Shaocong, Deng Hanwen, Liu Dianzuo, Zheng Zhi, Yan Dinghao and others carrying the team forward. More importantly, the Guangzhou youth training has gradually begun to blossom, a number of new stars have been promoted to the top, of which 2 have achieved an outbreak, namely Tan Kaiyuan and Ling Jie, 18-year-old Ling Jie scored 2 goals in 8 Chinese Super League games, 20-year-old Tan Kaiyuan scored 3 goals in 9 Chinese Super League games, they are all excellent players cultivated by Evergrande Youth Training.

1-1 to 2-0! Guangzhou team set 2 great results, youth training blossomed: 2 new stars on the top, once received atletico invitations

According to the latest report of the well-known media "Sports Weekly", 18-year-old Ling Jie was outstanding two years ago. In 2019, Ling Jie entered the Evergrande Spanish Football School, participated in the U16 category of the Evergrande Cup Madrid Football Championship, scored 7 goals in 14 appearances; in August 2019, Evergrande U16 participated in the Hope Cup China Tournament held in Kunming, in the match against Atletico Madrid U16, Ling Jie scored twice, led the team to defeat Atletico Madrid U16, and then Atletico issued an invitation to Ling Jie to join, but in the end did not make the trip.

The good performance of the youth training and the first team means that the Guangzhou team will soon recover as long as it survives the cold winter. Reporter Feng Zhen revealed that the Guangzhou team received a 20 million relegation bonus issued by the relevant parties, which slightly alleviated the immediate problem. "Guangzhou Daily" said that the parent company of the Guangzhou team has stated internally that it will not easily give up the team, and players with contracts with the team can rest assured that they can continue to play football next year. According to such a situation, the Guangzhou team may execute the 433 equity, and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical and Evergrande are expected to become one of the shareholders of the Guangzhou team together.

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